Please explain! (please please please)


feeling blu
Registered Senior Member
Sometimes, when I am sleeping - it seems to me like I am awake. I am in my bed and my eyes are open, but I can't move my body. Well, I can move my body, but it seems like only my "spirit" is moving.

I'll try to explain it better.

This morning, I was staring at my door from my bed and I decided to get up, but I couldn't. All I could do was think to get up, but I couldn't will my body to move. Actually, I think I did (at one point) go allthe way through the door and down the stairs, but never left my bed.

It can be quite unnerving when I am lifting my arm in front of my face so that I can look at my hand, but my arm is not moving. I can feel myself lifting my arm (or moving around in my bed; or even getting up) but I'm not actually doing so. It's like I'm paralyzed or something. Like I'm stuck inside my body and I can see what's around me, but I cannot move.

This mornig, I even felt myself get up and move around the room -stretching out my body and whatnot, but I was still in my bed. It is so hard to explain because it's like I am 2 selves.

One part of me thinks that I am awake and trying to move around and another part thinks that I am asleep. If I were to guess now, looking back on it all - I'd say that I was awake, because I can see my bed and the room vividly. I cannot move though, no matter how hard I try. Well, I feel my body move - but I can't see it move. That's the best I can explain it.

It really freaks me the F*** out and I need some sort of explanation. I only woke up this morning because I "screamed" as loud as I could and I heard (and felt) a low sort of growl in the back of my throught. Usually I can't make any sound at all. The scream was not futile, because it woke me up... but it certainly was not a scream.
Out of Body Experience(OBE) it's usually called. It used to happen to me quite a bit when I was a teenager, but I always got to excited or scared sometimes and would wake up before really enjoying it.
Hey it might be a wicked Lucid dream. Who knows? Maybe you're dreaming right now!
It's definatly weird when you think about the endless possibilities. Just don't
hurt yourself. :)

Basicaly what your doing is projecting into the etheral plain the dimention just higher than the physical, yet slightly lower than the astral, a buffer zone if you will). This plain (aswell as the astral sometimes)is in most ways similar to the physical plain, the difference is that simple laws of physics don't apply it is only your conditioned conception that gives you the illusion of body, forward tunnel vision and gravity, you can in this plain move through walls and fly. If you were to throw a shoe unto the roof when awake you could fly up and see where it is in the OBE. It is easy to project even further from here to the next (5th) dimention.

Apparently you have a natural ability for this, and should consider it as a great gift. There is alot of potential in being able to project conciously into the astral, among other things unlocking the very truth of your existence!

Next time this happens try to gently just get up and out of bed, if you manage this take a little jump as if you wanted to fly... you may be in for an incredible experience. :)

I know I sound like a psycho, but why don't you try and prove this for your self, ask a person in your house to place an object in another room and then go there when asleep and see where it is! Just an example, however for most simply the profound feeling of leaving the body is enough to convince them of the reality of the experience.
Is there a way I can make it happen again. I'm not sure I can have it happen - although I can remember it happening to me twice.

How can I force an OBE?
Originally posted by sevenblu
It really freaks me the F*** out and I need some sort of explanation. I only woke up this morning because I "screamed" as loud as I could and I heard (and felt) a low sort of growl in the back of my throught. Usually I can't make any sound at all. The scream was not futile, because it woke me up... but it certainly was not a scream.

As far as that growl goes, I just want to warn you to be very careful. I am not sure about this ethereal plain of which exsto human speaks (as I only know so much about OBE's), but I do know that on the astral plain there exists a great myriad of creatures, both with good and bad intent. I am speaking of everything from angels and faeries to dragons and demons. Sometimes these creatures can and will follow you back into the physical plain. Although they may not manifest physically, their influences in your life can become quite clear! Keep in mind that your power and defense is your mind. So know your own limitations and go from there. I personally won't mess with OBE's and the astral plains due to my own limitations. There is much more I feel I need to learn first. This may not be the case for you. I'm just asking you to take care of yourself.
Sevenblu, what you experienced is called the "mindsplit". Basically it is astral projection. During projection your consciousness splits into two seperate awarenesses. One remains with your physical body as a natural defense mechanism against harm while the other is free to explore higher planes. The wierd thing is you can be aware of both at the same time, impossible to describe to someone who hasn't experienced it, but you feel like two people at the same time! This happens ALOT more often than people realise. The thing is, most people just don't remember it when it happens because the memory of the half which remains in the body overwrites the memory of leaving the body.
There is an excellent book called "Astral dynamics" by Robert Bruce. A must read for anyone interested in projection. No hocus pocus BS, just a scientific textbook approach to astral projection. ANYONE can learn how! Its not a cheap book but trust me its worth every penny.:)

Just in case you're interested in a scientific explanation, here's one.

