Philosophy Of Atheism!


Registered Senior Member

An Ethical Atheist is someone who lives by a personal desire to do
good things in their limited life on Earth. They don't believe in any
god, religion, or an afterlife. But, that doesn't stop us from living
an ethical life and attempting to co-exist with our fellow man in a
peaceful, rational manner. We have many atheist, agnostic and
religious friends. Generally, we accept them as they are and respect
everyone's right to have beliefs other than our own. We listen to
others with conflicting views and realize that we cannot change these
views. We try to accept others beliefs and keep our mouth shut.
However, if religious people push their views and criticize us, we
will not remain quiet. If they insist on educating OUR children in
falsehoods, we will not remain quiet any more than if someone taught
our children that dirt was water, or that the sky was rock. We respect
everyone's belief in religion, so long as it doesn't censor another's
beliefs. We believe that males are equal to females. We believe that
heterosexuals are equal to homosexuals. We believe that children are
equal to adults, they just lack experience and education - are you
willing to provide an unbiased, truthful education to them?

The ethics of our children, and thus the ethics of future societies,
is completely in our hands. Children do not know hate at birth. They
do not know Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, East or West, Sinner or
Divine, God or Devil, our country or their country. They know love,
yet do NOT know hate. Whether you know it our not, you are giving your
children these faculties.

If you teach your children to hate and to be intolerant of conflicting
religions: they may grow up to be suicide bombers and they may even
become the next Hitler. If you let your children grow up watching
violent television, your children may grow up to have little regard
for life; they may kill others or promote war; they may torture
animals; and they may have no concept or desire for peace on Earth. On
the other hand, if you raise your children to understand morality and
ethics; and to live by these rules, the world just might be a better
place. If more truth and honesty existed in educating our children
around the world, we believe that chance would exist for peace and

Atheists have been long termed as "sinners" by the so-called
believers. Atheism has given to the human race the intellectual
monarchs of the world. When the great Darwin discovered the law of the
origins of species, he was called an Atheist because he disproved the
special creation of Man. When the Chemist went into his laboratory and
discovered the indestructibility of matter, he was called an Atheist
because he proved the impossibility of a Creator. When the Astronomer
pointed his telescope to the sky and explored the regions of unlimited
space, he was called an Atheist because he found no God within the
confines of space, no heaven within the region of his explorations.
When the Geologist determined the age of the earth through its rock
and soil and formations, he was called an Atheist because he, too,
destroyed a belief in the special six-day creation, and exposed the
falsity of the divine cosmogony. When the Physician sought to
alleviate the pain and suffering of Man, he was called an Atheist
because he refused to accept disease as a special visitation of a
vengeful God.

Religious people should ask themselves the question, "Why have
atheists given us most of the greatest scholars and scientists we've
ever known?" Or, "Why did we murder, torture and imprison scientists
that were helping us understand the world in which we live?" Or, "Why
did Christianity carry out the Crusades?" Or, "Why does our Koran
teach us to kill the infidels?" Is it the earliest or most recent
religion that deserves to be treated as true? In either case, it
appears that most religions are ruled obsolete. Where does that leave
most religious beliefs? Answer this question on your own. Your answer
will not be graded.

We believe in living in peace with our fellow man. Without a belief in
the afterlife, this life is all we have. We cherish it and are
grateful for our time alive on this planet. We have a strong desire to
avoid conflict. We also have a strong desire to educate our children
with what we have learned during our time on this planet...!
Yank, wonderful post. I would like to contribute this quote:

A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes.