People check this


Registered Senior Member
Hello to all people in America
I am new to the message board
and i am from england uk.

If you want to know the truth and nothing but the truth, then I suggest you check out the following web sights.

When you have seen the sight then let me know what you think about them.

Email me at: a must see sight, and man was walking in the Cascade mountains, his dog was killed by alien, and then he killed the alien and took it home.............will I suggest you read the story, see the gallery and also check out

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited January 21, 2000).]
You don't want to know what I think...but I'll tell you anyway. The story belongs more on a site dealing with fertilizer.

I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will fight, kill, and die for your right to say it.

I'm not trying to sound prejudice, if I sound that way at all, but what's with the name?


First of all, let me help you with that link:

My opinion? Given the obvious ineptitude of the beings who made all these attempts on Dr. Reed's life, and yet failed to kill him although they had ample opportunity to do so, I would consider this adequate proof of government involvement. ;)

As for the story that Dr. Reed touched the craft and it was so cold that it burned his hand, I feel that if the object was cold enough to burn his hand, his brain would have perceived it as being hot and he would have reported it that way.

And what's with the clay sculpture of the "dead alien"?

In summary, I was not particularly impressed.

The site is interesting.

The 'creature' is not clay, but I'm not saying it's not a hoax. The story sounds more than a little 'far-fetched'. The pictures of the 'obelisk' look fake (cardboard saucer?).

This reminds me of the Carp thing presented by this guy called 'Guardian'. In that case, a video tape was released showing footage of a 'landing' or sighting or whatever. The video was very convincing, but Guardian's messages were scattered and full of wild ravings. I dunno.

Anyway... curious stuff. ;)

Do not go gently into that good night...
Hello?? hello??
...Do any of you actually realise all this was covered in " It ate the damn dog " post??

I might start rehashing my old posts for new comment if this is what happens after a week goes by in the life of a post!

...add 1 pinch of salt pse....
"I'm sorry, Dave..." (best HAL imitation)

Guess I'm new here. Yah, I read the 'ate the dog' stuff. Still think some of those pics are interesting. The audio clips are interesting too. Of course, the real clincher in the story is that these ppl 'claim' to have tissue samples.

Now, tissue samples would be pretty hard to fake when examined with forensic scrutiny. Let's see those tissue samples produced and we'll know for sure if these guys are whacked or on the level (or both). ;)

Do not go gently into that good night...
Originally posted by Dude:

I'm not trying to sound prejudice, if I sound that way at all, but what's with the name?


The name is Mexican/Spainish, but i do not know the meaning.

This is the short version of my real name.

Whats with your name, man?

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited January 24, 2000).]
love your 'gremlin'. :)

Somebody was telling me last night that some sort of 'living organism' was discovered stuck to the space shuttle on its last return trip. Are you aware of anything like this?
Originally posted by SyberChick:
The site is interesting.

The 'creature' is not clay, but I'm not saying it's not a hoax. The story sounds more than a little 'far-fetched'. The pictures of the 'obelisk' look fake (cardboard saucer?).

This reminds me of the Carp thing presented by this guy called 'Guardian'. In that case, a video tape was released showing footage of a 'landing' or sighting or whatever. The video was very convincing, but Guardian's messages were scattered and full of wild ravings. I dunno.

Anyway... curious stuff. ;)

Check out the NEGATIVES on:

I must say that the obelisk does look odd, and I think the alien is real and is know as the DOW.

There are also some audio files, which you might want to listen to.

I chose "Dude" because it's a easy to remember name, simple and inocent, as oposed to SATAN or THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS or even DEATH (the third horesman to bring in the apocalipse).

I only asked because it sounded familar to some terms used in games (some close minded cristains call ethem evil or demonic) that I played in my younger years.

DUDE :mad: ^..^


I have seen the negatives and listened to the audio clips. The one of the guy running is pretty intense. Who is calling the 'alien' DOW?

Do not go gently into that good night...
While we're still knocking this obelisk incident -
How does a hiker ( balance and co-ordination required for uneven terrain - yes I assume this because he offloaded his backpack to chase the dog - farmer Joe wouldn't be prepared )accidently FALL into the object while inspecting it AFTER knowing that touching it will burn him?? Isn't that like finding a tub of acid, sticking your finger in - feeling extreme pain and then placing yourself precariously on the edge, knowing that one false move could land you in an acid bath? But your a doctor, you've got brains (but obviously NO sense ). Let's climb on that rim and give it our best balancing act!!
Now, for the clay pidgeon. Why photograph this thing on a highly reflective thermal blanket? I thought it was dead. Why warm it up and speed up the decaying process??? He IS a doctor, right?? What sort? A Proctologist??? Did they think it would be more impressive to make it appear "spacey" ??
Has anyone out there ever seen or read a description of the same type of craft as was photographed there?? We've all heard of them being round, saucer, cone, disk, cigar, ball, acorn, triangle, crescent, just plain old lights, etc. Is this a new species with their own model paying us a visit?? Smart enough to travel the galaxies but too stupid to duck??
I just don't know about this one....


