

Dark Dementia is my name...
Registered Senior Member
This is an attempt to intervene with philocrazy's comments. I have heard many people complain of Philocrazy's insulting and rude comments on certain threads. I feel that this must be stopped, as it is lowering my damn IQ every time i read his insulting threads.

Please Philocrazy, you are no doubt a smart person, but you need to control your rage ;) ... Nothing against you, but every time i see your posts, i realize i am passing over them without reading, and they are not really worth reading because this is basically all i will see:

You are zero! You are no good! Your posts are worthless and you are worth nothing!​

Thats the main content that i get to see when i read your posts...

Use your intellect to make other people understand your point... dont force them to by using your rudeness with immaturity.

Thank you for listening to my complaint...