

Master of Puppets
Registered Senior Member
A strange pile of bird poo has been growing on my window sill lately.
I suspect.....pigeons. I actually saw two pigeons sleeping on my window sill one night.
Are there any chemicals against pigeons out there?

I don't usually molest pigeons, but I'll make an exception for these two.
If you don't want seagulls crapping on your houseboat you stick a statue of a pelican on the roof.
I think this works with any smaller bird, get a statue of a local large bird like a hawk or something. I don't think it really matters, any large bird.

If you MUST kill them, shoot them, don't you dare poison them because you will be in affect poisoning thousands of other animals including rare birds of prey.
Think a little bit before you do things.
No, I don't mean to kill them! I love pigeons.
I need something that will scare them away, like a chemical.
That pelican thing might help. I'm not sure where I can get a pelican statue around here though.

I appreciate your help.
Pellicans? Really? Cool.

Hehe... a blooper show I remember had a pelican with a distressed pigeon in its mouth. No relivence, just funny.
Check the Audobon society, or some other such organization. They should know what you can do.
putting a statue of a large owl will deter many smaller birds, as well as many small mamels, such as squirells.

If you put two large discs, painted to look like eyes (big and white, with 1 black dot each), in your yard, canadian geese won't land there.

Pigoens are notorious, as they have evolved to live with people. One thing you can do is install a slanted peice of metal (45 degrees or so) along the window sill. If they can't perch on the lege, they can't poop on it either.
Combs, with teeth about 1-2 inches apart and 5-6 inches long also work. They use them on airplanes in outdoor displays to keep birds off the propellers and such.
I feel you Gerbil, I've had some truly sickening experience with pigeonpooh. But stay calm, there is actually an easier way to get rid of them than to snipe them down. Try putting up a thread outside the window, preferably made of some transparent material so that it won't annoy you. Fishingline will do. Tie it up so that the evil pigeons can't sit down, and you're set.

Good luck!