Philisophical Religion


Valued Senior Member
I would like to open the floor to other-than-the-big-three religions and hear what they have to say.

I can respect alternate creation stories and would like to hear more about them.

God appears as a prism and as the prism changes, so does God's presence. He is the One but He is many.

I would like to hear from the others.
i think creation or the universe is an accident. i think life is not inherently an accident but that it is a fragmented piece of reality that is adapting to an environment that may not be it's original habitat.

i think the universe is a combination of a random set of laws perhaps from a collision of different universes which would create a different set of laws within each one, possibly even ones that are contradictory bringing polar outcomes such as life and death. or like rogue particles coalescing into one universe adapting to or coincidentally existing in the same space. i do think, however, that there might be a true and original source where things have not gone awry. i see this universe as being a temporal habitat for life that is the result of something gone awry in a chain reaction and i see life here and the sparseness of it as well as the constant questions raised by life (why we are here, the meaning etc) to be some anecdotal clue.

i also think that people tend to see things as they are to be the only possibility simply because that is all they know. we look at our dimensions as if it actually makes sense when it doesn't. we think it's a requirement when it may not be. why four dimensions even? why not two? or six? why carbon? i see it as a random occurrence.

that's how i look at it, not that it's true.
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Here's one for ya. The Great Spirit split into infinite pieces and continues to. We are all part of the Great Spirit.