Photon Theory

Vern said:
My thinking has moved away from the standard physics model over the past 50 years or so and I like to see how close others have come to my way of thinking.

I spent a few seconds reading this blog, and found it terribly wrong. I have run into many people on the internet claiming that all phenomena can be reduced to electromagnetism, aparenty in some ill-fated attempt to save Einstein's legacy. (Einstein was pretty smart, but everything he did in his later career was wrong because he never accepted quantum theory.)

The standard model (SM) is so fantastically correct that any modifications to the SM must be at levels of parts per trillion, as the precision data confirm the nature of the interactions to this level. In this sense, I (or any other physicist who works in the field) should have NO problem moving ideas like this quickly to the Pseudoscience pile. Ideas like this almost aren't worth refuting.
I spent a few seconds reading this blog...

LOL, a few seconds, followed by judgement. From a man who makes a living from pseudoscience String Theory, and talks earnestly about crackpot Time Travel. You should change your subtitle from Crackpots Debunked to Forums Killed.
BenTheMan said:
Ideas like this almost aren't worth refuting.
Maybe that's why they have never been refuted :) We moved to QM without ever showing that nature was not entirely EM based.
We moved to QM without ever showing that nature was not entirely EM based.

Hi Vern---we tried that. Lord Rayleigh and Wein (in the late 1800's) found equations governing blackbodies, which they found blew up outside of the useful ranges. This problem wasn't solved untill Boltzmann quantized the IR radiation and came up with the Blackbody equation.

And if nature is "entirely EM based" (which I can assure you, it's not), that doesn't preclude QM.

The fact is, Quantum Theory has never been shown to be wrong, and Quantum electrodynamics (QED) is confirmed by experiment more accurately than any other theory that man has ever come up with, INCLUDING classical electrodynamics.
Computer Science. It's the low brick building with the banner. The Maths Tower to the right, where I had some lectures, has now been demolished.


This is the view of Manchester from the Maths Tower. It's quite an old picture actually, there are more highrises now. Do you know anything about Manchester University? Or Manchester? I suppose you think it's some hick little place where people lerarn about philosophy and football. Jeez, you really are a grade one jerk.

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