Philosophy With Answers

KennethSearcy said:
“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to Confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to Confound the things which are mighty;”

This sounds like God's conducting a self analysis.
KennethSearcy said:
Some scientists think that the universe is balanced. They believe that for every piece of matter there is a piece of anti-matter.

Utter bollocks! Only a crackpot would believe such nonsense. If that were true, all anti-matter, once coming in contact with matter, would be annihilated.

In our search for knowledge when we ask a question and logically answer it we then try to reduce the answer with another question and thus starting a repetitive chain of questions that may never be satisfied with an answer.
If we asked what are atoms made of? We could reduce it to quarks. However, we do not have any real proof that atoms are made of quarks. This means that it is just an idea.

No, it is not just an idea, it is part of a consistent and succesful theory, which you don't appear to be aware.

Let us say that something did somehow come into existence. Then nothingness would no longer be balanced. If the equation of nothingness is zero equals zero and the equation of something is one equals one then the equation of the universe as we see it is zero equals one.


Since you've yet to quantify what exactly those properties you refer; balanced, your whole equation nonsense is exactly that; nonsense.

When matter comes into existence there seems to be a natural force that comes from nothingness that wants to balance itself out by trying to pull matter apart as if space has a vacuum effect.


Newton’s third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction and that, forces always occur in pairs. Therefore, the opposing force of this vacuum is gravity. The vacuum tries to pull matter apart and gravity tries to hold it together creating balance.

More gibberish masked as an attempt at explaining Newtons laws without understanding them.

What does all this mean? Not only must this universe have the requirements to contain life, it must also have the requirements for life to have a free will.

There are no "requirements" for life to have free will.

It appears that this universe is perfect as far as being able to have life and allowing life to have a free will.

Ah yes, the fallacy that the universe was created for man.

It appears that no matter how much logic we use someone could always deny it.

They could deny logic, but wouldn't that be illogical?

If God is or if he is like a father to us then how he interacts with us must change as our knowledge and understanding increases. At one time God must have treated us like a kid. God gave Adam and Eve only one rule. He told them not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Why would God only give us one rule? Could he have known that we did not have much wisdom or understanding?

You have now jumped to the fallacious conclusion that gods exist and that they interact with us. How exactly do gods interact with humans? By what mechanisms do we gain knowledge and understanding?

In addition, God being good rightfully chose not to worry much about what would happen if his children disobeyed him.

Now you've jumped to a further conclusion that identifies properties and characteristics of gods you claimed existed. Gods have been shown to be cruel and immoral, the very same qualities theists construe as good.

God sent Moses to give us more laws and commandments. Why would God the father give us more rules?

The story of Moses is a fairy tale. Those so-called rules were merely religous versions of what mankind had already been practicing for centuries. But if you really want to hear about Moses, read this disgusting account of your god:

"And at midnight the LORD killed all the firstborn sons in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn son of the captive in the dungeon. Even the firstborn of their livestock were killed. Pharaoh and his officials and all the people of Egypt woke up during the night, and loud wailing was heard throughout the land of Egypt. There was not a single house where someone had not died." (Exodus 12:29-30 NLT)

Parents’ stress this rule and they will discipline there kids if they do run into the road even if they do not get hurt. Kids would then know not to because they will get a spanking and hopefully they will in time understand that they did it in love so they would not, in there ignorance get hurt.

So, you beat your kids because they're ignorant? Is that the theist way of teaching children, with violent abuse, simply because they didn't know any better? You're one sick and twisted puppy.

What could bring peace to an evil world?

The eradication of religion, for a start.

Why would God the father send Jesus?

Clearly, because the rules given by Moses failed miserably.

Its being in complete control over our actions as well as our thoughts. Not letting any natural lust of the flesh to control us.

Please note the rampant homosexual clerics buggering small boys. Some control, huh?

Why would God the father create us? Could it be love? When a child is born parents without love would definitely leave the child to die. It is more of a burden to take care of a child than to abandon it.

Is that why your god allows thousands of innocent children die of starvation every day?

Getting us to realize that Jesus suffered and died for us is a good way for God to get our hearts.

Jesus never suffered and never died if he was the son of god.

If there is any information that we are missing then reason does not help our search for the truth but it will hurt it.

Nonsense, it has been reason that gives us the ability to find answers and understanding.

We may never know if there is some hidden information that would change our minds. Reason is a very useful tool, similar to a hammer. We can build a house with a hammer. However, we cannot live in the hammer.

Silly in the extreme, why build a house for want to live in a hammer? And why would you now contradict your self in saying reason is a useful tool after just asserting reason will hurt us?

We have been increasing in knowledge for thousands of years searching for the ultimate answer.

Please note that only science has ever provided answers that has increased our knowledge.

We must realize that God is our father, and then you need to know that you have broken his rules and are in need of his mercy. Only by accepting the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and humbling yourself before him can you receive God’s mercy. Because we must understand that, it takes sacrifices in our lives to conquer that what seems to come natural so we can have complete control over our actions and our thoughts.

Your conclusions don't follow your argument in the least, all you done is jump to conclusions based on passages from the bible and your own brand of sermons on the mount.

How is it possible for the son of God to be alive?

You said he suffered and died??? How is that possible?

