philosphy of terrorism


Registered Member
share ur views on the philosphy of terrorism,is it really a optimistic extremism to quench all hopes, why so much dedication is there and how the rational is driven,is anything called liberal terrorism will come in near future or is it our part of life.
Terrorism is thought to be the last possible solution (by the terrorists. Although I don't believe it is, it does throw attention to the people that are seeking it. Voilence is the worst type of retaliation for a country that has been terrorised.
I think terrorists are brain-washed. That or they have small minds. I dont see how anyone could feel honor in killing innocent people even if they share different beliefs. And the extent they'll go to, just to prove a point. I think they all have severe psychological problems.

Groove on
*stRgrL* ...

Try thinking of them as dedicated, intelligent, non-conventional warriors who are
capable of independent operation and, if necessary, in a foreign country.

It was the arrogance of this countrie's 'protectors' that permitted a sophisticated
operatiion like what happened on 9/11 to be so successful at using this countries
resources against the symbols of this countries 'power'.

As for "killing innocent people", it has been going on since time immemorial ...
Maybe because there are no 'innocent people': All are the enemy!

Take care :rolleyes:
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"It was the arrogance of this countrie's 'protectors' that permitted a sophisticated operatiion like what happened on 9/11 to be so successful at using this countries resources against the symbols of this countries 'power'."

Oh, I see, it was OUR fault. Thats pretty funny. But Im not buying it. It was a bunch of people with different beliefs than ours that think we should all die because we dont believe in their god.

Groove on

I agree with:

"It was the arrogance of this countrie's 'protectors' that permitted a sophisticated operatiion like what happened on 9/11 to be so successful at using this countries resources against the symbols of this countries 'power'."
I disagree with:

"Oh, I see, it was OUR fault. Thats pretty funny. But Im not buying it. It was a bunch of people with different beliefs than ours that think we should all die because we dont believe in their god. "
It was the United States fault, and I think it's quite sick that you see humor in it. I think that the United States should pull away the cloud of ultra-nationalism that has been covering their eyes and take a look at how ridiculous and just plain damn power-hungry their foreign policy is.

I could rattle of tons of examples, the Mexican situation with the Zapatista, the testing of atomic/nuclear/hydrogen bombs on remote islands inhabited with only aboriginals (way back in the lovely Cold War), the bombing campaigns in all kinds of poor countries (if Osama was a little pissed that the US bombed a key pharmacy, would you consider that evil?). What about their role in the Gulf War, in the Israeli/Palestinian (sp) conflict.

The US foreign policy is to stick its nose in every orfice in which it doesn't belong and to ensure that only activity that somehwere along the line is in self-interest is conducted. For example, as long as war is being waged in the Middle East, will their infastructure ever be developed enough to take total advantage of their huge oil deposits, thus taking an even larger chunk out of the oil trade than the US?

I do not agree with ANY of the terrorists means of acheiving their goals, violence is evil; being upset with the US however, perhaps is not so evil when you have lived under the skies that you have watched them scorched.

Religion does play a fairly large role in this situation, but not in the way that has been described in my latter quote. I think the terrorists do not see this "holy war" as a war between Islam and The Rest of Religion, but rather moral conduct and immoral conduct. I believe they see little moral virtue in the US conduct(and sorry to tell you this, but they have a better perspective of US foreign policy than most of us), and thus feel it is their MORAL DUTY, as defined by a divine force of goodness, to cleanse the world of immorality. I hope you understand this.

I truly think that the US brought this on themselves, they should admit it, and hopefully a global change will sprout out of all of this. Probably not though, war is easier to wage than virtue.
It was the United States fault, and I think it's quite sick that you see humor in it.

Excuse me! I was being sarcastic. And I dont care a rats ass what our place in foreign policy is, you DO NOT hijack a plane and crash it into a building full of working people and their children. If they dont like our place in foreign policy, maybe they should speak up and be mature about it. Instead of launching anti-american campaigns, their obsessive behavior would be better used in different ways. As opposed to terrorism.

Groove on
...take a look at how ridiculous and just plain damn power-hungry their foreign policy is.

You know, its funny how everyone runs to us for help, and then get mad when we interfere.:bugeye:

