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"...the Universe has opened parachutes of the stars , galaxies,.. then in order that not to be crushed about herself ".

Synopsis of the CT-theory :
"The scientific Maxima for the next century and millenium"

by Dosbaev Kairat : <>

Introduction . The theory about Complimentary Temporality and Information optics (further - CT-theory) is new understanding of the World, World as of information processes , information in time . The CT-theory does not deny any doctrine, and only expands and deepens general fundamental places of each. As a whole the CT-theory is the theory about Universe and Human being unity .
The theory about Complimentary temporality - CT-theory is a theory about a correlation of times of objects, in particular is a theory about Human being (bioobject) , systems as an information in time.
The Information optics is applied party of the CT-theory considers transfer and transformation of the information in time .
As a whole the CT-theory and Information optics try to research the phenomena in the boardary zones of the sciences . It may be named as paranormal or phenomenal zones .
By force of the author of the CT-theory, unfortunately, cannot send for all comers the whole material of the CT-theory (it's more than 100 pages) , he offers to familiarize with the basic concepts of the CT-theory and in a case of Your interest to send You the whole material.
The author of the CT-theory is convinced, that the transition of our mankind in new century, in new millenium requires a combination of new technologies with new level of the mankind moral . As a whole the CT-theory has some main moral and technical directions :

· The perception of the World more completely , if it's possible, CT-theory as an Object offers You to accept joint participation in development of the CT-theory, in theoretical and applied spheres of information optics ;
· Elimination of distortion of an information by means of the new technologies in the field of information optics ;
· Struggle against criminality ;
· Creation of ÑÒ-computer ;
· Creation of the UnGr-engine and sources ;
· Increase of productivity with the purpose elimination of famine ;
· Rejuvenation and increase of life of the Human being ;
· Reserch of after-death processes
· UFO's problems
· Human being in the Universe
· Mankind in the future

For work with these directions it's necessary to familiarize with the next basic concepts of the CT-theory.

The Author is very sorry for his bad English .

