People Deserve to Hear What God has to Say


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
God it seems no longer speaks to all of us by way of burning bushes, a voice thundering thru the clouds or even thru a personal worldwide tour. He simply has stopped addressing multitudes through open audible dialogue for the time being I guess.

What I would like to know is this: Do you believe it when heads of state, religious leaders or fanatics say they have spoken to God? And why, if previous Holy diatribes were printed in the bibles of the world then how come anything fairly recent has not?

Moses can come down from a mountain and tell us all about a conversation with the almighty and it goes into print yet George Bush's interview with God does not become religious text. We know the Christian bible was a collection of stories from different eras so why not keep it updated with today's devine chats?
Moses can come down from a mountain and tell us all about a conversation with the almighty and it goes into print yet George Bush's interview with God does not become religious text. We know the Christian bible was a collection of stories from different eras so why not keep it updated with today's devine chats?

Today we are not so naive. If some guisling politician claims he spoke to god, and god speaks to him/her, then we know this individual is nothing short of delusional, as was Moses, and most of your freaking ancient religious leaders. :bugeye:
Godless said:
Today we are not so naive. If some guisling politician claims he spoke to god, and god speaks to him/her, then we know this individual is nothing short of delusional, as was Moses, and most of your freaking ancient religious leaders. :bugeye:

M*W: It's animal instinct to seek out the alpha male/female to help ensure survival as they followed the pack. Same thing with religious leaders. It's no different than animal instinct. People tend to follow charismatic talkers. As one would remember, Hitler was a charismatic talker, and people followed him. That's why churches advertise! If there were a real god or a real Jesus, people would be following, but since there is no god nor dying demigod savior, churches have to advertise. Religion is big business.
PsychoticEpisode said:
We know the Christian bible was a collection of stories from different eras so why not keep it updated with today's devine chats?
A lot of English-speaking people refuse to update the bible by getting rid of the 14th-Century language and translating it into modern English. I don't think those people are going to be very receptive to the idea of adding more text.