Please read and debate


Registered Senior Member
In this world today man has no where to call his home, as politics take over the day today running of our lives we find that we have less to do with the way we all live together. Now is the time to take a good look into our hart’s minds and even our soul we need to step back and see where we are all going, and if we can change what’s happening in the world. We all look into our children’s eyes and hope that they will grow to be strong and healthy but that’s not what’s happening today all I can see in there eyes is hate and despair with no time for playing learning and growing. There is a new evil growing and there seems no chance of changing its path to destroying all of us. We are just like parasites on a dogs back we suck the earth dry of life and make it bleed we kill each other and blame religion for all that’s wrong in the world today . Its greed and jealousy not religion . We all want to live in the castle on the hill . Its time to pull down the castle and all live as we were meant to in peace with our fellow men and share all that we have to all men, or face God at the end of time. Look deep into your soul and see if you are pure of hart and can be honest with your self and say that you are a good person and will die with nothing that you are ashamed of that you have done with your life. God is all around us we breath him in every time we take a breath we are all Gods Children.
Pure of "hart"?

Are you some sort of hunting fanatic? :bugeye:
Very nice sermon, I do not suppose it is easy to get rid of greed and jealousy since they are part of the human nature for thousands of years. In fact our whole society exists partly because of these notions. It is the fault of the humans themselves that the world is the way it is. To realise your vision, or whatever it is, you have to change the people, not all will see reason, and there is more than one idea of a perfect world. Anyway, humanity is the main reason for all the problems, since god, religion, greed and all the other things are just the creation of men, it is hard to make him abandon it. They were created because humans are imperfect, perverted, corrupted and fearful. As long as these traits of the human species exist, there will always be hate, bloodshed and despair. I know I am quite a pessimist, but mankind always manages to prove my opinion.
Hey, keep up your dream and live it, perhaps it will change something.
Who? Me? I hope not, I just hate the greatest part of mankind. I would really like to blow them sky-high, including communists. They are not better than the rest, they are just corrupted in another way.
Eternal pessimists and naysayers certainly don't help mankind all that much.

Go out, eat some ice cream, and talk to somebody. Things are not bad, they are good. There is no gathering storm of evil preparing to wash the planet in blood and demonic orgies. You either watch too much tv or are having a bad week.

So lighten up, Francis.
It is not like I am depressed, I am just a nihilist at heart. It is not like going out, eating ice cream and talking can change my perspective and evaluation of the human race. Guess what, I just finished doing what you supposed, I would still say the same. If it would be so easy to change ones mind, discussions and opinions would be pointless, or am I mistaken? Also optimist do not help much either, do they?
I'm not saying it will help you change or anything. I meant it might make you feel better. You say you are a nihilist. Good, you can choose your own destiny.

"As long as these traits of the human species exist, there will always be hate, bloodshed and despair. "

These comments just seemed to focus on the downside to me. You are right, but there are also things about the human species that make being one really fun.

"If it would be so easy to change ones mind, discussions and opinions would be pointless, or am I mistaken? "

Well, as a nihilist at heart, I believe they are entirely pointless...from an objective standpoint at least. :)
christinaty is against homosexuality and it is a fact that gays are being persecuted in Christian countires. if you think Christians are tolerant then you are forgetting how "witches" were burnt alive, how non-christians were burnt alive, how people like Queen Mary of england (who was a catholic) burnt alive other Protestant CHRISTIANS for being in a different sect, have you ever heard of a crusade? Christians even went as far to burn alive people who though sciencetifcally. for example people who thought planets and starts were actual planets and starts that were like earth were burnt alive.

all of these events happen now aswell in christian countries (african mainly)