Planet killer


Registered Senior Member
Does anyone believe that there might be some new disease out there waiting, sort of, until a typhoid mary finds it, spreads this new disease throughout the world and exterminates man kind? I'd like your input. :m:
At absolute worst it would kill 98% of mankind. History has shown the other 2% is going to allready be immune.

It most likely wont be even that bad. Any populated island is certain to declare quarantine after the disease strikes the mainland. A few of those are never going to be exposed too the disease.
Ya he is right... with the 6 billion+ of us not Nuclear war, giant asteroid or comet, global plague could stop us… rabbits

One out of every 2500 of us is immune to AIDS and one if 500 has some resisitance.
It depends on many factors of the contagious, how quickly it shows symptoms, how quickly it kills. If it's quick in all factors, shutting down transportation and letting it ride out is the safest way, but not most humane. If it spreads easily, but doesn't show up for a while, it could go anywhere.

Frank Herbert's "The White Plague" showed one way politically how the world would react...not pretty. Basically a "it's your problem not ours" attitude.
Have you ever read the short story (can't remember the auther) call "ALIS" it is about a virus that causes people to be empathetic. 2 scientists discover it and decide not to tell anyone and let the plague secretly benevolentify the world. In the end every person on earth is render a goody-two-shoes altruist and the whole human race lives in a utopia… now why can’t that happen?
i used to think about how to wipe everyone out (cause i was sick of how we are destroying this planet) and to do it you would have to have it be VERY virilant in the incubation period, kill quick but after a VERY long incubation

that way it would spread before we even knew it existed
what if we have a virus that infect everything alive - humans, plants, fishs, birds,bugs

it will finally reach the isolated island
Not if the island were say Mars! See there is good reason for space colonies after all!