1. Some moral imperatives - ecology of the information in XXI c.
The CT-theory considers any lie (distortion of the information) as a main problem of mankind . Any occurrence has its time and place. A Lie is distortion of the information : it's the augmentation of the occurrences , which not have a place and time in space-time of the person and Earth-system . More deep understanding and possession of the information will allow to mankind to eradicate a Lie. Through the knowledge of the information ecology the mankind will achieve realization of moral imperatives , which take place in the Bible , Koran , Òîra , other basic sources of mutual relation of the people.
The CT-theory considers , that we live in accordance with some quantum principle. That is any information has some definite quantum-process . A grammatic sentence , word, mark (symbol) - it's as if quantum-packets of information . A thought , the thinking-process in this aspect - also is process of quantization. The given information does not disappear and fills in the Earth-system . In this aspect the CT-theory agrees with Buddhism's views of preservation of the information as fields in the Earth-system. The influence of these fields is not yet proved by scientific ways, because of the lack of methodological base. The CT-theory offers the methodological base. As a whole the CT-theory considers , that already in the near future the development of mankind will deadlock, if our mankind will not transfer on a new moral level .
To a huge regret for the whole history our mankind could not and can not extirpate Lie from the activity. The religion, ethical and moral imperatives at a level of family, nation, race cannot cope with flows of Lie . Among the Bible's eccl. comandments : "Don't kill", "Don't steal" and etc. In the CT-theory's aspect we have one main - "Don't lie !" , which can justify any violence. A person can kill in the name of family, nation , race, ... . We are the witnesses of disintegration of the world communist system and it doctrine - "person-to-person - brother" . That is the communist precepts mainly are the same like in religion . There is not much better situation in the countries, where the religion was not destroyed. That is the CT-theory considers , that all the matter is not in ideology, all the matter is in the Human being , human mutual relations , in it quality .
Look : the mankind has only came in epoch of the communication development , but someone creates the programs and computers, and someone - computer's viruses to destroy all . Unification of efforts of first and second - human moral accident . Another words, the entry of our mankind in any new epoch is connected to self-destruction. The new boons, which technological progress is created become carriers of destruction of these boons and mankind as a whole. The rash entry of mankind in a new century and millenium with super-new technologies is dangerous , but our mankind has not another way as a whole.
As a whole the religion institutes, other moral institutes of our society cannot cope with a huge temptation of a person to use technical spurt of XX century in XXI for the mercenary purposes. Therefore in the moral aspect of the CT-theory tries to create scientific (methodological) base with the purpose of more deep understanding of information by person. According to the CT-theory an information is a product of system of laws in the huge World (Universe) - "Deus machine".
In the present period the mankind as a child has superficial conception about this boon. It plays with this boon (divine gratis) , considering itself a God . For our mankind and modern religion : it's necessary a huge scientific efforts for increase of quality of the Person , humane being mutual relations.
Imagine, if A will be know, that B lies, it is senseless to lie. The flow of the clean and not distorted information will strengthen creative power of mankind.
Today the mankind already collides with problems of overpopulation, economic problems of overstocking of the markets, political and economic crisises. In the next century our mankind should make huge jerk in technologies and main - in a moral direction . It is necessary to invent such information technologies, which have a system of human and Earth protection . It is necessary for protection of the mankind from ecological accident (which begins with moral accident). The mankind has no guarantee, that someone tomorrow will program nuclear charges of the states with the purpose of blackmail, or maniacal explosion. Believe, the broker, killing its family and colleagues does not differ from the maniac-murderer of greater scale.
If earlier the mankind could not distort an information without consequences for the Earth, today our mankind has technological level, when anthropoinformation (the information which created by persons) can strongly influence for the Earth-system . As a whole the CT-theory pàys our attention to the conception of the information as an Anthropoinformation . The person creates the information about nuclear bomb, creates the bomb, the information of the nuclear bomb destroys the information about person ect. .
The CT-theory considers that in new millenium the mankind should inevitably get up on a new level of morals and quality of human relations : on a level of fulfilment of the moral imperatives, which are given by God in various religions. It is not possible without modern understanding of Time, Information, existence of the Human being as an information in time and space , without huge technological spurt. With this purpose the CT-theory gives integral conception about occurrence of the Universe and Person as processes of whole nature . By means of phenomena, which we notice in the Earth-system, the CT-theory proves directions of information development - spurt, without which the mankind can not ensure the moral (that is - physical) survive .
As a whole the CT-theory considers, that only more deep understanding of an Information, it meaning will bring our mankind to fulfilment of moral imperatives . The new scientific directions should put an end of barbarous information development of mankind . Now our mankind has two opposite approaches of information development of the world and information interchange.
The first approach already being available superficial approach to the information, which brings to distortion of the information by means of :
à) Natural way - is not intentional information distortion
á) Artificial way - at aspiration of the person to distort an information

The second approach - ecological approach to the information development of mankind - scientific directions, which will interfere:
à) Natural distortion of the information
á) Artificial distortion of the information

In particular the CT-theory has a scientific direction - Information optics, which has such ecological tasks .

2. The model of the Universe processes ("GUB-model") . Vacuum . Great Universe Braking(GUB) . The Gravitation and Anti-gravitation - Universe unity . "Maxwell's demon" . The great unity of the Universal and Human being processes . Biological aspects of the braking at a level of the Person . Conception of the Time .

