Please Name Scientific References establishing that 'HIV causes AIDS'?

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Valued Senior Member

James R said:
I believe this discussion has been had before.

Clearly, it is nonsense to deny the existence of the HIV virus.

What is the published scientific paper that establishes that AIDS is caused by a virus, and which published scientific paper isolated HIV from all other organic entities in the universe?

James R, this is a simple request -- your words have it "clearly" so, share with us your sources.

Luc Montaignier, et al Broussiand (sic), just got a Noble Prize for discovering 'HV". His paper in 1983 Science had an electronmicrograph claimed as being a captured "viurus". In an interview later in 1997 ("Continuum" 1997 Interview Luc Montaignier, Djamel Tahi), Montaignier stated that his team "looked and looked" for a virus but was unable to find any. The electronmicrograph was brought to LM's attention which he explaioned that the electronmicrograph was included for "educational reasons" - how does one spell scientific fraud in French?

Din't argue science, just give the reference.

:shrug: geistkiesel​
As I predicted, the HIV/AIDS denialist cockroaches are crawling out of the woodwork as a result of this year’s Nobel Prize for Medicine/Physiology. :rolleyes:
Look for yourself, geistkiesel.

I have no time to waste on you on this topic.
What published scientific papers establish the HIV = AIDS theory?:shrug:

If you search PubMed with hiv aids cd4 "t cell" you will receive 2961 manuscript references that detail peer-reviewed scientific research from all over the world.

I included the search terms cd4 and T cell in order to narrow down the list to papers that deal with viral mechanisms of action and pathology. If you search with hiv aids alone you get 86170 scientific references.

There’s a huge amount of published scientific work for you. All of these papers will describe in the introduction section the relevance of their experiments to HIV being the causative agent of AIDS.

This will be my final post in this thread because I already know you are an insincere vile troll who will not bother to read a single one of these references and will ignore whatever science is put before you. You’re interested only in pushing your objectionable agenda, so you’re not worth any more effort.
Pure ownage

If you search PubMed with hiv aids cd4 "t cell" you will receive 2961 manuscript references that detail peer-reviewed scientific research from all over the world.

I included the search terms cd4 and T cell in order to narrow down the list to papers that deal with viral mechanisms of action and pathology. If you search with hiv aids alone you get 86170 scientific references.

There’s a huge amount of published scientific work for you. All of these papers will describe in the introduction section the relevance of their experiments to HIV being the causative agent of AIDS.

This will be my final post in this thread because I already know you are an insincere vile troll who will not bother to read a single one of these references and will ignore whatever science is put before you. You’re interested only in pushing your objectionable agenda, so you’re not worth any more effort.

Pure ownage.
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