The experience you describe is quite common. It is called <b>sleep paralysis</b>. The brain normally switches off control of the body when you sleep, so that you don't injure yourself by moving around when you dream. However, sometimes people wake up and find that they still can't move their body. That part of the brain takes a while to switch on. Often this happens when you're in a kind of semi-dream state.

A lot of people find the experience pretty scary. Many stories of "alien abduction" can be traced back to sleep paralysis.
This mornig, I even felt myself get up and move around the room -stretching out my body and whatnot, but I was still in my bed. It is so hard to explain because it's like I am 2 selves.

I completely agree that sleep paralysis occurs but this in itself doesn't explain the initial feeling of duality when a mindsplit occurs. This is projection. Wait until western science catches up, then try and explain it...
what if someone suddenly 'woke up' in one's sleep only to find that one 'could not breathe'?
Re: Re: Please explain! (please please please)

Originally posted by maureece howell
As far as that growl goes, I just want to warn you to be very careful. I am not sure about this ethereal plain of which exsto human speaks (as I only know so much about OBE's), but I do know that on the astral plain there exists a great myriad of creatures, both with good and bad intent. I am speaking of everything from angels and faeries to dragons and demons. Sometimes these creatures can and will follow you back into the physical plain. Although they may not manifest physically, their influences in your life can become quite clear! Keep in mind that your power and defense is your mind. So know your own limitations and go from there. I personally won't mess with OBE's and the astral plains due to my own limitations. There is much more I feel I need to learn first. This may not be the case for you. I'm just asking you to take care of yourself.

The concept of different levels is like all other things all just differenmt conceptions induced by our mental conditioning, so you could say that there is initialy nothing that says 'this is the physical', 'this is the astral', 'this is the buddhic' etc. all the names we give them are just names and mean nothing. You might say that the astral is basicaly the same as the etheric so there is no point in confusing oneslef with the terms.

Yes you are right negative entities do reside here, however as the knowledge goes whenever we dream we are going into the astral plain subcontiously, when we project we are doing so conciously. So basicaly any harm that these entities are going to do us will be done when we sleep and dream anyway, so in a sense it's actualy safer to astral project because you are aware of their attacks and can wake yourself up or employ certain techniques which will get rid of them.

You can learn more at this site:
Negative entities....
We are surrounded by negative and positive entities all the time, be it in dreams or astral, to even our daily lives. And I believe all of them "good" or "bad" are about influencing, to get what they want or to help or guide you but all and all they both lead to the same thing... knowledge and knowledge protects.... take the good take the bad and thats secret to life.
The best way I think to feel more "secure" about entities is keeping yourself silent, just observe whats going on in your mind. How are you going to get influenced if your mind is absolutely quiet? It may be hard at first to just keep it quiet. Thats why its good to 'observe' i think cuz its like watching your thoughts or it might even be some entities thoughts, you may think your mind is going on on on but after a bit you know ur not the one making all the thoughts appear, instead of being subjective ur aware of the objective and thats the way of the the "whole". Thru silence you'll eventually find your true self thru realization with "FOCUSED INTENT" and after that, thats when things truly get more complicated. Ok im off track
but yea I believe keeping silent is one of best ways to feel protected from entities, and it will lead to more things.... well to me anyway.
Even in the astral realms it will help cuz things can change and even become real thru ur thoughts or emotions. Silence will help you disinguish what astral plain your on.

As for your experience of feeling like your moving in your body but your body isnt moving.... that happend to me b4. It happend thru a dream (good way to astral project is thru dreams) I was talking to this old man for a very what it seemed a long long time, like he was teaching me something cuz we were in a classroom. and then the dream turned lucid on me, and someone from a forum told me if you try to "see" people in dreams they will reveal their true form to you. But I tried to "see" this old man and he disapeared, which someoen told me good entities called "scouts" in dreams usually disappear if you "see" them, anyway the whole scenario dissapeared along with him.
But I realized after everything was gone I was in my bed... and I felt all tingly all over like when your feet falls asleep type thing mixed with goosebump feelings. I was aware of my body in the bed and I couldnt move, but in a strange way I felt like I was moving and it was strange cuz everything was pitch black, blackness with a depth too it. And my physical body was lying on my stomach and I could feel myself the "double" turning over. But I couldnt do anything at all. I was weighed down by what the hell is going on I cant I dreaming... I'm trapped inside...etc etc... I was like in a panic cuz this was something that never happend.
So instead of "acting" I was to busy trying to "understand" mind was too noisy. So see how silence can help? it will help you to conquer your fears of the unknown as well. Keep your serenity and silent calm thru awe.
As for that growl in the back of your head....everyone has one of those...