Groove on
uh huh

well if you look back in my original post, i specifically said that i did not agree with violence/terrorism, but you obviously didn't see that ;) I didn't say it was alright for them to take the planes and do that, i think it was very very wrong, and as you said, simple minded and immature. Also, i'm sorry but your sarcasm was not very clear but I know how it feels to be misunderstood i'll take that part back. But still you have to admit, that the US really should have saw soemthing like this said the terrorists should take different more "mature" action...well i hate to tell you this but there has been a TON of civil outcry in the middle east, most of which you don't hear about because does your government really want its people to see how much they are hated around the world? they HAVE been trying to get the US's attention without violence, but violence seems to be the only way to get your thick headed administration to take anything seriously! As for the rest of the countries coming to the US for help, what kind of aid are you specifically reffering to? The "aid" that was present in illegally selling arms to Iran? You're right saying that most nation [or a lot] come to the US for help, but unless, once again, it helps enlarge the US's sphere of influence, they really don't want a damn thing to do with another country. It seems like a lot of that is still from the Cold War; if the countries were people, the US reminds me of a insecure brat that goes around trying to prove to others and mostly to itself that it is the most powerful bunch of people in the world...which it is :p Bottom line, the terrorists did a horrible thing and I hope they burn in hell for it, but, you have you be able to see their side and realize that the US kept turning a blind eye to the fact that they were constantly stirring at a hornet's nest in their foreign policy.

Okay, I have to admit, Im not extremely well informed on our foreign policy so therefore I cannot argue points on it with you. And I admit, the government HAD to have seen something coming, but it is not the people of the United States fault. Most of us are just trying to suvive like the rest of the people in this world. And even with all the outcrys and even if they did try to speak up in a mature manner, that does not justify what they did.

Peace :)

I agree with you on that statement; it was the US's administration's fault, for sure in no way was it the fault of the general populace, and I agree, as I said before that no matter what the terrorists thought, that act was a cowardly act, and in no way is it justified. Its sad when citizens must pay for the mistakes of the people they elect.
supernova_smash, you summed it up excellently, I agree with you.

I don't think that the American citizens brought these attacks on themselves, as strgrl said, they're just people trying to survive in the world.

But I think that Americas foreign policy had much to do with it. Many Americans seem to have no idea about what their government does in their name around the world. Then they wonder why a large portion of the world resents them.

Now I know that Americans value liberty and democracy, and if you're living in the U.S it may very well seem like this nation truly upholds these virtues. But to people living outside of the U.S it's a different story, Americas recent foreign history is certainly not all sweetness and light. Even in western countries America has a reputation for being, how can I put this- a bit of a bully.

It's terrible and sad that it took a plane hijacking to make America realise that all is not well in the world. The people responsible for these acts were in no way justified, but I can understand their anger. I really hope that the American people will use this tradgedy to really examine their country's policies.

I'm not anti U.S, I have nothing against the American people and was horrified at the sept 11 events, but at the same time I can see where other nation's resentment is coming from.

Okay, I have a question. If most of the world resents us, then why are there thousands and thousands of people trying to come into our country every year? Now, Im not disagreeing with anyone here, Im just wondering. The middle east clearly hates us, but do you all know how many middle easterns enter our country every year and buy businesses and bring the rest of their families here? Does anyone know???:confused:

Groove on
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Originally posted by *stRgrL*
Okay, I have a question. If most of the world resents us, then why are there thousands and thousands of people trying to come into our country every year?

You can resent the way a country influences the world, and still want to live there. It can make you want to live there more even. Of course one of the main points is that most of the world doesn't resent individual americans, just the american government... it's not as though most of the world really wants us dead (even if a tiny number do).

As far as why people come here from around the world, I'd bet 90% of the time it can be explained by economics. No one likes being poor.

You can resent billionaire corporate excutives, and resent their influence over the government and over your life, and yet still jump at the chance to be one of the peons working in their corporation. Similar idea.
If you think that the US is better than the terrorists then i think you need to look at history.

First lesson: The US (and england) Nuked not one but TWO civllian citys in WW2. killing i don't know how many non-millatry personal.

Second lesson: The US becomes involved in a CIVIL WAR in vetnam. they then go on to dump a canser causing agent all over the place killing not only the enermy, inocent civilans but there OWN PERSONAL. Also during this war they killed large numbers of civilans eventually having to give away the country by default because EVERYONE hated them.

These are just 2 examples of the US's higher moral and ethical ground over the terrorists. You didn't destroy 2 buildings you destroyed 2 CITYS
Originally posted by Asguard

These are just 2 examples of the US's higher moral and ethical ground over the terrorists.

For a list of other examples see this webpage:

Now, I'm not posting this link as a way of saying, "Hey America, see how evil your country is, you deserved those attacks", but rather as an example as to why you are resented around the world.

Originally posted by strgrl
I dont care a rats ass what our place in foreign policy is

strgrl, perhaps if the American citizens knew what crimes their government had commited in their name, they would pressure the administration into having a better foreign policy, thus alleviating the resentment that many people feel towards the U.S, and thus preventing further terrorist attacks.

Yes, the terrorists were in the wrong. But America has been in the wrong many times in the past; the saying "what goes around comes around" is true. It's a great shame that the citizens of America had to suffer for the past actions of their government.

Everyone should be aware of their country's foreign policy. Remember, that if your government does something elsewhere in the world, they are doing it IN YOUR NAME, on behalf of the citizens of your nation. So if people get angry at what your country has done, they attack the citizens.
