Philadelphia Experiment


Registered Member
hey all,

Is there anybody who knows more about the Philadelphia Experiment? or anybody with interviews or pictures? i am really interrested in this subject! i think it is connected with many alien
contacts... :D soo this is it for now, i hope there is somebody who can help me find more information. :confused:

oxygen!!! j00t!

whats up??? i have heard of it, i am not exacly sure what it is.wanna refresh our memories a little???
wait a second... your not oxygen, your a imposter! but please explain more on the subject
Discovery channel had a show about the subject few weeks ago. Maybe you can dig some info from their web site.
Supposedly the Navy created a massive electromagnetic ac field. No body talks about at what frequency? At low power levels you can throw up (the body convulses - good for riot control , there is a patent on it, I think)

I think such experiment is a precursor to teleportation. But time travel? I am not sure. You can try this experiment if you have a few megawatts (like 250MW) of power and two tons of copper wire lying around.

When you are ready, I can design the control system for you.....

I wonder if what you are referring to is the VLW (very long wave, on the order of 10 or 15 hz.) communication system that the Navy created to communicate with submarines throughout the world while they were submerged. The only thing is, it was/is pretty high powered.

No, I am talking about the Philadelphia experiment. I read the book and saw the movie including stuff on the internet and the very exosci forum (two years ago, I think).

VLW is a separate technology for sub communication because HF gets absorbed by water. They are trying now with Blue-Green laser (public knowledge). I think they are also trying to use other exotic particle for communication too. But that is another matter...

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<b><I>USS Eldridge (DE-173), 1943-1951</B></I>

USS Eldridge, a 1240-ton Cannon class destroyer escort built at Newark, New Jersey, was commissioned in August 1943. She was employed on escort duties in the Atlantic until May 1945, when she departed for service in the Pacific. Eldridge was decommissioned in July 1946 and placed in the Reserve Fleet. In January 1951, she was transferred to the Greek Navy, in which she served as Leon into the 1990s.

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In 1955 a UFO book by a previously little-known author was published. The book was The Case for the UFO, and the author was Morris K. Jessup. Jessup was a 55-year-old Indiana farm boy who had dreamed all his life of being an astronomer. He had, in fact, studied astronomy at the University of Michigan and later been an instructor there, being part of the University's 1926 expedition to Mexico to view and photograph the solar eclipse.

However, by the 1950s, to his great disappointment, Jessup's life had taken an unexpected turn away from astronomy. He was making his living at other things, including a job in Washington that, although he had to be present, consisted of long periods of boring idleness. To fill these periods, Jessup spent a lot of time reading, and his astronomy background led him into the area of UFOs. He began writing his own book about the subject, which became The Case for the UFO. He found a publisher for the book and actually realized some acclaim and income from it, being in demand as a speaker on the subject of UFOs. He wrote more books, but none of his other efforts were very successful. He also tried to put together an expedition to Mexico to investigate UFO sightings there, which was to be followed by a book on the expedition, but the deal fell through. Jessup's life seems to have been a series of disappointments.

In July of 1955, a copy of The Case for the UFO was received by the Chief of the Office of Naval Research in Washington, D.C. The book was sent anonymously, but was postmarked Seminole, Texas. The odd thing about the book was that it had been heavily annotated in the margins, either by three different writers or by one writer using three pens with different colors of ink and disguising his handwriting to make it appear that three writers were involved.

The annotation writers, referred to as Mister A, Mister B, and Jemi seemed to know all about UFOs, writing in a rambling and sometimes incoherent way about "magnetic nets", "vortices", "home ships", "statis fields", and also about a 1943 U.S. Navy experiment at the Philadelphia Naval Yards in which a Navy ship was supposedly made to disappear.

The Navy itself was not impressed and chose to ignore the annotated book, but the book caught the interest of three of the officers in the Office of Naval Research: Major Darrell Ritter, Captain Sidney Sherby, and Commander George Hoover, who was Special Projects Officer. On their own, they contacted Morris Jessup, who was amazed when he saw the annotations, because he had received three letters written in the same rambling style and in similar handwriting. The letters were posted from Pennsylvania and were from a man who called himself both Carl M. Allen and Carlos Miguel Allende. Jessup was not, however, inclined at this point to pursue the letters, thinking them a waste of time. Hoover and Sherby were interested, though, and they made unsuccessful attempts to locate Allende at the several addresses that he had used. They also commissioned the Varo Manufacturing Company of Garland, Texas to privately reprint about 100 copies of the annotated book, with several of Allende's letters printed in the introduction.