OH and an important thing if you observe your thoughts, dont judge them just watch cuz it will create a type of conflict so your not actually silent anymore.
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Originally posted by sevenblu
If I can get over the fear than what? Can I use it in some way?

You can use it for entertainment. I’ll take an interactive 3D movie any day over those in the theater.

How can I force an OBE?

Do a search on Google, or browse the New Age section of a large bookstore. Tons of info out there about how to have an OBE.
Originally posted by sevenblu
Sometimes, when I am sleeping - it seems to me like I am awake. I am in my bed and my eyes are open, but I can't move my body. Well, I can move my body, but it seems like only my "spirit" is moving.

I'll try to explain it better.


MY GOD, how good you explained it. Ever since I started with lucid dreaming, every LD I had (when I wake up) ends up JUST LIKE YOU DESCRIBED. In SP, it feels exactly as if I'm moving my hand in front of my face, but my body stays lame as a brick.

From what I know, in a "normal" SP, you both should feel paralyzed and be paralyzed. Apparently, it is not so in the case of sevenblu's and mine, as we are paralyzed but don't feel like it.

I never tried something as bizarre as TRYING TO GET UP when paralyzed, as I have never remotely IMAGINED that such a thing could work. When an SP occurs the next time for me... boy, I'll try out things.

Being a strictly scientific/atheistic person, I don't believe in souls and such sh*t (excuses go to all religious people). But if it turns out that I can walk/fly around at one place whilst my body is at another, my beliefs will get inevitably twisted...

I have an idea on how you could check if you've actually been out flying in the "real world" or if you've barely been dreaming.

Write a script that displays a random 6-large-digit number at another, hard-to-access computer in your house. Hell, even rig a motion-triggered webcam in front of it, just to be sure of things, if you're paranoid enough. Whenever you get an oobe, fly to the computer to check the number and memorize it. If it's the same when you check the computer in the morning... then, apparently, you have two bodies.

This is an interesting topic, really...
Originally posted by grapetonix
Being a strictly scientific/atheistic person, I don't believe in souls and such sh*t (excuses go to all religious people). But if it turns out that I can walk/fly around at one place whilst my body is at another, my beliefs will get inevitably twisted...

Be prepared for some twisting! What I do is try to sit up in bed. If I can feel my weight I lie back down and relax some more. If I can’t then I sit up and put my feet on the floor. I’m free at that point and can go exploring. I made a bet with a friend in another city that I could tell him what was on his kitchen table. I had a couple OBEs soon after that but for some reason it didn’t occur to me to check out his place, even though I was fully awake just moments before. The more OBEs I have the more I am able to analyze the experience while having it, so there’s hope to someday prove to myself whether or not it’s all in my head (there’s another possibility, that our reality is just as illusory as an OBE, in which case an OBE may be subtly different but still meet a definition of "real").

The random number idea is good too. There’s a doc who has such a device on top of a cabinet in a hospital emergency room where people often code and upon resuscitation sometimes describe a near-death experience, similar to but often more elaborate than an OBE. Nobody has yet reported that they saw a number displayed on the device.

My dad was a strictly scientific/atheistic person until he had a near-death experience, after which he wanted to die (he was in bad health). He said it was more real than here. Lots of people he knew who had died were walking across a field to greet him.

Your fear is telling you something.

Whilst we are all happilly trying to experience the extraordinary like forcing an OBE (forcing.....I can't believe it) we fail to realise that maybe , just maybe these experiences are supposed to be beyond our control and to force a situation could be rather tragic in it's consequences.

The fear you feel is saying to you your experience has a potential.

When I experienced the state you have mentioned I found the best way was simply not to try to move at all....just relax...take your time and eventually you will return to normal motor function.

Soul detachment can be a rather scarey experience and so It should be.

Astral travelling and the like is not supposed to be for our amusement. Rather it is essential that it not be.
While all the other posts are entertaining and all, James R's assessment of the scenario is accurate.
Originally posted by Quantum Quack
hey Wes, why is that?

do a net search for "sleep paralysis". you'll find he's spot on!

(and I know about it cuz I watch too much science channel)

of course, I must admit that nothing is absolutely certain. as far as I know this type of experience is understood by the scientific community, Jame's explanation is correct.

oh, and I was going to post the same thing, but i scanned through and saw that he had already posted it... so I just basically wanted to say "yeah, what HE said".


Here is the first page I came across on the net search:

Sleep Paralysis and Associated Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Experiences
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