Philadelphia Experiment


Registered Member

Mark your calendars and set your VCRs!

The Weller-Grossman Productions one-hour documentary for The History Channel is completed. This "History's Mysteries" examination into the lore and legend of the Philadelphia Experiment is scheduled to debut March 12th and will be well worth everyone's time. I had the distinct pleasure of serving as Field Producer in addition to my on-camera interview and research assistance. Our producer, Craig Constantine, was a saint and it was an honor and pleasure to work with everyone involved. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Many surprises await...

Yours in research,
Robert A. Goerman
615 Earl Avenue
New Kensington, PA

The True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment
"History's Mysteries" (All times listed are Eastern)
Monday , March 12 8:00 PM-9:00 PM ... THE HISTORY CHANNEL

The True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment
"History's Mysteries"
Tuesday , March 13 12:00 AM-1:00 AM ... THE HISTORY CHANNEL

The True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment
"History's Mysteries"
Tuesday , March 13 4:00 AM-5:00 AM ... THE HISTORY CHANNEL

The True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment
"History's Mysteries"
Sunday , March 18 11:00 AM-12:00 PM ... THE HISTORY CHANNEL

"In 1943, a warship was rendered invisible in the Philadelphia Naval Yard, then teleported instantly to Norfolk, Virginia, and back. But this technological breakthrough was achieved at such horrific human cost--crewmen missing or gone insane, dead sailors fused into bulkheads--that authorities deep-sixed the experiment. Or so goes the legend that still flourishes. We examine this tallest of seaman's tales and learn how real anti-submarine technology led to talk of 'disappearing ships'. TV G"

You betjya dude!!!!!!!!!&&&&& a few F_cKin AAAA"S to go along, for good measure!!!!!!!!!!!!

Phily......yeah, yep.......

Read about it when I was in the 4th grade. Didn't really know what the crusty old book was initially about! It was just the last book on the schools library shelf, that I hadn't read!!!!!!!!

After reading all the other books previously, I was open to the idea of space/time displacement. The hardcover old, copy that I read from then must have been out of the 1950's or so!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd like to read it again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOVE THY HISTORY CHANNEL.........even for the occasional rewrites////////////////

.......///?????????? big smiles...........

........besides........I died in 1943, while attempting a Carrier landing........................
thus it extremes......


MAN Must learn to crawl in the space/timeticals before he can hope to walk between Galaxies ! ! ! ! ! !

This must,,,,,,,,& will be tried..........and eventually will be done:

- to create a wormhole of two points, separated by only a few nanometers!

- to cause two points, very close together, to become one

- then in the true realizATION of super space warp theorems, to continue the previous statement, as stated above!!!!!!!!!!

- that it will then be realized, the obvious capability to cruise the stars............& kill klingons!!!!!!!!!!1






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??? are one hell of character. Though, I must admit that your logic (if it can be called that) is quite astounding. There appears to be some method to your apparent madness, though I would not have given it a thought upon first reading your rantings when I registered here. I'm sorry to say that I misjudged who is turning out to be a very interesting person indeed. Please accept my apologies.
I've seen a movie based on the experiments but I had no idea there was any truth behind it. I can hardly believe that such a terrible thing could happen (REALLY happen to all those people) and be (somewhat) successfully written off as fake or, to say the very least, exxagerated. Thanks for the information on the telecast times, peoples.
About time and space cheating, I've a friend who's actually managed to configure the workings of a machine like thing that would be capable of some type of time travel. He says that energy would constantly be needed to make it work to the point that energy would have to be gotten from, say, another dimension. But should time travel be possible (and accelerated speeds and travel seeing as how they're so closely interconnected) wouldn't it interfere with all sorts of stuff it would be very bad to interfere with in the first place. Like actually having to support your existance in a time and place where you aren't suppose to be anyway could severely screw with the cosmos, right?


All that really happened in the philly experements was that the people were just pushed into the place that is opposite to reality.

sure it was weird and they shouldnt have done it.. but it happens to everyone eventually.. in the end.

but hmm dont go on a ship.. it will not be good..

the reason those test ended is cause they knew there wasnt anything that would be useful to them in going there... till it was really time to go.

lets go!@
You can do your own experiment as follows.

Get some magnesium diboride. Make a large coil with 27,780 turns. Keep the coil at -390 F so as to superconduct. Set it up like the Stargate and turn on the juice.

Then watch what happens.

Originally posted by kmguru
You can do your own experiment as follows.

Get some magnesium diboride. Make a large coil with 27,780 turns. Keep the coil at -390 F so as to superconduct. Set it up like the Stargate and turn on the juice.

Then watch what happens.

<i>HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHMMMM....... </i> Reminds me of something I read by ED LEEDSKALNIN, or should I say<i> tried to read.</i>
How the coil works

As most of you already must now that time is motion, it is a measurements of increments of motion set at a standardized rate.
And you all know that if a plane leaves her at 1:00:00
and has a watch set for the same Time as someone on the ground and traveled at the speed of sound for 60 minutes, and came back it would have the time 1:57:65
compared to the ground time of 2:00:00.
with this in mind time can be bent by the velocity of the objects travel, the problem is for the sheer brute size and mass of the object it takes and waste a lot of exerted energy. just to get to the speed that it is moving at, if you were to move a smaller object less energy would be used and much less would be wasted
also if you were to limit the amount of movement to a minimal and keep the velocity it would also decrease the amount of energy.
now how do you scratch a diamond? with something of equal density well how do you bend light with something of equal or greater velocity after all light is vibration it is a frequency. keeping this in mind remember that when we look at the stars in the sky we see how the look thousands of years ago to see how they look now we would have to travel faster then the light traveling to us is. again the exertion of energy would be profoundly massive.
unless.. with the theory above to accelerate the object at a smaller level to conserve energy if we accelerated the object a subatomic level the same amount of energy would be exerted but in a much more efficient way and over a broader area no to keep the object at a high velocity with movement of the object we would have to vibrate each particle in its on synchronization with the rest of the object at a much higher rate not when the velocity of the object comes close to the speed of light it would start to create its on magnetic field and bend the light around it in this state it would be creating a low level worm hole (i.e. a stable black hole but not spining)
as it increases to the speed of light it would then start to create its own constant of time when the acceleration is stopped the time it came back would depend on the length of time it was accelerated and the coordinates it would come back at would also depend on the time it came back at due to the rotation of the earth and the revolutions of it posing this to be a very dangerous experiment once the frequencies are determined then true time travel would be possible,
deep space travel is also dangerous in the same aspect because travel vast distance for a long period of time would also temporarily create its own construct of time resulting in very similar results
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