Planet X


Registered Senior Member
Today I was waching a show on Planet X it seid that Planet x was on the outskert of the sytmem.
what do you think?

The truth is out there.
I've heard that there is an indication of a planet in the tenth orbit, but that nothing has been verified yet.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.
Of course you haven't heard any confirmations or anything from those who "should" know. They want to keep it in the dark, until you have to rely on them for survival. If you KNEW that a large planet was to cross, and the problems it would cause, you would(I hope)prepare. This way when the troubles begin people will have no one to turn to except the gov't.
I wouldn't worry too much about a planet crashing into us...any one of the other planets could have done that already years ago...there's no reason for it to happen now.

If this planet was at all detectable by anyone, some respectable scientist would have gone and told the public by now...this isn't something you can just hide from people...we have telescopes in our backyards, ya know.
Hi ya

For another planet or any orbiting object to collide with earth they need to be on a collision course. i.e. their orbits need to cross. If the 2 objects orbit at different rates then eventually they will collide. I believe planet X is said to exist on the furthest outer limit of our solar system. Also its orbit is a very elongated elipse. The estimated orbital period is some ridiculouse thousands of years number (no mathematical or visual verification). Anyway personally I think this whole planet X thing is BS. Just another doomsday consiperacy. Also amatuer telescopes wouldn't be able to see pluto. Their flat out looking at saturn or neptune in ANY detail. In fact pluto was found mathematicaly BEFORE it was verified visually, but it doesn't matter cause there's no indication based in fact that would suggest another planet that WILL collide with earth.
The orbit is some odd 3,600 years. It is (supposedly) now visible in the southern skies. There is at least one site I know of that can tell you where to find it. The ancient Sumerians tell of the planet as do other ancient cultures. SOme people are to intelligent to consider that such people could know something that they don't. These are the same sncients who KNEW all that pluto was out there as well as neptune. They even knew the color of these worlds. There is no chance of collision. The orbit is well established. The fact that several scientists have stated that there is another body in our solar system, is documented. Their silence now only goes to show the lengths our gov't and indeed the world gov't at large will go to, to keep the sheep in line and the money flowing. THe only page that I would refer anyone to is, of all the pages and sites I have visited this is the only one that asks for nothing. Everything is layed out on-line. While I'm not sure I believe everything on that page it is worth a careful read. Z. Sitchen is also a good source, but you have to buy the books. But you can get a real GOOD feel for his books and ideas if you do a search with his name. Peace
We must have been talking about different things. The planet X I read about was a doomsday consiparcy. That the orbit of planet X was so elongated that it crossed earths path and soon the gravitational effects of the two planets being close together would cause a gobal event.

Sitchen?, isn't he the one with the wild
ideas about the origins of the egyptian monuments?

[This message has been edited by Rambler (edited April 26, 2000).]
Well yea maybe
I haven't read all of his books, I don't think he really discusses the pyramids all that much except in the pyramid wars, (which I haven't read.)
I haven't read anything about planet X hitting us, that truely is just a scare tactic.
Sitchen is very clear that the planet will not hit us. Now IT WILL cause massive problems, imagine a large planet passing between us and the sun not causing problems? Everything I have read leans toward the passage of this planet as the trigger for such events as THE FLOOD, and the events that surround THE EXODUS. Couple of years and we will know, one way or another. Here is a interesting site that gives a overview.

[This message has been edited by courtjester (edited April 26, 2000).]
Jester here is why I believe this to be BS (a quote from the article you refered me to):

"The most dramatic earth movements/cataclysms will occur in late Spring or early Summer of 2003. The North and South Poles will shift from their *current location. The 12th Planet will pass between the earth and the sun, approaching from below the elliptic (from the direction of the South Pole) and move in a trajectory towards the North Pole. As the 12th Planet passes by the central portion of the earth, the magnetic influence of the 12th Planet will be so great that its North Pole's magnetic field will cause the Earth's North pole to deflect away about 90 degrees. This rapid movement of the Earth's molten interior core will pull the Earth's crust along with it. The resultant earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, mountain building, mega winds, and tidal waves will be on a scale beyond normal reference or imagination."

If the period of this planet is 3600 years and the last pass was 2000BC then number 1 we wouldn't be here discussing the possibilities, and 2 if by some sheer fluke humanity survived then there would be geological evidense standing out like a sore thumb. A sudden 90 degree pole deflection is a global killer event......This event would be CLEARLY documented in fossil records and geologoical evidence. If there is a 10th planet its not going to come close enough to us to make THAT much of a difference. There is nothing to support such a drastic scenario.
There is evidence of magnetic shifts, I can't remember where to find it right now, but scientists found the evidence in polar ice cores. And if I'm not mistaken the books (Sitchen) states that not all passes have such a drastic affect on earth. That the effect it will have on any given passage depends on the location the earth is in when it passes. Just like a solar eclipse is not visable by everyone because it depends on the planets location during the eclipse. My understanding is that the last time this event occured was during the Jewish Exodus from Egypt, and that the events of those days could be blamed on the passage. Also as we look back further in history there are myths and stories of times when the earth stopped rotating for 2 - 3 days. These events supposedly occured on line with the times of passage. I really don't know if I believe any of it or not, it's interesting though. Also in Scientific America there is a report that states that a 'large body has been found, that it COULD be a member of our solar system and that it affects the orbits of the outer planets.' Several times this has been stated by people who SHOULD know. Why these stories disappear into obscurity is beyond me. But then so was the responce to the "Phoniex lights". (ie a person dresses up as a gray for a news interview.) Ancient texts that speak of days without sunset, ancient people with knowledge that we didn't have until just recently.. they point to SOMETHING unusual going on. What? I don't know. But the evidence is there. Like I said, just a couple of years and we will know.
Now some people say that it's a dead planet, with no life on it, some say it's a brown dwarf with and with out life, and some say it's just a hoax. BUT what if the Annunaki were on it and still are? I personally don't think they are there anymore. Really - if you could travel in space would you remain on a world that constantly needed gold added to the atmosphere? IMO
Look for a red dot in the constellation of Orion in October, where Marduk will enter our solar system.

it will be visible with binoculars then.
