Peyote, American Indians, and all Americans


Reality is in the Minds Eye
Registered Senior Member
American Indians can "legally" eat Peyote and I can't. Simply put, that is descrimination in its seedling form. They are humans, I am a human, there is no reason in hell for allowing one set of humans to use a cactus and not allow another set to. I therefore declare the laws on Peyote use unconstitutional, as they are.

The outlawing of drugs like heroin and cocaine is a wise law, but what is unwise is to make non-addicting-non-lethal drugs illegal. When all recreational drugs are illegal, the chances of using extremely addicting drugs goes up. Pot, unlike heroin, is not addictive, there are NO withdrawels.

I'm calling for people to stand up for what is right here, so do it.
There is a good case to be made in favor of manmadeflyingsaucer's view in the name of religious freedom.
American Indians can "legally" eat Peyote and I can't. Simply put, that is descrimination in its seedling form. They are humans, I am a human, there is no reason in hell for allowing one set of humans to use a cactus and not allow another set to. I therefore declare the laws on Peyote use unconstitutional, as they are.

The use of peyote isn't unconstitutional, it's the ban to everyone else other than indians that's unconstitutional.

Be careful how you word it cause if you say "peyote use" is unconstitutional, people will probably want it banned outright as opposed to allowing everyone to use it. ;)

- N
Judging from the discussions that postings like yours usually generate on SciForums, I'd say you're preaching to the choir. Try taking your message to the people who need to hear it. :)
Be careful how you word it cause if you say "peyote use" is unconstitutional, people will probably want it banned outright as opposed to allowing everyone to use it.

I said the laws on peyote use, which are "no one but American Indians" kind of a swindle. Its interesting that the group of "legalize non-harmful drugs" kinda of people is rapidly growing in our society, and yet the government won't budge an inch, I suppose they'd rather see you using cocaine or something messed up like that.
The government won't budge an inch, because all the people that grow up to become politicians are the dickheads in school who 'just said no' and looked down at you for what you did, judged you like a book, by your cover. The political environment is all bullshit and bueracracy (sp), and I think that anyone who would enjoy the use of non-harmful recreational drugs wouldn't be able to deal with all the crap that goes on in government. So until there is a majority outcry for legalization, and a politician can't get elected without this being a major issue, I don't think it will happen. That is, of course, unless someone finally realizes how much money they stand to make with the legalization and taxation of these drugs, just like cigarettes. :m:
Indeed DJ, indeed. Yeah, one reason they don't legalize pot, for example, is because if they did they couldn't make money because you could grow it anywhere. The "criminals" who grow/sell pot are loaded with cash and they want it to stay illegal. I think they have more political power than most people think.