Photo Reading

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Registered Member
I was just listening to the program on the radio, so I checked it out on the Internet via and typed "Photo Reading" and it came right up as the second item. I opened it and read about it...seems very interesting. The Hefty $250 for the ordered version and $750 for the seminar is quite frankly more then I can afford as I am a DeVry Student at this time. What the photo reading program offers is really very facinating. As it looks, it would be a very worth-while investment. However, if anyone knows of a less costly version...or another place to get it, let me know.
Thanks alot.
Call (800) 894-8359. I picked up this number from an infomercial on the radio (870 AM in S.CA).
They charge $199.- + S&H total = $219.85.
Ordered it Dec. 26 2001. Still waiting for delivery. They said it will be 2-3 weeks.

Hope this helps.
Scam alert

I just took a look at their web sit and it has bullsh*t written all over it. They make wild unsubstantiated claims such as this one:

"Your conscious mind can handle seven pieces of information at a time, while your subconscious mind can handle a staggering 20,000 pieces of information. "

C'mon. Where did they come up with those numbers? Couldn't they have provided a site? This is the Internet after all - it's not that hard to do.

They claim to have 200,000 satisfied users, but do you know of a single one even indirectly? Don't you think that something that produced such astonishing results would have made at least a mention on TV or the newspapers?

Save your money.

Bill Norton
Austin, TX

I have posted here earlier relaying my experience with PhotoReading. This link had me looking at

I have ordered the course from subdyn and went through it too.
PhotoReading is definitelly a copycat. The concept is the same but subdyn is more comprehensive and is taught much better.
This is a skill that takes practice to master. Once you have completed the course, you will probably still not be able to flip pages at a page a second and feel like you have read the book in the normal way. This will take much more practice and getting-used-to. Subdyn course explain this and lays out daily exercises you should do for at least a month after copmleting the course.
It takes work. No magic there.

There is a discussion group dedicated to subdyn, started by a person who took the course and wanted to get the word out.
This is a good platform to ask questions about this course and recieve replies from people who have taken it.
7: The magic number

Hi everyone, about the fact that our conscious mind cand handle 7 piece of information at a the time, it is extract from a book "The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information" by george A miller who (in the 1950's) spoted that our short-term memory can retain 7+/-2 units of information (where a unit can be a letter, a word, a phrase etc...)
But the other number (20k) for our inconscious mind is just.... ad bullshit (imho) ;)
just like the pseudo fact that our mind can store 20 teraB of information, no proof, just speculations
we cant even locate a clean distinction between what is conscious/inconcsious (in a neurobiologic way) so before measuring it .......:bugeye:
A good page about the number 7:
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