Philosophy of Absolute (the deep)


Philosophy of Absolutes

After looking at all things from within and without, I have found
No GOD, no angels, no demons, outside of ME.

So, What is me?
I am the animation of an "alien" (unknown) being inside of me.
My eyes see and my senses all percieve the inside and the out.
But I know not myself, which is the thing in me that causes
my being. This thing is on the inside of me. It does not care
if it causes me great pain, sickness or even death.

Christ said:"God was in need of self revelation, so he created".
So, I am just the revelation of what this God inside me is.

I looked inside, and in my third eye I saw something rise up
into my vision. It was a worm made of light. Let's say for
descriptive purpose that it is 1/4 inch wide and 1.5 inches long.
This worm is in constant motion and made of light, (chaotic).

This would be the "Leviathan" of the deep, I suppose.
It will not reveal itself in any other way. The only way
to know IT, is to observe thyself, and the world around it.

The worm is an alien and I am its host. It causes all things:
My thoughts, my drive, my vision, my perception, my awareness,
my Hell. It enjoys punishing me with pain and depression and
chaos. It is me, but I am not it. I am only a revelation of its will
within me. Eventually it will wear me out and I will cease and die.
It will move on to another Host or another plane of existence and
take with it the knowledge of itself from what it did through me.

Damn the worm for eternity! For it has no accountability and
it causes more and more evil within the souls of men each day.
I believe it hates itself.
I have found my will to live !

I have found perfect will to live eternally in my physical body,
which is the only reality known to anyone.

I have The Living Father, GOD, the most evil, deceiptful,
transgressor, creator, and the one who causes all pain
and death and life, within me.

He is imprisoned, and I will keep him in the furnace within
me forever and will continually torment him for eternity as
this is the only worship which he desires and needs.

For self-revelation, he created all things and gave them
a life of suffering and pain because of his hatred for himself.

I will worship him by torturing him all the days of his and my
eternal life as he wishes. Maybe now, he will give me good
things as I have deserved, in recompense. I have separated
myself from him and am my own creation and his GOD now.
For I am worthy, and He and ALL of his creation is not.

I think similar months ago. I wanted to go in heaven and kick 100 Gods at the same time. All I get was a tremendous pain, it's better to be peaceful and do what he wont's. It's a reason that some of us had to suffer, maybe you chose your own faith and you don't even know it. Be strong and laugh to pain. I don't know what happened in your life but mine is ironic. Don't underestimate God maybe you will get what you need, soon.
Wow, that's a far cry from your usual 'I am the messiah-ish' posts that usually come up. Dude you have SCHZOPHRENIA. YOU have the choice to ignore the hallucination and embrace reality.
She created the universe with a pile of shit !

<---Our universe

She doesn't need to work so hard to create ur imperfect world, entertaining isn't it, can you deny it ?
So forget heaven... forget hell... she just ignore it completely.

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