Plant Auras



Just wondering about something I heard on Art Bell's show a while ago, about plants being experimented on with some sort of galvanometer.

It seems that these plants were hooked up to instruments, then one of the technicians cut one of the other plants and when he came back the plant that was hooked up, showed that it 'screamed' on the galvanometer. Any explanations?

Here's an idea from another post.

so if you did do a multi spectrim analysis would it include things like
Electro Magnetic fields
All percievable light frequencies
Gas and or particil in suspension/(air)
has ANYONE HEARD OF people trying to study frequinsey of the human bio electric system as a transmitting device?
in certain situations maybe the piggyback of pre existing electromagnetic currents, bringing a whole new meaning of the term psycho-symatic...(note this is a question not a statement)
All living cells produce an electric field however low in intensity. Some humans are able to see them a faint glow of different colors and magnitude. So with proper sensors, they can be recorded.

Sick people have lower magnitude aura (as per psychics) perhaps because, the cell metabolism slows down and hence the energy lvel goes down. The aura color changes perhaps because the frequecy shift due to the lower activity.

Just some thoughts. One of these days, when I setup an EMF isolated room, I plan to do some testing and use one of those aura readers to guide me to see if we can develop a gadget to heal people.
Originally posted by kmguru
One of these days, when I setup an EMF isolated room, I plan to do some testing and use one of those aura readers to guide me to see if we can develop a gadget to heal people.

Cool!! Keep us posted, either as you experiment or after you publish your findings.
It will take me couple of years though. I am too busy doing Enterprise Information Architecture to get food on the table and buy a few gadgets so that when things slow down, I will be ready to tinker. If anybody out there in our forum has access to high resolution CCD chips (5 MP or higher) and knows how to program the DSP chips, let us talk.