Pilot Calls Non-Christians "Crazy"?


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
The world's true antagonists are fundamentalists – Muslim, Jew, Christian or any other. People who rely on a single book to guide their lives, even if the book is 1984, are seldom to be trusted.

When I worked for Honeywell, I got this stuff at work almost every day. People were really aggressive about wanting to know which church I went to and exactly what version of their fairytales I believed. They constantly insisted I visit their church. They'd bombard me with theological emails at work, trying to engage me. I felt like I was surrounded by relentless sharks who had sniffed my blood. Quite unpleasant, and it's apparently getting worse and worse
An American Airlines pilot asked Christians on his flight to identify themselves and suggested the non-Christians discuss the faith with them, the airline said. The case was handed over to the airline's personnel department for an investigation, spokesman Tim Wagner said Sunday.

"It falls along the lines of a personal level of sharing that may not be appropriate for one of our employees to do while on the job," he said earlier. (Full text here)
Part two of the saga will likely begin with this loony pilot claiming that American Airlines is trying to suppress his religious freedom. He will probably sue them if he is fired or reprimanded, and settle out of court for a plane-load of money.

:m: Peace.

"American 34, turn left heading 150, descend and maintain 6000"
"Approach control, American 34, left turn heading 150, out of twelve for six. By the way, what would Jesus do?"
I would imagine there's some protocol against "unnecessary" use of a plane's communication systems, even if it's just the P.A. There was a huge brouhaha back in the 80s when Ozzy got up in the middle of a flight and belted out "Crazy Train" over the flight attendants' P.A.

In the meantime, just remember that our whacked-out legal system, if it gets too far out of hand, will result also in a tangle of civil-rights lawsuits by passengers against the pilot.

"Next up on Coffee Talk With Captain Ron, captive audiences--good or bad?"
Welcome aboard Christians:

Welcome aboard passengers on our American Airlines flight to St.Paul's judgment throne. In order not to waste valuable diner platters we will ask all the Christians onboard to raise your hands, and to all those who aren't "your crazy", and we will ceremoniously kick you off the airplane, you SINNERS! MUHAHAHA!!!


You ought to be ashamed of yourself!

As passengers please:
look around at each other and use the flight wisely or just sit back and watch the movie.

Want peanuts with that?
Well at least as a catholic I know I wouldn't be ostracized, but I bet you that pilot was a stinky protestant.
Has the climate in America gotten so bad that the only time evangelical Christians are able to get a word in over other religions, and those damned atheists, is when the only alternative is dropping 50,000 feet to your death?

Seriously, they've got their man in the Whitehouse, is there any need to re-introduce religious extremism and airplanes to one another again? I thought that was a mix people were a bit tired of at this point.
In my opinion, by their own morals, evangelical Christians should not be airline pilots. If the rapture occurs mid-flight, then all those poor sinners will plummet to their deaths. Sure that’s not as bad as a plain load of Christians falling to their doom, but I don’t think even evangelicals are supposed to hold such malicious grudges.
I used to work in a book store, and I’ll tell you, those Left Behind books are some of the most hateful awful spew ever to be set down on paper, but damned if they didn’t fly off the shelves. It seems like the world is just in the mood for radical extremism. This leads me to believe that I aught to become one of those survivalists, try to keep clear of civilization and its various nutjobs.

It would make a better story than "The Langoliers."
Now that would be one flight that I'd be asking to be let off. Stuff calling family and friends on the ground, I'd be looking for a parachute. I just like this bit:

Austin said no passengers raised their hands.

Honestly! I don't blame the passengers for not putting their hands up. By doing so might mean that they are aligning themselves with the crackpot flying the plane. In this instance, it's a safe bet to say that silence is golden.

"Just given the history of what's happened on planes in this country, anything can happen at this point. So we weren't sure if something was going to happen at takeoff, if he was going to wait until JFK (John F. Kennedy) to do something," Austin said. "But there was definitely implication there that we felt that something was going to happen."

Passengers complained to the flight attendants, who relayed their concerns to the cockpit and who then reassured them they had nothing to worry about, Austin said.
Yeah huh, cold comfort to the passengers who've just heard the pilot from the cockpit spout all that crap. At least he didn't tell them to start praying :eek:. What the hell kind of pilot tells his passengers something like that just before take-off? Here I thought they only told passengers to enjoy the flight :rolleyes:.
Bells, would you mind explaining how you can enjoy the flight, I mean TRULY enjoy it, without christ in your heart?