Please take a look.........

Michael J.

Registered Member
I know that most of the people on this board are either atheists or agnostic, but please take a look at this site........

And remember to go to the discussions on their website for any questions or debates.

It just might answer a few questions.................
I guess it's nice that someone collected all of that silliness in one place. Was there anything in particular that you found especially probative?
Oh, and by the way. As i've mentioned earlier, please go to the sites "discussions" boards. There you will find much debate with your fellow atheists. :)
I have been here long enough to learn that atheists are a joke..Their master and teacher Cris and Tiassa are the most brainwashed peeps I know, losing common sense and normal judgment....NONE of the atheists here I talked to have common sense, NONE... no wonder why they are what they are.......
I have been here long enough to learn that atheists are a joke..Their master and teacher Cris and Tiassa are the most brainwashed peeps I know, losing common sense and normal judgment....NONE of the atheists here I talked to have common sense, NONE... no wonder why they are what they are.......

Please tell me your beliefs, whatsupyall...............
Nice site. I don't see much that's new on the side of theist argument though. The phrase "the only logical, but untestable reason" is used a lot...

It's better than some creationists sites I've been to, but the same fallacies. The newest thing, the proof of prayer in hospitals, doesn't seem to be too convincing statistically.

I'll read long as scripture isn't used as evidence.
Notes ...?!

Their master and teacher Cris and Tiassa are the most brainwashed peeps I know
Um ... huh?

Setting methods to test for truth. What untestable things atheists must believe...
This comes from the website above, the capsule for their article, "General Introduction for Non-Believers". The phrase "Setting methods to test for truth" is important to note here. Shall we explore those methods?

- I think that skepticism is good, even for a Christian, since there are many "Christian" ideas floating around that are either false or non-biblical. An excellent article on Christian skepticism can be found at John Cassidy's site.

- In reality, the existence of God cannot be proven or disproved absolutely. In fact, I cannot prove that you exist.

- I propose using the same standard that we use in science - the 95% confidence interval. If you set no standard for evidence, the tendency is to raise the standard for proof as the amount of evidence increases. The standard I propose is a 95% certainty that God exists (and a 5% certainty that He doesn't exist).

Interesting ....

- Not everything in the Bible is testable. The miracles of Jesus were reported by eyewitnesses, but the witnesses themselves are now dead. Non-believing witnesses also reported these miracles. Jews who did not believe Jesus was Messiah stated that they believed that His miracles were done by the powers of the devil (note that they did not deny that the miracles occurred).1 Therefore, I propose eliminating miracles from the body of evidence. Even if they seem unlikely (which is the definition of a miracle) this fact cannot be used to discredit belief. God, by definition is supernatural, so it would not be surprising that He is capable of performing supernatural miracles.

A-ha! So if we cancel out those things that are difficult or impossible to support ...? It seems to make the examination easier if you're pushing for a god-related result. Should we, then, presume divine miracles?

- Therefore, one should examine how a religious work (such as the Bible in the case of Christianity) describes the creation and determine whether this description is accurate (using the proposed 95% level mentioned above).

This works, but not for such an examination as this. When examining the philosophical content for integrity, one can employ this method. But if we consider, for instance, the numbers used to describe Biblical creation (sevens, for instance), there appears to be no specific methodology in employing numbers as mythical representations. "Forty years" in the desert is an interesting number, as forty has significance; but what of one-thousand (for one has asserted the truth of Genesis on the basis of a thousand-year figure, i.e. Adam's death) or seven or three?

Furthermore, I would ask, since the author at the website mentions "creation", which Biblical creation story to use? The first or the second? Or is this something we should--like the miracles--remove from the equation?

- In contrast, the God of the Bible had no father, but is eternal, existing in at least two dimensions of time.

Wow. Okay. The linked page off that will require some reading, but suffice to say the assertion is theoretical at best. So far, the stack of presuppositions is getting thick.

And that's all the time I have. I hope this has been a reasonable start for people. In the meantime, when I have more time that is, I shall give it another perusal and see what else comes up.