According to the Raith interview, the guy was supposed to be a psychologist. I listened to the "alien scream" as best as I could (my Australian Shepherds went nuts when that started), and the sounds of the guy rutting, er - running, that is - again, my dogs went nuts. Still didn't have the "ring of truth" to it, if you ask me.

'lo again guys...

ok, i think, in fact i'm sure that the story is totally bogus. The 'obelisk' is bogus as well. I'll tell ya why.

This guy has pics of the 'obelisk' thing floating in the woods, but only has pics of the alien lying on a sheet (could be a plastic tarp under funky lighting). Now, if he had enough sense to take pics of the 'floating obelisk', why not take pics of the alien standing up, or at least in the woods? Why are there no pics of the dog?

I maintain that the pics of the 'alien' look unusually good. The sound-track is also good. Now, here's a possibility.

This yokel is tramping through the woods (or wherever) and sees this 'thing'. The guy nearly craps his pants, pulls his rifle (probably a .22) & shoots in the back of the head, then freaks out and runs away crying and blubbering.

Finally gets enough nerve to come back, finds the thing still dead. Throws a tarp over it & drags it back to his yahoo-mobile & puts it in the truck bed.

Takes 'thing' home & takes some pictures of it after he calls a buddy to come look at it. They make up a story to go along with the body that doesn't make the guy sound like such a wienie (did i spell that correctly?). After that? who knows... Time will tell.

If these guys come up with a video, we'll know a lot more. If they are able to produce their mysterious 'tissue samples' we'll really know. One way or the other.

It's all fun.
Forget the tissue samples,
I dare the guy to stick that arm bracelet the being was wearing on!! In fact, I double dare him to!!!
Let's see what happens when those pins stick into him and it sets solid on him......
Here's hoping ..... :)

Actually, that is something I would try if given the opportunity..does that mean I'm curious beyond sensible or just plain stupid?? :)
The dog melted into powder.
The being got hammered the moment the Doc saw no piccies of it standing up..
What the hell is an australian shepherd?? I live in Adelaide, S.A., buggered if I know what they are...I have two german shepherds myself. I'll play that squeel to them and see how they react!!!
Originally posted by SyberChick:
'lo again guys...

ok, i think, in fact i'm sure that the story is totally bogus. The 'obelisk' is bogus as well. I'll tell ya why.

This guy has pics of the 'obelisk' thing floating in the woods, but only has pics of the alien lying on a sheet (could be a plastic tarp under funky lighting). Now, if he had enough sense to take pics of the 'floating obelisk', why not take pics of the alien standing up, or at least in the woods? Why are there no pics of the dog?

I maintain that the pics of the 'alien' look unusually good. The sound-track is also good. Now, here's a possibility.

This yokel is tramping through the woods (or wherever) and sees this 'thing'. The guy nearly craps his pants, pulls his rifle (probably a .22) & shoots in the back of the head, then freaks out and runs away crying and blubbering.

Finally gets enough nerve to come back, finds the thing still dead. Throws a tarp over it & drags it back to his yahoo-mobile & puts it in the truck bed.

Takes 'thing' home & takes some pictures of it after he calls a buddy to come look at it. They make up a story to go along with the body that doesn't make the guy sound like such a wienie (did i spell that correctly?). After that? who knows... Time will tell.

If these guys come up with a video, we'll know a lot more. If they are able to produce their mysterious 'tissue samples' we'll really know. One way or the other.

It's all fun.

By the way, Jonathan and Robert will be appearing in March at the International UFO
Congress in Laughlin Nevada between March 5th and March 11th.

See the following Website for how to sign up for the conference.
How rediculous is this becoming?????
Jonathan fears for his life and has been in hiding, but if you want to meet him in person we'll let you know where he will be appearing three months in advance!

Yeah, Jonathon seems real scared, alright.

Actually, an Australian Shepherd has nothing to do with Australia whatsoever! They originated in Scotland, if I'm not mistaken, but they are highly intelligent sheep-herding dogs. Not that I have any sheep - but I do love the breed. :)
