Police Drones are here...

The Poklice Drones are here

  • Nice, I feel safer already.

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Maybe over downtown. Not in the suburbs

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • NO !!! On many levels. NO!!!!!!!

    Votes: 8 72.7%
  • Big deal, knew it was coming Zzzzzzz

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Montgomery County, Texas Sheriff's Office has become the first police agency in America to order a drone that could carry weapons.
Chief Deputy Randy McDaniel said, "I'm tickled to death," adding, "It's so simple in its design and the objectives, you just wonder why anyone would choose not to have it...
...And now, Chief Deputy McDaniel has been quoted telling the press that tear gas and rubber bullets might be added to the unmanned aerial vehicle... (courtesy:CBS News)

Do we want to live in a society where police do that?
How soon will they spread to a sky above you?
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Cops use choppers to chase/follow vehicles/crims, they are pretty expensive if you consider fuel costs, manning them etc. If they replace those choppers with drones, it would just reduce the overhead costs.
Cops use choppers to chase/follow vehicles/crims, they are pretty expensive if you consider fuel costs, manning them etc. If they replace those choppers with drones, it would just reduce the overhead costs.
Yeah, my sentiments...but maybe too cheap...there's that looming thought of a thousand of these being a military movement. Needs more analysis. Is this tantamount to an army in my yard? Constitutionally unsound?

First one I find in my yard is on the work bench!
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It will create component manufacturing jobs (not just the flying component, but camera, weapons, computer operations, operator equipment).

It will create jobs in operating the components. A pre-training for an applicant will require knowledge of police/criminal/civilian recognition, knowledge of computer game simulation involving shooting accuracy, flying, friendly fire, innocent by-stander recognition, street/avenue mapping recognition, normal environment obstructions (electric lines), urban tactical, etc.

Ideally, the operators would be required mandatory "real time on the ground", in the local environment they were virtually patrolling. To become familiar with the normal daily environment players and conditions on the ground.
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No robots. Get rid of weapon technology now! Sticks and stones WILL break their bones, no drones! C'mon lets riot!
I hear they're outsourcing the police to China as well. So, we'll have Chinese flying these planes around for us. How nice.

OR, I got an idea. How about we get rid of these ridiculous drug laws and change to competing currencies and *gasp* crime would probably drop to near zero as drugs would be legal and it wouldn't make sense to rob a bank. With all the jobs and economic prosperity the very very few BnE's would probably be handled by *gasp* local security firms hired on limited competing contracts by the local community's they service. AND YES, police would actual be a SERVICE with YES Ma'am no Sir as if they didn't they'd be quickly replaced.

Oh, but that would be like living in a free society and that's pretty much the last things most people want... I mean, did you hear, 1 Chinese out of 1.3 BILLION sold his kidney and bought among other things... an iPad. I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY STEVE JOBS!!! ROT IN HELL!!!
Robot Death Planes

Let us all welcome Droney:

Tom Tomorrow, This Modern World, May 28, 2012
(via DailyKos)

I knew this cartoon was coming; he's been tittering about it on Twitter for a week. I was trying so hard to not rush Droney into the discussion, but with law enforcement already salivating at the chance to start shooting people via remote, well ... I guess that was probably the rationale behind the cartoon, too.
Did you see the episode of "Harry's Law" when she shot one down with her shotgun?

No, I really don't watch T.V. Too many people on the internet are wrong to have time for it.

I was wondering if anyone got that... but it seems someone writing for a show must've thought of it as well.
No, I really don't watch T.V. Too many people on the internet are wrong to have time for it....
What time loss, when the TV is playing in the background of the internet usage. One gets total saturation.
What time loss, when the TV is playing in the background of the internet usage. One gets total saturation.

Can you imagine being saturated with Discovery Channel and History channel while trying to post as a skeptic on here? You'd be all over the board, posting one minute against a conspiracy theory while declaring we never landed on the Moon because a mermaid corpse saw a bottle on the Moon in Australia and ...
What was that? What was that? Did you see that? did you SEE that?!

Hang on, I gotta go reset the FLIR camera in the kitchen. Stupid ghosts are acting up again.
Waste of resources. There is no big need for these expensive projects to fight crime. These thing are made for wars, not civil disturbances. I'm sure the manufacturers are in cahoots with politicians on running up unnecessary spending in time of excessive national debt, 16 Trillion.

The most practical use for these is against a very chaotic population. We shouldn't be supporting a government that plans such things. They are obliviously planning for anarchy and disorder which means they do not have the answers and are not doing the job America needs to be done. How would you feel if they ask us to begin building prison walls around ourselves? Why do we want a government who has failed to have such power anyway? You give power to people who do a good job, not the job they are doing. If they do their jobs as government, the crime rate would go down, and things would be more peaceful, and economically balanced than now. And right now, we don't have a need for them.

They are a waste of money. Let's ban the spending on them.
Ok. Get ready for this. WE all go over here in our fantastic one world utopia, and you all go here in option B for all the criminals! With the robots...
I think it's an excellent idea:

1) It keeps our men and women in uniform out of harms way
2) A drone cannot "accidentally" shoot someone.
3) The person controlling said drone isn't in the line of fire and doesn't HAVE to make snap decisions on what to do to preserve his/her own life - as a result, accidental shootings (or unnecessary shootings) should be reduced.
4) IF the drone gets shot... oh well, it's a drone. It can be repaired or replaced. This gives the operator MORE time to consider if lethal or less-than-lethal force is required.
5) It costs less than helicopters

All in all, this is a GOOD thing. It keeps the "weapon" in the hands of those who aren't in the line of fire, enabling them to stop and assess a situation without the need for "snap" decisions that can go oh-so-badly.