Tiassa :cool:
I fear I'll never understand whatsup, he claims to be a loving, respectful Christian, yet instead he insults people every chance he gets. The sad part is, I seem to understand Christ's underlying message more than whatsup, and I'm an atheist. :rolleyes:
I joined that forum, if only to see how they answer the genesis flood question. This should be good...
I thought the intro page of the website was pretty laughable.
For instance, he states that Occam's razor dictates you believe in a God universe over a multiverse. He neither acknowledges any other possiblity or realize that a God created universe is the more complex option.
If he could only use his brain to think on a larger scale he would realize that all the skepticism he shows to naturalism can be applied to a deity.
By the end of the intro, it is a pathetic attempt to get the reader to be 'saved'. It completely abolished any ounce of validity that the article might have contained previously.
That board is too dead for my tastes, the last post in one of the largest of the forums was on Dec, 20, 2002. I don't want to wait 2 weeks for my answer, I'll stick to sciforums.

Yes I agree. Whatsup does represent a good advert for the atheist perspective, and why atheists want to distance themselves from such people.

The downside to his continuing presence here seems to be that we are now short of genuine Christians who I am sure have been embarrassed to be associated with him. He does nothing for their cause but certainly strengthens the atheist argument.

There have been a number of complaints about him and requests for banning but I am certain most do not and cannot take him seriously. He represents a prime example of the very worst side of religious thinking: - insolent disrespect of other people, intolerance for others and their ideas, and a bitter hatred of anyone who does not share his perspectives. And I am sure most can clearly see his inability to apply logic or reasoned thinking.

While I have a significant distaste for Christianity I do know many everyday normal Christians and I have usually found them very personable and very pleasant people. Whatsup just doesn’t fit into that mold, and I am sure most real Christians would simply not recognize his claim to be Christian.
I agree, Cris. I think his methods have driven many other theists away from what could have been interesting debates. Many questions theists raise are valid ones, and while I disagree with their reasoning often, the discussion can be fruitful in allowing each side to see differing views. But insulting, assumptions, and plain disrespect for others destroys any post that has meaning. I don't mind at all his views. I mind his manner of transmitting's crude and pointless.

When other theists begin calling him on those methods, you know a line has been crossed.

That board is too dead for my tastes, the last post in one of the largest of the forums was on Dec, 20, 2002. I don't want to wait 2 weeks for my answer, I'll stick to sciforums.
Yup I saw your presence there and the post rate does look very low. They only have 47 registered users and all the arguments look pretty much the same as we have been examining in greater depth here for several years.

But I loved some of the claims for the illogic of atheist arguments; it looked like he was making them up as he went along. I could spend weeks just straightening him out, but with so much invested in such a site and with such overtly religious conditioning I doubt I’d be heard.

But nice posts by you though.
Saw this thread and just felt it was my duty to reply

Micheal J. -

I did find that site to be a fairly good read but it really doesn't tell me anything new. And because I know that my religious standings will never, ever change I found most of it quite humourous

Whatsupyall -

I have been here long enough to learn that atheists are a joke
One that you quite frankly do not get!

Their master and teacher Cris and Tiassa are the most brainwashed peeps I know
We have masters now?? Since when?? No offence to either of them but I do not see them as my 'master' nor my 'teacher'. I am my own master and my own teacher.

losing common sense and normal judgment
And you writing this proves to us the same about you

NONE of the atheists here I talked to have common sense, NONE
Hey, you forgot me!! I'm hurt...also we have Xev, Cris, Vienna, the list goes on and on. You have showed as much common sense as a lemming in a mood for jumping

no wonder why they are what they are
You say that like it's a bad thing

Ok, enough of that twat, I know that ignorant piece of sharshi won't reply to me, he's too much of a coward.

Man, I can't believe I avoided this stuff for a whole month. This is very funny!!
But I loved some of the claims for the illogic of atheist arguments; it looked like he was making them up as he went along. I could spend weeks just straightening him out, but with so much invested in such a site and with such overtly religious conditioning I doubt I’d be heard.

But nice posts by you though.

Thank you, I just hope someone responds, always eager for a good debate =)