Performance Orientation


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
What is performance orientation? I don't think I ever heard it in church before.

Our primary focus is sexual sin and brokenness, and related issues such as intimacy with the Father, performance orientation, anger management, etc. The tools of our ministry include film, television, and radio as well as seminars and publications that communicate the truth of Jesus Christ
no, I was reading a Wyoming newspaper. I read a lot of newspapers. Anyways, a person wrote a letter to the editor saying homosexuals needed help and put this web site in his letter.
why do you have to be such a condescending ass. I just asked since I had never heard it in church before.
What is performance orientation? I don't think I ever heard it in church before.

Our primary focus is sexual sin and brokenness, and related issues such as intimacy with the Father, performance orientation, anger management, etc. The tools of our ministry include film, television, and radio as well as seminars and publications that communicate the truth of Jesus Christ

Looks like they are conforming to the trendy "new speak" of the times we live in.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Basically their theory is if they stick their dicks in women, they must no longer be gay.

But what if that woman used to be a man would they not still be gay in the eyes of the mistical creature. AKA God