If to speak shortly, the CT-theory is based on the unity of the Universe and Human being nature - the uniform of the mechanism of information (space-time) opening . At the beginning the Universe is primary Vacuum , which has the Dynamic flows. According to the CT-theory, the Vacuum is Form. You can it imagine if You will begin suck out air from a paper package . That is, if an object keeps emptiness - it should have a form (otherwise the paper package will distort) . In particular , person more than half consists of emptiness (!) and our Universe has its form too in its parts .
In the Universe's basis was Vacuum with dynamic flows . Further in result of collision of the dynamic flows has taken place Great Universe Braking (GUB) , that is bringing to the creation of star systems , galaxies and material Universe as a whole , which we're watching today .
Due to the Great Universe Braking (GUB) our Solar system - rotation of planets in the various directions is a result of the huge Dynamic flows collision . In result of these collisions (under braking) the dynamic flow vacuum has passed in the virtual vacuum with the subsequent allocation in a hard matter . Our Earth (and other planets) rotate in the party of a stronger dynamic flow (about 100 000 km / hour). The so-called "black holes" (neutron stars) - stars, where takes place a huge GUB . Today the astronomers have opened, that each Galaxy has its a black hole. The huge dynamic flows (in collision) have formed Galaxy's spirals, in which new worlds are borning . Tthere are the birth of the Universe systems - opening of the Space-times in the Universe.
Figuratively , the visible world of the forms (star systems , Galaxies) constitutes from vacuum like the glass-blower blows a vessel . This process reminds a whiping of the cream . The stronger GUB - the firmer a matter in the different places of the Universe . Every point of the Universe has its individual GUB . Every braking process has its inertia . Any braking has own inertia . That is the GUB (braking) is opening Vacuum in a firm matter (an object with its space-form) . The inertia is a Time of the matter (space-form) . That is the conception of the Time , time of an object is a forming-process of the matter. Every object in the Universe has its individual braking - individual inertia - individual time. The CT-theory considers modern understanding of the Time , (as a linear process : from the Past to the Future) as a deep error .
About the Time conception . The Great energy of the GUB . Every object in the Universe (in the Earth-system) has the Braking, Inertia - individual time (space - time). In particular , every person , planet, star has its Individual space - time (IST) . That is the person is simultaneously in IST-s of the Earth, Sun, planets . According to the CT-theory a Time is a form of energy of vacuum . It has density, braking and acceleration , can press and stretch . As a whole for people conception of a Time is very abstract - minutes, hours , days , years . A Time is not a periodicity of rotation of Earth round the Sun . It is very superficial mechanical approach . Under the CT-theory an Information is a form of a Time and in analogy has density can be pressed ect..
As stated above a Time of any object - individual Space-Time is an inertial allocation of energy of vacuum . And as any energy is an information , which has optical effects . As a whole a Time is not a flow from a past to a future for all objects in this World - any object has its time and the World consists of a huge quantity IST-s of all World's objects .
Given mechanism of the Great Universal Braking - the "GUB-model" of the Universe development allows to prove concept of Anti-gravitation (UnGr) . The physics of XX century considers, that the anti-gravitation should be in the Universe (in logic : substance - antisubstance), if is gravitation . The CT-theory considers , that anti-gravitation(UnGr) is around us . Everything is literally penetrated by it (!) . As a whole the Gr and UnGr are two predicates of one nature - the Grate Universe Braking (GUB) . The Gr and UnGr - is the nature of braking and inertia of the GUB-mechanism . The Gr-field of our Earth is sum of all atoms of the Earth . As a whole our Universe(World) has two kind of energy: Gravitation and Ungravitation . In particular the radioactive elements are the matter with strong braking and radiation is the inertia , which takes place under this Great Universe braking . The Gr and UnGr are the constituent parts of the one Great energy - Vacuum energy .
At a micro-level - at an atomic level the braking (GUB) increases . We know how difficultly to split atom. Under atomic/electronic braking (in nuclear accelerator) we receive inertia - electronics emission or emission of other micro-particles, which we name as radiation . The CT-theory is based on the Great Universe Braking (GUB) . And this mechanism embraces macro and micro objects of the Universe in vertical down to atom . In the methodological plan it explains the law of preservation of energy at a micro-level: "vacuum - atom - electron" . Great Maxwell was right, when spoke about energy from vacuum in a part of "atom - electron" .
