Philadelphia Experiment

What "The Philidelphia Experiment" Really Was

What "The Philidelphia Experiment" Really Was

As the Allies prepared for D-Day, word arrived of a significant Germal threat to the invasion. The Germans had developed a magnetic mine which could threaten Allied ships. Each mine was an aluminium cylinder that contained a coil, amplifier and battery. When a ship is built, magnetic fields are formed in the hull during cooling of welds. The magnet mine was designed to detect such fields from moving ships and detonate when the ship was within range. These mines were much more effective than the earlier contact detonated mines because they could find ships at greater range.

When confronted with this information, the Allies came up with an effective countermeasure. Allied ships were degaussed using long insulated wires carrying high-current, low-frequency AC. These wires were passed slowly under the ships and greatly reduced their magnetic fields. As a result, the German magnetic mines could not detect them and thus the ships could pass safely thourgh the German minefields.

This degaussing was done at essentially all Allied shipyards, including Philidelphia. It was also done at sea. The ships became effectively "invisible" to the German magnetic mines. That is how the "invisiblity" idea entered the legend. Then, drunken scuttlebut made the legend grow into fantasy.

End of story. Anybody who thinks that there was anything more than this involved is kidding himself. It was degaussing, plain and simple.

For reference, see "Secret Weapons of World War Two" by Gerald Pawle.
I thought the British developed the counter measures and detection sensors for the magnetic mines. How come they did not share that information with the US?

And what about those people vanishing, jumping over board and all those rumors - that did not happen in British soil, who invented the darn thing ?
"I thought the British developed the counter measures and detection sensors for the magnetic mines."

"How come they did not share that information with the US?"
They DID! That is why US shipyards were degaussing ships.

"And what about those people vanishing, jumping over board and all those rumors - that did not happen in British soil"
These things never happened at all.

"who invented the darn thing (rumors) ?"
Drunken sailors.