Pikachu or pikaboo?

Pikachu has posted only 12 times so far. But the only comprehensable uttering has been:
"Pi...ka...CHU!! (electrically destroys the M60)"

Maybe it helps if we say "Ni!" to the fluffy creature.
I think that Pikachu might be the same person as Jimmy Nuetron....only a thought. the best thing to do with these type of posters (that have nothing interesting or educated to say) is to ignore them.

*edit - spelling
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Oh, I didn't know it was a member. I thought you were talking about the real Pikachu. :) I just wanna grab him and cuddle him..why don't we have pets like that?

I was referring to the member, not the cartoon character.

Bebelina, Iit would not surprise me if they are developing a real pikachu-like pet in Japan right now. I still would prefer Meow, at least he is capable of intelligable speach. Hmmm... then again, would it still be a pet and not a room-mate?
I do wonder if it's another account of an existing member. :p

But can we please stop talking about a/the "member"? :eek: :rolleyes: :p
if Bahamut was real i would ask him to burn picaa whatever it called..

he/she never say any proper words
I just wanna grab him and cuddle him..why don't we have pets like that?

If we develop genetic engineering to a higher level, I don't see why not. The electrical jolts would be a little wimpy though.