The "Maxwell's demon" is the constant allocating energy on the level of atomic structures from vacuum during braking (GUB) . That is all live, matter is obliged to this phenomenal effect , which takes place between vacuum and matter - Great GUB-energy.
The CT-theory develops this idea of Maxwell at the expense of system introduction of the GUB fundamental concept . That is we constantly receive energy - antigravitational energy from vacuum . The more mass of an object - the braking (GUB) - the more UnGr , which allocates under the braking - a chain rule for the neutron stars , in particular .
The conseption about Spherical Standing Wave (SSW) . According to the CT-theory an electron is contant process of GUB-energy allocation . It's an inertial clot of the energy , which constitutes in the end of standing wave . We can't to define location (foresee) of the electron , because of this standing wave is sherical wave . There is no possibility to give the machanism of SSW complitely. But according to the CT-theory , so-called energetic form (aura) of Humane being is a sum of SSW-s of each person's atom . Every atom is a window between vacuum and material world . Figuratively it is a catalyst of this process .
The Gravitation (Gr) is a predicate of the Ungravitation (UnGr = Anti-gravitation). It does not mean, that it is a force which directed against Gr . The UnGr is wider concept . Gr and UnGr are deep mutual penetrated concepts of the united nature . The CT-theory marks, that a correlation UnGr/Gr = 1,618 is constant for the Universe. The UnGr prevails over Gr . We know this constant as the "gold section" and as constant of Fibonacci series . Literally shows a parity(ratio) UnGr and Gr on the Earth. We know, that this correlation (1,618) has in of the person body parts , in the living nature(flora and fauna) , in gene information about development of the living nature . A tree extends itself from the ground due to the UnGr/Gr=1,618 . Figuratively drows out itself from the ground due to the UnGr .
According to the CT-theory the UnGr as a kind of vacuum energy is inside and around us and is a part of the World nature . As a whole it's part of vacuum energy , which directed in the opposite to Gravitation direction .
The modern astronomers mark , that the process 1,618 (UnGr/Gr correlation) takes place in the Universe everywhere. A Human being for the CT-theory has more deep conception , than contemporary mankind considers on the psyhological , physiological , genetic level . A Human being is a Great mystery of the Universe . A Human being way is an endlessness .
About the organized Vacuum . The nature of Gr and UnGr are the kinds (predicates) of the whole , unified energy of Vacuum , which under the Great Universe braking allocates these UnGr and Gr energy . The CT-theory notices , that if takes place the allocation vacuum energy in the matter on the atomic level then the such stable structure of the organized vacuum has not transfer in vacuum back . This is the stable unreversing vacuum organization (SUVO). Micro-particles, as a rule, carry out tranfer in vacuum and back and are kinds of the unstable reversing vacuum organization (URVO) . That is under braking the SUVO is a kind of stable allocated vacuum energy and URVO - unstable energy . An atom is dynamic flow of vacuum energy .
Ancient Hindu religion says that the World , any matter consists of the smallest vortexes .
An atom is a structure , which is as if antenna for connection between vacuum and appeared (hard) matter (substance). Nature of Humane being is biological process of the vacuum organization by means of genetic code . The CT-theory thinks that person's power reserves is unlimited . Today we know how gigantic energy has 1cubic centimeter of the vacuum . According to the minimum - it's enough to create 1 Solar system .
As a whole the CT-theory explains occurrence of the material Universe as process of the Great Universe Braking. The modern theory about birth and development of the Universe because of Great explosion, is admitted here as a superficial variant. The CT-theory counts , that everything was without explosion. According to the CT-theory , the GUB-mechanism explains the birth , development and phenomenon of expansion of the Universe without Great explosion .
Matter (which are we and this World ) , is , figuratively, ripples on the braking vacuum . If the Earth-system is a whole united of all objects in it (people, animals, organic/inorganic matter as a whole) then all objects can have unified Information-time whole (ITW) .
According to the CT-theory person's life is information-time optical appearance - one of the vacuum conditions . After person's death person transfers in more vacuum condition with less individual braking, then under its life .

