People Don't Know ... Anything

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Lately it has come to my attention that nobody reads anymore.

Several Postings had questioned what protestants read. Well, they read nothing but listen to their pastor's propaganda. But Atheists don't read either and just listen to their 'pastors' -- peer groups, hate committees, whatever.

Then, personally, one of the clerks at the Cafe I visit told me that he was going to be a Secondary School Literature Teacher. Well, though this kid was nice enough, I had thought he was an idiot. So I tested him... I choose perhaps the arguably best piece of literature in his native language and presented it to him as a present. Remember, this was a future Literature Teacher. he had not read the book. In respect to myself he DID begin reading the book and, saddly, his only comment was 'all the big words'.

Even the Literature Teachers don't read.

I was curious. Who keeps the Book Stores in business? What about the Best Sellers. I did some research. A New York Times Best Seller can hit the list with less than 10,000 sales a week. That is in a country of 400 Million People. That means that less than 3 people out of a million are deciding the New York Times Best Seller List.

It means that only 3 people out of a Million People in America are still reading books.

This is how they Elect people like George Bush President.

Stupid People need to be Represented too.
Lately it has come to my attention that nobody reads anymore.

Several Postings had questioned what protestants read. Well, they read nothing but listen to their pastor's propaganda. But Atheists don't read either and just listen to their 'pastors' -- peer groups, hate committees, whatever.

Wrong on both counts. In fact, it is the Catholic church which has traditionally taught "listen to your priest". And they made damn sure for a long time that there was no choice for the average person, by mandating that the only bibles and masses would be in Latin - a language known only by educated people.

On the other hand, the Protestant tradition concentrated on the gospel as a written text, and made efforts to make it accessible to all.

And since atheism is not a religion, atheists don't even have pastors.

The rest of your post is probably fair comment. Look at people's houses. How many have bookcases full of books, these days? You're more likely to see bookcases stacked with DVDs or CDs.
And since atheism is not a religion, atheists don't even have pastors.

That NOT what you call them, but Atheists have an intelligencia that they follow.

The Scientific Community centered in the secular Universities make a great point of enforcing Atheism. As I have said before, the Universities have been at the forefront of issuing decisions that through out Studies of the Supernatural without even first opening the cover -- they do so on a priori grounds that they don't even like what the study would suggest.

This suggests that Science has its own Orthodox Agenda and is willing to enforce its own strictures regarding what it sees as heretical.

Perhaps it is a stretch to use the terms Science and Atheism as though they were interchangeable... maybe even to add Materialism as a third term... but it does seem to form a coherent grouping -- Science Atheism Materialism... isn't it all wrapped up in the very same people?
books by the handfull

Those of us who do read make up for the lack of those that do not.:)
wrong again. The universities all have religion departments as well

James your right that traditionally the catholic church has been about what the priest said (ironically enough this would actually alow the church to progress if had a liberal pope) but thats not been true since Vatican 2

This means that the baby boomers and younger all had access to the bible as well as the free university education
Lately it has come to my attention that nobody reads anymore.

Several Postings had questioned what protestants read. Well, they read nothing but listen to their pastor's propaganda. But Atheists don't read either and just listen to their 'pastors' -- peer groups, hate committees, whatever.

Then, personally, one of the clerks at the Cafe I visit told me that he was going to be a Secondary School Literature Teacher. Well, though this kid was nice enough, I had thought he was an idiot. So I tested him... I choose perhaps the arguably best piece of literature in his native language and presented it to him as a present. Remember, this was a future Literature Teacher. he had not read the book. In respect to myself he DID begin reading the book and, saddly, his only comment was 'all the big words'.

Even the Literature Teachers don't read.

I was curious. Who keeps the Book Stores in business? What about the Best Sellers. I did some research. A New York Times Best Seller can hit the list with less than 10,000 sales a week. That is in a country of 400 Million People. That means that less than 3 people out of a million are deciding the New York Times Best Seller List.

It means that only 3 people out of a Million People in America are still reading books.

This is how they Elect people like George Bush President.

Stupid People need to be Represented too.

