I remember reading something about this. See
Planck's Mystery Cosmic 'Cold Spot' Could be an Error:
"One of the more exotic explanations for the cold spot is that it could be observational evidence for the “multiverse” — a hypothesis with roots in superstring theory where our universe exists in an ocean of other universes — and the cold spot is caused by a neighboring universe pushing up against ours. Unfortunately, the feature might not even be real".
As a layman, and in regard to a lot of layman level research in the last couple of days, from the papers I am reading, there are several avenues under study, but the issues of wide angle (hemispherical) asymmetry still seems to concern some professionals. Look at all the papers since 2013 that address the WMAP/Planck data. Those corrections to remove the wide angle anisotropies often skew the small angle date beyond recognition.
Of course there is the peculiar velocity, and how to accurately quantify it relative to the rest frame of the CMB, distant galaxies, relative redshift, Hubble's constant, etc. Then there is the masking used to mask out things like the plane of the Milky Way and large sturcture, dust, etc. Also there is the issue of the small angle anisotropy that is disproportionately affected by the sharp edges of the masking, which when smoothed can eliminate some of the anomalies at the larger angles. When all of these things are quantified, after a series of "if this, then that", the dipole asymmetry and cold spot can be explained away with, they say, 95% confidence.
I'm still working on getting and keeping up with the latest consensus, but my guess is that there is more data that has to be analyzed, and future sky surveys that might bring new data, so I will keep looking over time. There is the old saying, "What you see is what you get", but we must keep asking ourselves how we define "seeing".
The bottom image and the second from the bottom are the same data, smoothed for all the adjustments. The large scale anomalies are highlighted in the second from the bottom image, to show that there is still some remnant of them in the smoothed data, as I understand it.