physics has only one real law



Physics has all sorts of laws and rules but they all change depending on what physicists want to organize for their laws.
There is only one law or rule that physics has that does not change. Physicists call it their Uncertainty Principle.

This Uncertainty Principle is physics only real law.

Physic’s only real law, the Uncertainty Principle, is also Thermodynamics’ only real law. It was discovered over five-thousand years ago but only recently has it been translated into words that are simple enough for modern physicists to understand.
The only law of both physics and thermodynamics:


The Uncertainty Principle is just this only-law that tells us that the moment physicists think they have found order in their seeking this Uncertainty Principle turns this apparent order – which they think they have found -- into disorder, or, at best, a probability-cloud.
Over 5000 years ago, sages around the Indus River discovered this Only Law of Physics which they would hand down to us in the form of a “not-two” called Advaita.

Advaita tells us that there is only one Reality which is timeless and changeless and perfect, and is NOW. Seeking order in this NOW is an exercise in futility because NOW personifies the perfection of order because it is not only timeless and changeless but it is so utterly perfect with its order that this supreme-order of NOW is beyond any disorder or duality that needs some sort of name and form, language, the mind.

The only apparent purpose for this seeking is to find the limits of futility that Awakens the seeker with the Realization that seeking is a disease because “seeking order is the only disorder.”

This Awakening these sages called Self-Realization: NOW has nothing to find or seek because there is no other.

-- just words
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Advaita tells us that there is only one Reality which is timeless and changeless and perfect, and is NOW

It is like saying the only truth is that God can not create real dollar bills. (because they will be fakes).

The same thing can be said for Yesterday, or any point in the past, because a slice of past time till present is always changesless, timeless.

Perfect? that is debatable. Perfect is in the mind of the beholder.

There is only one reality - that is reality that you percieve, since you can not percieve any other and hence absolute reality is unknowable.
Although this is slightly off-topic I couldn't help but share a joke:
(ripped in essense from some general jokebook, but with a little rewrite from memory)

Heisenberg one day is speeding through the Cambridge Countryside to get to a Lecture on time, however in his haste he neglects to notice a policeman sitting in his car at the side of the road.

Within moments the policeman pursues Heisenberg and uses the flash from his light to inform him to pull over. Heisenberg complies with the policemans request and pulls over to the side of the road.

The policeman strolls over to the drivers side window and asks Heisenberg, "Are you aware what speed you were travelling at sir?".

With that Heisenberg replies, "No, but at least I know where I was going".


Only those that understand Heisenberg's Principle of Uncertainty will get the joke.

As for adding to the original post, I'm a firm believer in "Causality" so much so it effects what I write and when I write it. If I felt that what I write here was too difficult for someone to digest, or could be interpretted in too many different ways, I become uneasy enough to decide to delete the post in it's entirety. (Thats my post not the thread.)

I suggest it's causality that makes me do this, because there are many ways I could structure a sentence/paragraph and many different things I could add into /subtract from the content. There is then the time I take to write and post, every instance of time is potentially a different person viewing the post displaced by how long I've taken.

for instance if I posted it five minutes sooner, someone else might of read this post instead of a different post, or decided to go out earlier than what they have after reading this. All those instances have the potential to generate "Chaotic paradoxes" however their is one Fundemental fact, for it to be a true paradox, I have to have been submitted to a paradox to begin with causing a "Butterfly Effect" of paradoxical interaction.

I suppose in total my point is that Physics has more than any single law or rule to bind it, But thats because of the magnitude of the features of the whole known universe and the number of the people over the centuries that have chosen to endever to better understand it for not just themselves but all of us that would eventually read their works.

Physics is a kaleidoscope of thoughts, reasons and of course Experiments, fractalised by the ever changing concepts, realisations and technologies.
What a hokey pile of Dribble.

First of all Humans have a Fractured sense of reality, why?, because what we percieve is flawed, you cannot see what is around you as the reality of it is, did you know for example that leaves that look green to you or I can have other colours and patterns on them that insects can see as an attractive landing strip, an ultraviolet world that we see nothing of, not to mention that we see only a fragment of the Electro Magnetic Spectrum, and neither you or I can see the microwave background radiation of the universe, nor can we hear the vibration of molecules or feel the electrons that we touch, because "Real" matter never touches, only the repulsive forces of the electrons keep your hand from falling through your keyboard, and the cold of space What Space? you ask, the gap between every atom in your body where the magic of zero point energy could live what of that, humans are a cloud of probability and though we think we are so "real" we are as spread out as stars in a galaxy, the laws of physics are absolute, just we small beings still thinks the world is flat that is all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So youre saying in some circumstances science can be an over-rationalised quest
for nirvana. interesting.

A few posters seem to believe that there is no absolute truth only perception, im not sure ive made my mind up on that one yet, infact i probably never will.
Thought I'd add my view on this for the sake of it.

Both Laws in the original post require a closed system. The idea that entropy always increases depends entirely on having a border. As no such border has been found, the law is subject to disproval at any point.

The Uncertainty Principle is all about measuring things and adding a guarantee to your answer. Just because it can't be done today doesn't mean it can never be done. Because the way we measure things moves the thing we're measuring doesn't mean that this will always be true. After all, they do it on Star Trek in nearly every episode.

I think the only true Law of Physics is 'People will always be interested enough to find out more tomorrow than they know today.' In a closed system, this violates the entire principle of entropy - bringing order to chaos.