Penis size does matter to women,


The eternal question of whether penis size matters to women has been probed by a team of international scientists who reported on Monday that yes, ladies do find larger men more attractive. What's more, prehistoric women who could see the sex organs of their scantily clad male counterparts may have helped influence the evolution of larger genitals in men by choosing to mate with partners who were bigger. Researchers said they decided to tackle the topic because past studies had offered conflicting answers, and may have been sullied by asking the women too directly. "Since penis size is a sensitive subject, it's hard to determine whether females lied or 'self-deceived' in their responses," lead author Brian Mautz, a postdoctoral researcher in evolution and sexual selection at the University of Ottawa, told AFP via email. So they embarked on a new type of study, using computer-generated images of generic male figures with varying heights, body shapes and flaccid penis lengths. A sample of 105 Australian women were asked to view 53 of these life-sized robot-like pictures, which rotated so they were visible at different angles. The women—all heterosexual—were not told they were participating in a study about penis size. They were simply asked to rate the figures according to sexual attractiveness. Their answers were collected anonymously. Researchers found that women rated tall men with long penises as the most attractive. The women also tended to gaze longer at the larger men. But not too long—each rating was made in about three seconds. But how big is best? On that question, researchers were, er, stumped. "We didn't find an ideal (i.e. 'most attractive') penis size or height," Mautz explained. "The attractiveness scores were still increasing at the largest values for these traits." The findings were published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal in the United States, called the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The results "directly contradict claims that penis size is unimportant to most females," and also hint at why human males tend to have relatively larger genitalia when compared to other primates, the study said. "Our results show that female mate choice could have played a role in the evolution of the relatively large human male penis," the authors wrote. "Before clothing, the nonretractable human penis would have been conspicuous to potential mates." The study did not get into the racial background of men and whether that may affect penis size, but it did document the ethnicity and age of the women it was studying for hints about whether penis size mattered. More than 70 percent of the women were of European origin, 20 percent were Asian and seven percent were from elsewhere. Their average age was 26.

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That's interesting. I have to wonder, though, if social cues played a role in that. I mean, obviously size matters in the bedroom, but I have to think the choices made were more about that perception than actual physical attractiveness. Does anyone think Ron Jeremy would rate as a more physically-attractive man than Brad Pitt? I sincerely doubt it.
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Further, the size of the flaccid member does not accurately convey its erect size. :eek: Many well endowed men merely stiffen when erect with no change in length or girth while many 'smaller' men get longer and thicker when engorged. The result is the 'standard length' organ.

Also, most women have a depth limit on the length that can be inserted, the rest is not used and is thus irrelevant. :eek:
Glad one inch has no benefit to them then.

One inch is a repellent to females, and i am glad.
I think penis size and height are indicators of (or tend to be correlated with) self-confidence, which is what women are truly attracted to. A short man (in either sense) can easily overcome this by anchoring his self-confidence in other things (charm, intelligence, ownership of Ferraris, etc)
I think women think differently about this subject based on the individual but the general consensus is that they are attracted to men who are endowed.
I've never seen a very beautiful woman marrying a very poor man.

Your sentence, Buddha12, hurts my feelings.
It seems to imply that poor and ordinary men only marry ordinary or ugly women. Oh dear! :eek:
Did all feminists become extinct? Are there not any women here in SciForums to defend women from such comments?

I am a woman, but I hate how some men -unfairly- overvalue some women but they take other women for granted.
Women are motivated by security and males by desire when chosen a long term mate. The main reason is women get pregnant and will naturally need security since she and her child will be vulnerable for years. Currently money and power are considered the most prestigious in culture and therefore offer the most security. If fads defined something new women would follow this path to security. Government is now the husband of many poor women, since Uncle Sam offers security in exchange for votes.

A handsome man would be more attractive to most woman, but he might also create a sense of insecurity, especially if he knows he is handsome and constantly seeks the approval of too many other women. The average lady may decide to average her desire for handsome with her need for security, and decide on an average guy with a good heart who works hard.

Women are more verbal and males are more visual. The result is females like a good personality and will sacrifice looks if the guy is a lot of fun to be with. He could be short, fat and bald but be animated orally. While guys tend to go for looks and may even marry a beautiful witch (with a B) who is not a very nice person to him. With guys the sack time seems to be reward enough. Female will sacrifice good sack time for a better day to day personality and family effort.
Women are more verbal and males are more visual.

I don't think so, wellwisher. Women are extremely visual, they watch a male as a whole: his physical appearance, the place where he works, his home, his car, his family, ... Women are more visual than men.
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Women are motivated by security and males by desire when chosen a long term mate. The main reason is women get pregnant and will naturally need security since she and her child will be vulnerable for years. Currently money and power are considered the most prestigious in culture and therefore offer the most security. If fads defined something new women would follow this path to security. Government is now the husband of many poor women, since Uncle Sam offers security in exchange for votes.

A handsome man would be more attractive to most woman, but he might also create a sense of insecurity, especially if he knows he is handsome and constantly seeks the approval of too many other women. The average lady may decide to average her desire for handsome with her need for security, and decide on an average guy with a good heart who works hard.

Women are more verbal and males are more visual. The result is females like a good personality and will sacrifice looks if the guy is a lot of fun to be with. He could be short, fat and bald but be animated orally. While guys tend to go for looks and may even marry a beautiful witch (with a B) who is not a very nice person to him. With guys the sack time seems to be reward enough. Female will sacrifice good sack time for a better day to day personality and family effort.

Wise words, glasshopper. You're right: women need security for bringing up their children. They want someone reliable who can keep everyone fed, won't run off if times get tough and can help make the joint enterprise fun with a bit of humour. Very sensible. Whereas men just chase after the best arse.
You are prejudging without presenting your position in detail

I haven't prejudged anything. His argument is absolute nonsense. Women are not motivated by security. Men are not motivated by desire. He simply assumes this is how the human race operates, and it's not only insulting, it's complete bullshit. This nonsense about men being visual while women are verbal is just noise, based on literally nothing. He's a fool playing at intellect. This is why he never responds to any direct questioning. He's more interested in presenting his ill-gotten ideas than actually learning.
Your sentence, Buddha12, hurts my feelings.
It seems to imply that poor and ordinary men only marry ordinary or ugly women. Oh dear! :eek:
Did all feminists become extinct? Are there not any women here in SciForums to defend women from such comments?

I am a woman, but I hate how some men -unfairly- overvalue some women but they take other women for granted.

Men watch other men and follow what's being done , kind of follow the leader type of actions. If you think that what I said implies anything other than what I said, that is your opinion and you are welcomed to think any way you want but just remember what I said didn't actually state that but as you pointed out only implied that. My statement holds true in the fact that I have never seen a beautifdul woman married to a poor man no matter what he looked like.

Money seems to me is the only real importance with women and has been that way for thousands of years. The rich get richer and the poor get little more than women who can't get a wealthy man be they ugly or not. There are always exceptions to this but overall I'd think you'd agree with me about what I state is factual and not misleading. I'm not saying that women are right or wrong, remember that , but only pointing out a clear truth about how life is.