Pleiades - The missing link

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
Pre- amble:
"Over the ages, many Cultures and nearly every culture had names, myths, and legends about the Pleiades. They represented the goddess Neith or the Divine Mother to the ancient Egyptians. The Chinese called them The Flower Stars and The Blossom Stars. The Hebrews called them Kimah. The Persians called them Soraya.

The Romans called them The Spring Virgins and The Bunch of Grapes. The Japanese called them Subaru meaning bright stars getting together, and, Hoki Boshi or brush stars because the Pleiades looked like daubs of bright paint. The Hindus called them The Flames of Agni. Old European names for them connoted The Hen and Chicks

The Aztecs, Australian Aboriginals, Columbian Amazons, Incas, Mayans, Native Americans, and South African tribes all had relevant folklore about them. In the northern hemisphere the springtime dawn rising of the Pleiades marked the beginning of both the farming and seafaring seasons; while, its setting in autumn denoted the seasons end.*

Andean farmers forecast rain based on their placement in the skies. When the Pleiades were conjunct the Sun in the spring, the Greeks began their summer sailing season and ended it when the Pleiades opposed the Sun. Occultations of the Pleiades by the Moon and other planets occurred frequently and were often viewed as portentous in ancient times.

Located within four degrees of the ecliptic, the distinctive Pleiades star cluster was showcased seasonally in both the northern and southern hemispheres. They were the first stars referenced in astronomical writings. The Pleiades were noted in Chinese annals around 2350 BCE; by the Greek writers Hesiod (the farmer's almanac Work and Days) and Homer (the epic poem The Odyssey); and in the Bible (Job 9:7-9; Job 38:31-33; Amos 5:8).

The ancient Greek astronomers Aratos and Eudoxus called them The Clusterers, listing them as a constellation. It was a Greek poet named Pindar who first named the stellar cluster the Pleiades after a flock of doves because according to Greek mythos Zeus turned the seven sisters into doves and put them in the heavens

Other possible Greek derivative words are plein to sail; pleios fullness or many; and, the name of the mother of the seven sisters, Pleione. When a French group of seven renaissance poets called themselves, La Pléiade after a group of seven Hellenistic tragic poets from Alexandria, the term became synonymous with brilliant group."

to add: the number Seven (7) is considered to be the number or wisdom

ok try this:

The story so far: [ in brief ]

1] A Race of people approach psychic evolution
2] Can't handle the trauma but have genetic engineering to remove the reason for trauma yet maintain psychic evolution.
3] Effectively castrate themselves and reproduction is now a laboritry exercise.
4] After many a millenia the race is facing extinction due to the lack of natural genetic processes unknown to them.
5] They seed a planet called earth so that they can harvest naturally evolving genetic materials to save their own arse. Using an "Arc" carrying genetic material for all animals male and female.
6] They maintain control of one section [ Egypt - Pharohs]
7] A slave [moses] learrns of their ability and gains the same, growing up as a son of a pharoh.
8] Moses manages to influence the pharohs into releassing the slaves
9] After comming to there senses the Pharohs army chases after the slaves but are defeated by the psychic ability of Moses who believes it as an act of God. [ parting of the waters ]
10] The pharohs decendents migrate to South America , Mayan, Aztec and others.
11] The decendents of Moses especially one Jesus H Christ exhibit extreme psychic ability but believe it to be the work of God through them.
12] The lineage of Moses goes on even today, scattered through out the world in the form of Jews, Christian and other.
13] The planet Earth has been harvested for human genetic material since it was first seeded over 10,000 years ago.
14] The Pleiadian race(s) [ of which there are seven] has transformed itself back to a more natural way. [On their home worlds.
15] The Pleiadian people [ our forefathers ] are about to reunite with it's offspring here on earth, before or on the 27th of December 2012.
Could it be that the Pleiadian race are in fact Human and in fact our forfathers and thus our missing link to our ancestory?
Could it be that the bible is a cryptic historical account of events that were beyond the comprehension of early man at the time of writing?
Are Humans destined to repeat the same genetic engineering mistakes that the Peiadian race may have made?

many more questions...

care to discuss?
have fun guys and gals...!:)
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So your saying Moses was a Pleiaden?
I am suggesting with the OP that every human was or is a Pleiaden however it was only the Pharohs that had the knowledge of their psychic potential.
That some of the Pharohs being a sort of governing group for the "grand genetic test tube" called Earth.
By being adopted by one of those pharohs' daughters Moses came to learn of his own potential. However because his personal and cultural philosophy was clouded with notions of divinity [ God ] he attributed those potentials to God.

The Pharohs of course would not be silly enough to try and correct that philosophy for the slaves, as it suited their purposes admirably.

Keeping in mind that the Pharohs had science [ mathematics etc ] where as the slaves could barely cogitate beyond superstition and fear.