I agree with:
"It was the arrogance of this countrie's 'protectors' that permitted a sophisticated operatiion like what happened on 9/11 to be so successful at using this countries resources against the symbols of this countries 'power'."
I disagree with:
"Oh, I see, it was OUR fault. Thats pretty funny. But Im not buying it. It was a bunch of people with different beliefs than ours that think we should all die because we dont believe in their god. "
It was the United States fault, and I think it's quite sick that you see humor in it. I think that the United States should pull away the cloud of ultra-nationalism that has been covering their eyes and take a look at how ridiculous and just plain damn power-hungry their foreign policy is.
I could rattle of tons of examples, the Mexican situation with the Zapatista, the testing of atomic/nuclear/hydrogen bombs on remote islands inhabited with only aboriginals (way back in the lovely Cold War), the bombing campaigns in all kinds of poor countries (if Osama was a little pissed that the US bombed a key pharmacy, would you consider that evil?). What about their role in the Gulf War, in the Israeli/Palestinian (sp) conflict.
The US foreign policy is to stick its nose in every orfice in which it doesn't belong and to ensure that only activity that somehwere along the line is in self-interest is conducted. For example, as long as war is being waged in the Middle East, will their infastructure ever be developed enough to take total advantage of their huge oil deposits, thus taking an even larger chunk out of the oil trade than the US?
I do not agree with ANY of the terrorists means of acheiving their goals, violence is evil; being upset with the US however, perhaps is not so evil when you have lived under the skies that you have watched them scorched.
Religion does play a fairly large role in this situation, but not in the way that has been described in my latter quote. I think the terrorists do not see this "holy war" as a war between Islam and The Rest of Religion, but rather moral conduct and immoral conduct. I believe they see little moral virtue in the US conduct(and sorry to tell you this, but they have a better perspective of US foreign policy than most of us), and thus feel it is their MORAL DUTY, as defined by a divine force of goodness, to cleanse the world of immorality. I hope you understand this.
I truly think that the US brought this on themselves, they should admit it, and hopefully a global change will sprout out of all of this. Probably not though, war is easier to wage than virtue.