Will the sun not give its light to darkness? Will it not even give its light to the all-consuming black hole? If the sun dies for whatever reason then how can it live on? Could it live on through the light that it gives unto darkness? From the point of view from the outer edge of the universe, will the sun not appear as it were new although it has passed away? The son may have been swallowed by death; however, he is alive through what he has given. He gave his life even unto death so that we may live!

KennethSearcy said:

The universe is designed to allow for a freewill. Which allows us to use our own reasoning to choose what we believe.
But what usually happens is we use our reasoning to try to prove what we believe or what we want to believe rather than honestly searching for the truth.
you just described yourself and all theists wonderfuly, :D luckily sciforums is a good place to wake up to reality might do you some good also
I agree with what the Bible says in Jeremiah(29:13).

"And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. "
bible is full of it,heart is only a muscle that pumps blood! ;)
Here is somthing for your god speach......if god is absolute (As the bible claims) then that means his traits are absolute aswell. If his mercy, Grace and love are infinite than he can forgive any sin correct? But you also must remeber that his fairness & justice are absolute aswell. Say a christian murders an atheist of course the atheist goes to hell for not kissing gods ass all his life. What happens to the christian when he dies? He goes to haven? The murderer goes to heaven and the victim goes to hell? Were is the fairness in that? Were is the so called justice that god is supposed to have?
M*W: You've come to the wrong place, my friend. Prepare to suffer for your beliefs. You have broken forum rules right from the beginning. If you choose to say around, hopefully, you will learn something, because what you propose to teach will fall on many deaf ears. You're welcome to stay, of course, but just be warned that you are in the minority around here. Having said that, there is no god, no savior, and no truth in the bible. If you cannot handle that, then maybe you should go on your merrie way.
KennethSearcy said:

If you expect anyone to even remotely consider your assertions then you as the claimer have to provide evidence to your claim that 'God' exists.
Jeez, why is it so important for atheists whether or not God exists?! Why do people reply to religious posts solely to attack beliefs? This IS a religious forum, for Christs sake! The atheists have 12 subforums in which to submit their theories and beliefs, theists have 1. And the fact that there is a subforum called religion justifies theists discussing their theories and beliefs.

M*W, you stated theists was a minority in here. Isn't it fair to leave the minority alone? In Norway we have a minority culture called 'samer', way up in the north, where they live pretty much by themselves until they wander off into civilisation. Is it fair that christians wandered in on their property, preaching about God and Jesus, destroyed their altars and attacked their beliefs, (raped and killed, but that's not an argument directed at atheists, just a fact) in order to convert them to christianity? I don't think it is, and this is an aphorism directed at the atheists behaving the way they do on this subforum. Why the need to debate something you clearly have no interrest in, and instead just mock and ridicule? I'm not agreeing to anything the author of this thread said, cause I personally don't support it, but there's no need to be an asshole anyhow.
illuminatingtherapy said:
M*W, you stated theists was a minority in here. Why the need to debate something you clearly have no interrest in, and instead just mock and ridicule? I'm not agreeing to anything the author of this thread said, cause I personally don't support it, but there's no need to be an asshole anyhow.

M*W: I quoted fact. It doesn't matter if theists are a minority. What matters is they are unknowing and unlearned. They come to a scientific forum to debate just like they would take a knife to a gunfight. They come unprepared. We seem to go over and over again the same topics. Theists believe that if they make a statement for the 30,000th time, it will be different as in "heard" and "understood." Not so. It's still a waste of time, no matter how many times they say it!

Look what they're up against:

1) No god
2) No savior
3) No crucifixion
4) No resurrection
5) No ascension
6) No apostles
7) No truth in the bible
8) No reconciliation
9) No salvation
10)No christianity

The truth be told, yet, you still have believers like Jenyar, Okinrus, Adstar, etc. They are blind to the truth. They debate in parables, but they know not of what they speak. Are they the theists? Or, are they the evil ones? You decide.
I don't think you can claim what is Truth and not regarding the list you made in the last post. And neither of us can judge who is the evil ones. I'm just saying have respect, and behave. Make a good vibe. That's for the better whether or not one is a theist or atheist.
illuminatingtherapy said:
I don't think you can claim what is Truth and not regarding the list you made in the last post. And neither of us can judge who is the evil ones. I'm just saying have respect, and behave. Make a good vibe. That's for the better whether or not one is a theist or atheist.
Jeez, why is it so important for atheists whether or not God exists?! Why do people reply to religious posts solely to attack beliefs? This IS a religious forum, for Christs sake! The atheists have 12 subforums in which to submit their theories and beliefs, theists have 1. And the fact that there is a subforum called religion justifies theists discussing their theories and beliefs.

Listen Illum. In case you've missed the boat somewhere along the line, I'll help you.

1) A religion subforum in a science forum has one of two possible interpretations:

a) It was a mistake and the forum operator missed it and will take corrective action soon

b) It is there to provide a place to discuss:

- The scientific ramifications and relationships of religion for and to society.
- The science of human nature that causes a tendency to believe
- The history of religious thought and it's effects
- The evolutionary selection pressures that generated this tendency
- etc.

2) The science minded atheists here also by-and-large see religious thought as a dangerous thing, based on history and human nature, and feel strongly about moving away from it as a species (nicely phrased, I thought. Didn't say fuck or anything).

3) And similar to the above point, many of us see it as even more dangerous when the technological and scientific future of western nations is threatened by religious, umm, extremeists who obtain power positions and try to influence education and policy.

I'm sure there are many other motivations out there.