3. Complimentary temporality and Complimentary temporal compensation.
As stated above any object in the World has its individual braking , individual inertia, individual space-time (IST). In particular any person (as an bioobject) is surrounded and is situated in the IST-s of various objects: the Earth, Moon, Sun, other people and objects, environmental processes, in information processes as a whole. The CT-theory asserts , that a person(object) has and is situated in two basic information-time quantum-condition :

- Complimentary temporality with environmental objects (object) - CT-condition (regime)
- Complimentary temporal compensation with environmental objects (objects) - CTC-condition(regime)

In some definite situations a person enters in CT-condition with IST of other object, another regime is the CTC-conditions . As a rule a person has some definite mixed CT/CTC picture of the information-time quantification . In the CT-condition a person has joint information-time quantum-process of its IST with IST of other object. In the CTC-condition a person blocks its IST from intrusion or immersing in another's IST. Figuratively every person is constantly in binary code of the ÑÒ - ÑÒÑ processes(regimes) . That is under the contact with surrounding objects a person due to the ÑÒ-ÑÒÑ code process, constitutes information-time quantum-pockets (ITQP), which have definite forms . The information-time nature of a Human being consists of the ITQP-s - information-time pockets . Due to the complimentary temporality (CT-condition) all objects in the Earth-system have an unified Information-time Whole (ITW) . That is the Earth-system's objects dispite of the current CTC-quantum-condtions have some unified CT-condition , which we can consider as the ITW .
It is very close to the some philosophical ideas of Russian academician Vernadsky (the "noosphere") , French philosopher Sharden - a vision of the "Omega", as a spiritual and information Whole (Unity) of the Mankind in the future , the efforts of other world-wide philosophers in this direction .
According to the CT-theory a mankind can use the ITW in his purposes for removal of the information distortion , struggle against criminality, increase of food production .
In particular the CT-theory considers phenomenon of Sleep , as a CT-regime (in a part : a person-person's organism) . An illnesses has own ÑÒ-regimes between of bacteria, viruses and Human being - process of formation uniform information-time whole of the ill person and viruses (bacteria) . Weakening of the immune system is a decrease of CTC-potential . Usage of alcohol, narcotics, increased sexuality are lack of the CT-potential (condition) . As a whole the CT-theory considers, that the modern mankind has very lowered CT-potential, that brings to the increase of usage of narcotics , alcohol , ect. .
About alcoholism and drug (tobacco) addition . This is not a human weakness or psyhologic motivation , it's an infomational-time illness of contemporary mankind in literal sense. Later we can see that the sexual diviations - homosexuality , in particular , is a domination of the information-time quantum-process (on the LIQ-level) . The ÑÒ-deficiency of the information-time quantization (quantification) brings to modern mankind to the drugs , alcohol ect. Using the alcohol or drugs/tobacco people can increase own CT-potential temporarily . The alcoholism , or drug addiction are the versions of information-time quantification (CT-CTC regime) between a person and alcohol or drug , therefore the treatment of such people by means of medicines (chemical preparations) is very complex .

4. About information-time quantification . A Human being as an information in a time. An information-time nature of a Human being in processes of braking, inertia, acceleration , fixing , unfixing , vacuum-de-vacuum .
According to the CT-theory , the nature of the Universe, Earth, Person is uniform and is penetrated by these concepts (mechanism). In particular the phenomenon of Sleep is a natural process of the individual braking . A person has a Limit of individual fixing (LIF) of the environmental processes during a day . It brings of a person to the unfixing-zone , individual braking increases and a person falls asleep. Under increase of the individual braking takes place the increase of the UnGr-potential (energy) . Therefore after sleep a person feels a vivacity .
Usage of the alcohol or drugs (tobacco) brings to the increase of individual braking . On the first stages a person's organism has fixing , for example , alcohol (a Humane being has increase of individual braking) . If the individual breaking increases - UnGr-potential (energy) increases too . An allocation of such energy demands the increase of individual fixing , it brings a person to the unfixing zone and then he can fall asleep . That is a person in this process has a few information-time quantification (re-quantification) , which , if a person is alcoholic , he has during long period . Therefore the alcoholism and drug/tobacco addition treats very difficult .
As a whole the principle of energy allocation is based on the high fixing of the matter : burning, chemical reaction . As stated above , according to the CT-theory, the energy allocates from the atomic vacuum .
Any fixing by means of the organs of senses switches up the mechanism of person's individual braking with increase of individual energy . We know about phenomenal cases , when a person in the moment of vital danger can appear phenomenal capabilities : to jump over the very high fence , pushes very hard objects ect. . Each cell of person's organism is connected to this mechanism .
About vacuum and de-vacuum processes . As stated above , the Individual time is an Individual inertia of a person during his braking . That is all person's life is the individual braking process. During its life a person has some strong individual braking periods : in 5-6 years ; 11-12 years; 15-17 years ; 32-33 ; 40 ; 48; 58-60 . The increase of person's mass during a life is connected with roots of it process (individual braking switches up hormone mechanism) . It's possible to say , that Human being has some persons (according to the Information optical aspects) : every Human being has a "person-of -childhood" , "person-of-boyhood", "person-of-ripeness" and "person-of-old age".
More simple processes take place every day . Eating up of a food, (alcohol, drug) brings to the increase of individual fixing and then - individual braking , which brings to the increase of energy. After surge of energy a person can fall asleep . According to the CT-theory the vacuum and de-vacuum processes in Humane being are very important too . To the end of a day the vacuum processes in the person's organs increase . Ordinary yawning (and vomiting reflex) is one of the external display of it. With decrease of fixing potential during a day, a person transfers in the zone of unfixing and the vacuum processes in the person's organism increases .
The CT-theory marks the law correlation :