Here's a sample from one of the letters:

<i>Carlos Miguel Allende
R.D. No. 1 Box 223
New Kensington, Penn.
My Dear Dr. Jessup,

Your invocation to the public that they move en Masse upon their Representatives and have thusly enough Pressure placed at the right & sufficient Number of Places where from a Law demanding Research into Dr. Albert Einsteins Unified Field Theory May be enacted (1925-27) is Not at all necessary. It May Interest you to know that The Good Doctor Was Not so Much influenced in his retraction of that Work, by Mathematics, as he most assuredly was by Humantics.

His Later computations, done strictly for his own edification & amusement, upon cycles of Human Civilization & Progress compared to the Growth of Mans General overall Character Was enough to Horrify Him. Thus, We are "told" today that that Theory was "Incomplete."

Dr. B. Russell asserts privately that It is complete. He also says that Man is Not Ready for it & Shan't be until after W.W.III. Nevertheless, "Results" of My friend Dr. Franklin Reno, Were used. These Were a complete Recheck of That Theory, With a View to any & Every Possible quick use of it, if feasable in a Very short time. There Were good Results, as far as a Group Math Re-Check AND as far as a good Physical "Result," to Boot. YET, THE NAVY FEARS TO USE THIS RESULT...
... The "result" was complete invisibility of a ship, Destroyer type, and all of its crew, While at Sea (Oct. 1943)....</i>

The last line quoted refers to what has become known as "The Philadelphia Experiment". Allende claimed to have been in the Navy and to have been present at the Philadelphia Navy Yards when the experiment took place. He claimed to be a witness to the disappearance of the ship, the USS Eldridge, and to the horrible side-effects that it produced on the sailors on board.

Jessup, who at first had ignored Allende's letters, gradually became obsessed with them and began an investigation into their claims. In 1958, he turned over much of his material, including a copy of the Varo edition of The Case for the UFO with Jessup's own annotations of the annotations, to his good friend and fellow researcher, Dr Ivan T. Sanderson.

The letters, along with marital difficulties and an automobile accident that Jessup was involved in, sunk him deeper and deeper into depression, and on April 29, 1959, Jessup was found dead in his car in a park in Dade County, Florida. The coroner ruled it a suicide.

<i><b>By Arturo,

An interesting subject. Please click on the following link to access more.</I></B>
The "disappearence" of the USS Eldridge has been explained. In fact, at the time of the "Philadelphia experiment", the Eldridge was elsewhere, as attested by many witnesses. This is documented.
Originally posted by James R
The "disappearence" of the USS Eldridge has been explained. In fact, at the time of the "Philadelphia experiment", the Eldridge was elsewhere, as attested by many witnesses. This is documented.

Was it "documented" in the same manner that in the early 80's several F117 stealth aircraft crashes were "documented" as crashes of F-16s on training missions?
From the Navy...

Here are the relevant facts, courtesy of the US Navy:

WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060

Allegedly, in the fall of 1943 a U.S. Navy destroyer was made invisible and teleported from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Norfolk, Virginia, in an incident known as the Philadelphia Experiment. Records in the Operational Archives Branch of the Naval Historical Center have been repeatedly searched, but no documents have been located which confirm the event, or any interest by the Navy in attempting such an achievement.

The ship involved in the experiment was supposedly the USS Eldridge. Operational Archives has reviewed the deck log and war diary from Eldridge's commissioning on 27 August 1943 at the New York Navy Yard through December 1943. The following description of Eldridge's activities are summarized from the ship's war diary. After commissioning, Eldridge remained in New York and in the Long Island Sound until 16 September when it sailed to Bermuda. From 18 September, the ship was in the vicinity of Bermuda undergoing training and sea trials until 15 October when Eldridge left in a convoy for New York where the convoy entered on 18 October. Eldridge remained in New York harbor until 1 November when it was part of the escort for Convoy UGS-23 (New York Section). On 2 November the convoy entered Naval Operating Base, Norfolk. On 3 November, Eldridge and Convoy UGS-23 left for Casablanca where it arrived on 22 November. On 29 November, Eldridge left as one of escorts for Convoy GUS-22 and arrived with the convoy on 17 December at New York harbor. Eldridge remained in New York on availability training and in Block Island Sound until 31 December when it steamed to Norfolk with four other ships. During this time frame, Eldridge was never in Philadelphia.

