Plainly tell (a quickly vanishing conspiracy)

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Behold, Christ vanish quickly! By the end of this breaking detail one should know what is meant by that.

But sink all this in FIRST, even if it begins to draw you as having been under deception:

"Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not."

^^Duh, it is implying THERE IS NO CHRIST. Whether one words it with HERE or not, IT IS TRUELY NO CHRIST. And get this, it is implying from the very Source which did in no way say It Itself is Christ.

"For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many."

An I? The "I" (note: any and every "I" is The "I") is no Christ, but is the false Christ. It means there (or here) is no Saviour, and that it been no Saviour. So don't expect Christ in any way, shape, or form, except fictionally and falsely only.

In my name (ego)? And it is implying the "I," not the "ego", is the false Christ since the saying itself has deception the Source is afixing into it. And yeah, an ego can't help but behold the work the "I" give. So anything false is meant false by the Source. And the false is meant temporary. But the Source tells it PLAINLY that such Its ego put in the false among the true, since the Source has it our task to sever the tares (false) from off the wheat (true), and put the wheat (true) into storage (the better storage barn is one's own heart and mind), and then burn those tares (false) like bad crops or bridges.

One, ask oneself if one is needing a Christ when an individual such as oneself is not subject to circumstance. Though it seems like it is circumstances, it is only temporary how one should gain back direct knowledge on the false matter, even while in their own doing.

Question A:

Religion is indirectly one's temporary conspiracy against oneself, I.

^^Does one agree with such statement? Does any artificial (false) individual disagree with such?

Question B:

Do you still believe there is a Christ after it is confirming it is not one outside any fictional one or make-believe one or false one? If so, where is such a Christ, and what is it doing as we speak since if it is true some matter must have it occupying it?
Reinforce confirmation

Tell me...

Do you believe it (here or there) is a Christ? If so, why, since it (the Source in a source) is saying believe IT (here or there) not?! And if Christ is not here or there, then where? Only other words that is beside implying "here" or "there" for where is? Gone! Nowhere! Or else the implication can get easy stated in this way: "here not" or "there not." Ha!

No context can break what I say. Since when can someone go outside of both "here" and "there?" You only reinforce "Christ vanish quickly!" Plus, if a savior vanishes, then it is no saving, but a result of a deletion. And we all know deleting implies a desolation did occur. Which then confirms the abomination of desolation standing where IT ought not. Um, the result of a deletion it can only mean, concerning the Christ. Or, it can mean standing in the false related (literal imagination, literal fiction). "Ought not" is an expression like saying, "O, he better not turn out to only stand in fiction."

One should not give oneself a life sentence over Christ that turns out NOT anywhere truely. Believe it is in the false senses (imagination, fiction), is OK. But believe it is in the true sense(s), is not OK. Even the literal writing sense (which is also under "here") implies it is not true just for even if you do take writings in a book as though literal in of its own way. So it is no literally true Christ anywhere.

So ask oneself what is a fictional character doing standing in the deemed holy place (Religion which heavily influences the mind on what the gospel writings must only can mean). Ha!

And understand that if Something saves Itself, then It will not better (advance) Itself nor add additions within Itself. Meaning, if such been the case, then that Original Something would actually be presently no We nor Our, if It is originally responsible for the We and Our experience for experiences. So a Savior thought to save Itself surely from the Devil is only understood as crawling into a corner and giving Itself a Life Sentence just to stay SAVED. Why confine oneself? Why damn oneself with fear of circumstances? Anything or anyone saved stays the same (position, thought, etc. wise). Talk about killing the mood with oneself when at a stand still with no expanding or elevating. Dont save oneself into doing nothing when one is something with infinite surely. But you dont hear me, and you prefer no elevation in knowing more or all when it comes to different type truth you're yet unuse to. Why give yourself a life sentence like that? Ask you alone these questions though.