· Fixing à De-vacuum processes increases
· Unfixing à Vacuum-processes increases

Both processes are the parts of one whole process and bring to the Individual braking, (or additional braking) in the Human being system .
In particular the sexual process is a process of [high individual fixing] à [ind.braking increase]à [ allocation of energy] à [orgasm] à [unfixing increases]à [desire to sleep]. Sometimes under sexual errection (before sexual act) a man feels the desire to sleep . This is a more short chain .
In particular , this is one of the processes - full cycles , where we can see the full sycle with energy allocation . Any energy is an information and an information-time quantification . A Human being has some another main cycles . But the energy allocation says us about information-time re-quantification as an information allocation in a time within of one Individual space-time (IST) .

About "Great IT-CC" . The CT-theory notices the following very important correlation :

n [Individual braking ]à [Individual fixing] à [Energy allocation] ;
n [Individual acceleration] à [Individual fixing] à [Individual braking] à [Energy allocation]

That is our World presented for a Human being , all living nature this very Great information-time caliber correlation : a person can be situated in the braking or accelerating processes , but he has possibility to mobilize and accumulate its energy independently .
Another words , as a whole the GUB-mechanism is a mechanism of the constant energy allocation as in braking as in accelerating processes
The CT-theory about pubescence as an information-time re-quantification . The CT-theory considers the period of Humane being pubescence as a period of the total person's individual braking , that results in increase of the person's form and weight (mass) . In parallel the mental anomalies are connected with this process of information-time re-quantification , in which takes place the increase of Humane being individual braking . Then , during a life, a person has a few information-time re-quantification , the latest - in climacteric period .
About AIDS and cancer . The more simple example of this mechanism action is an appearence of allergy : [allergen] à [increase of fixing] à [braking] à [tumour] . The such mechanism takes place under forming of cancer.
In particular the AIDS is more clear example . That is an AIDS-virus and a person's cell have united time-quantum-process with definite parameters . A virus in the cell like a townsman in own city is situated in the united with the cell information-time quantum-process . The AIDS-viruses have nearly the same degrees of Individual Braking (IB) and Acceleration with a human organism . The CTC-potential decreases , therefore person's immune system grows weak .
A hundred pages, you say? Why not put it in PDF format, or else e-mail a file to me in MS-Word format? I'd like to read the whole story before I pass any judgement. I read a lot. I read an awful lot. A hundred pages is a pamphlet as far as I'm concerned. 666 would also like a copy.

Please send to:

Well that was as clear as mud! You used a lot of scientific words that I never heard before and I am an amateur scientist. You could have explained these terms! It would help with getting your views across to others. You also made referances to other theorys that I can only assume that were made by the same athur, but offered no explaination of them. what was your point?

The Belief that there is only one truth and that oneself is in possession of it
seems to me the depest root of all evil that is in the world
-Max Born