Please help save this womans life


Registered Senior Member
Support Amina Lawal

She is scheduled to be buried up to her head then all the males in the area throw rocks at her head for having been found guilty of Adultory in Nigeria.

Apparently it takes up to half a day to die, so Amnesty International via Oprah Winfrey has prepared this attempt to save her life :
Ok, if the Nigerian gov supports that...what's Oprah going to do, start an army? She's so sickeningly idealistic and sentimental it's not even funny.:m:
Oprah, ggggreat.

Hello, Nigeria? I'm Oprah. Yes, Oprah. I have a better system of morality than you do <i>and</i> a talkshow. Anyway, since we in the west don't punish adultery in the same manner we'd like you to change your laws. ..... No not altogether, just for this well-publicised case. Afterward? We'll go back to ignoring you.
Will that bitch stop trying to save the world with Western ideals?? I mean, Jesus Christ, that practice has probably been around Nigeria for a thousand years.
Will that bitch stop trying to save the world with Western ideals?? I mean, Jesus Christ, that practice has probably been around Nigeria for a thousand years.

I could kill my next door neighbour. It would be a big hassle, but I could.

Murder has been around for hundreds of thousands of years.

Does he still deserve to live?
"Let the one that is without sin cast the first stone"

Gosh I just love that saying. Anyhoo, you guys are pretty mean in here. She broke the law? She gets what she deserves?

Im glad that you guys are grateful for living in a civilized country and that you dont have to personally deal with these types of issues.:rolleyes:
At least Miss Bobbit gave a proportional response without casting a stone....
Na, just fueling the anger against muslim-religion and religion in general, after all we need some pretty motivated pissed off cristians before we send our canonfodder to Bagdad....
The world is know longer seperated. We now live in a global community. We know longer have the excuse that we do not know what is happening.
I mean, Jesus Christ, that practice has probably been around Nigeria for a thousand years.
Look at the motivation behind the practice. Its simply a way for the man to get his revenge so he doesn't feel invalid. Nigeria is a male dominated society, the stoning is a symbol of the powerlessness that the women of the country have.
Who really has the right to impose law if it is at the point of a spear? Since these laws are enforced by violence how justified could these laws be. If the enforcers must resort too violence for them to be upheld?
Originally posted by Empty Dragon
Look at the motivation behind the practice. Its simply a way for the man to get his revenge so he doesn't feel invalid. Nigeria is a male dominated society, the stoning is a symbol of the powerlessness that the women of the country have.
Can you support this broad statement?
Since these laws are enforced by violence how justified could these laws be. If the enforcers must resort too violence for them to be upheld?
All laws are ultimately upheld by the threat of violence - from spanking a child to capital punishment.

:m: Peace.
I should have chose my words more carefully. From my perspective I would say yes these are the apperent motivations. It is a statement from my perspective and I can be wrong. But logicaly I do not believe so. I would say that it is a self centered ego driven defense mechanism. The motive behind such a punishment is control. If one wishes to posses a women they must first be able to control her heart. Fear is usually the best method. If a person is consumed be fear they cannot follow there heart. Are they executing her because she is a danger to society and will harm many innocent if left to live? Our are they executing her out of there own fear?

Violence is a human concept, so are the laws of physics up held by violence. j/k:)
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