Leo, with all due respect, I think you're being a bit of a book snob. I mean, I do see your point. With the advent of television and the internet, an artform has certainly been diminished, and it's an important one. I do agree with you too, that people seem to be getting more and more stupid. It's alarming, and I'm not sure if it has to do with a reluctance to read, or if it's just an inherent sense of apathy regarding everything nowadays. It seems to me that today, all people really care about is getting laid and getting paid. Maybe they're all brainwashed by what's on television and other popular media. Maybe they're all in drug-induced stupors because of all the shit they ingest from our water, food, and air supplies. All I know, is that it's obvious that whatever it is that the government is doing nowadays to control the masses is certainly working, as they are all a bunch of modern-day drones. But keep in mind that this is a choice they make. And also keep in mind that there are other ways to learn, and that just because information is not bound between a hard cover, that it is not available or valuable. Life exerience is the best source of all knowledge and it's not bound by anything. And after all, life experience is what the best books are based upon. For me personally, the Holy Spirit has been my source of enlightenment, and He's used books, music, movies, people of all sorts, the internet, and yes, even sciforums, to teach me many things about myself and this life and world of ours. And there's a duality to what I've learned in that i find it very disturbing, and yet i derive peace from it, at the exact same time.
Leo, with all due respect, I think you're being a bit of a book snob. I mean, I do see your point. With the advent of television and the internet, an artform has certainly been diminished, and it's an important one. I do agree with you too, that people seem to be getting more and more stupid. It's alarming, and I'm not sure if it has to do with a reluctance to read, or if it's just an inherent sense of apathy regarding everything nowadays. It seems to me that today, all people really care about is getting laid and getting paid. Maybe they're all brainwashed by what's on television and other popular media. Maybe they're all in drug-induced stupors because of all the shit they ingest from our water, food, and air supplies. All I know, is that it's obvious that whatever it is that the government is doing nowadays to control the masses is certainly working, as they are all a bunch of modern-day drones. But keep in mind that this is a choice they make. And also keep in mind that there are other ways to learn, and that just because information is not bound between a hard cover, that it is not available or valuable. Life exerience is the best source of all knowledge and it's not bound by anything. And after all, life experience is what the best books are based upon. For me personally, the Holy Spirit has been my source of enlightenment, and He's used books, music, movies, people of all sorts, the internet, and yes, even sciforums, to teach me many things about myself and this life and world of ours. And there's a duality to what I've learned in that i find it very disturbing, and yet i derive peace from it, at the exact same time.

That is a wonderfully put Lori. Good on you. :)
That NOT what you call them, but Atheists have an intelligencia that they follow.

The Scientific Community centered in the secular Universities make a great point of enforcing Atheism.

No. Religion is largely a non-issue in the scientific communities of secular universities. Their science departments prefer to concentrate on science - surprise, surprise! I mean, they chose to do science, not religion.

It tends to be the religious universities who make a big deal about getting pseudoscience into school curriculums and so on.

This suggests that Science has its own Orthodox Agenda and is willing to enforce its own strictures regarding what it sees as heretical.

You speak of science as if it is some heirarchical edifice with a bunch of mysterious men in dark hoods dictating to people what they ought to believe. I think you're mixing up science with the church.

Science Atheism Materialism... isn't it all wrapped up in the very same people?

There is certainly a correlation. If you're trained in science, you're less likely to be religious or anti-materialist. If you're religious, then you have to be non-materialist to some extent, since you believe in non-corporeal beings. So, no surprises here.

I've heard religious people disparage the scientific-atheist-materialism crowd as being too "reality-based". As if there is some problem with sticking to reality.
That NOT what you call them, but Atheists have an intelligencia that they follow.

The Scientific Community centered in the secular Universities make a great point of enforcing Atheism. As I have said before, the Universities have been at the forefront of issuing decisions that through out Studies of the Supernatural without even first opening the cover -- they do so on a priori grounds that they don't even like what the study would suggest.

This suggests that Science has its own Orthodox Agenda and is willing to enforce its own strictures regarding what it sees as heretical.

Perhaps it is a stretch to use the terms Science and Atheism as though they were interchangeable... maybe even to add Materialism as a third term... but it does seem to form a coherent grouping -- Science Atheism Materialism... isn't it all wrapped up in the very same people?

An Atheist doesn't believe in God's or deitie's.
There are many way's Atheist's can have spiritual belief.
And it's not up to Atheist's to disprove the existence of God, there were Atheist's around before the "One god concept" or "capitalisation of faith" was written into existence.
Jews and christians who claim the existence of God must prove substantialy the method they have come to this claim (considering the murky fairytale past they cannot).
Atheist's have nothing to prove or disprove, there were atheist's before believers.
And yes Atheism is a belief BUT it is in no way shape or form a religion?
All your post's in different threds the past week, seem to mock Athiests yet you have nothing concrete to build your podium on ?
Can you not get around the fact that if you want to believe in something that pre-dates odin, given the vast knowledge we have of the failiure of religion must mean you are either a simpleton or your brain is suppressing the inevitable disillusionment that comes with loss of faith?
If there is something you don't understand about atheism ask and i will try to anwser.
If you call me a moron or suchlike as you did before without answering anything or asking anything I will pity you and take it that you know nothing apart from narrow-mindedness