Eldridge's complete World War II action report and war diary coverage, including the remarks section of the 1943 deck log, is available on microfilm, NRS-1978-26. The cost of a duplicate film is indicated on the fee schedule. To order a duplicate film, please complete the duplication order form and send a check or money order for the correct amount as indicated on the NHC fee schedule, made payable to the Department of the Navy, to the Operational Archives, at the above address.

Supposedly, the crew of the civilian merchant ship SS Andrew Furuseth observed the arrival via teleportation of the Eldridge into the Norfolk area. Andrew Furuseth's movement report cards are in the Tenth Fleet records in the custody of the Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Admnistration, (8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001), which also has custody of the action reports, war diaries and deck logs of all World War II Navy ships, including Eldridge. The movement report cards list the merchant ship's ports of call, the dates of the visit, and convoy designation, if any. The movement report card shows that Andrew Furuseth left Norfolk with Convoy UGS-15 on 16 August 1943 and arrived at Casablanca on 2 September. The ship left Casablanca on 19 September and arrived off Cape Henry on 4 October. Andrew Furuseth left Norfolk with Convoy UGS-22 on 25 October and arrived at Oran on 12 November. The ship remained in the Mediterranean until it returned with Convoy GUS-25 to Hampton Roads on 17 January 1944. The Archives has a letter from Lieutenant Junior Grade William S. Dodge, USNR, (Ret.), the Master of Andrew Furuseth in 1943, categorically denying that he or his crew observed any unusual event while in Norfolk. Eldridge and Andrew Furuseth were not even in Norfolk at the same time.

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) has stated that the use of force fields to make a ship and her crew invisible does not conform to known physical laws. ONR also claims that Dr. Albert Einstein's Unified Field Theory was never completed. During 1943-1944, Einstein was a part-time consultant with the Navy's Bureau of Ordnance, undertaking theoretical research on explosives and explosions. There is no indication that Einstein was involved in research relevant to invisibility or to teleportation. ONR's information sheet on the Philadelphia Experiment is attached.

The Philadelphia Experiment has also been called "Project Rainbow." A comprehensive search of the Archives has failed to identify records of a Project Rainbow relating to teleportation or making a ship disappear. In the 1940s, the code name RAINBOW was used to refer to the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis. The RAINBOW plans were the war plans to defeat Italy, Germany and Japan. RAINBOW V, the plan in effect on 7 December 1941 when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, was the plan the U.S. used to fight the Axis powers.

Some researchers have erroneously concluded that degaussing has a connection with making an object invisible. Degaussing is a process in which a system of electrical cables are installed around the circumference of ship's hull, running from bow to stern on both sides. A measured electrical current is passed through these cables to cancel out the ship's magnetic field. Degaussing equipment was installed in the hull of Navy ships and could be turned on whenever the ship was in waters that might contain magnetic mines, usually shallow waters in combat areas. It could be said that degaussing, correctly done, makes a ship "invisible" to the sensors of magnetic mines, but the ship remains visible to the human eye, radar, and underwater listening devices.

After many years of searching, the staff of the Operational Archives and independent researchers have not located any official documents that support the assertion that an invisibility or teleportation experiment involving a Navy ship occurred at Philadelphia or any other location.

28 November 2000
....independent researchers have not located any official documents that support....

The key is in "Official Documents" - if anybody can find the top secret documents....

On the otherhand....I told them to document sloppy....:D
"Philidelphia Experiment" degaussing plain and simple

"Philidelphia Experiment" degaussing plain and simple

No invisiblity

No space aliens

No advance technology

Just a countermeasure against German magnetic mines

Get back to REALITY!
You know, I just stumbled onto this thread and I want to clear something up. The person who started this thread is using the number 0 in place of a letter O. What a trip, though, because at about the time this thread was started I had posted a similar question on another BBS under the name of Oxygen.

Man, did I ask and answer my own question? Did I prove something about the Philadelphia Experiment?


Nah, maybe just some other cyber-nut really wanted to use "0xygen" bad enough.
