pendulum to talk to subconcious mind

Ouija boards don't work, from my experience . . . Bummer, too. There's always someone else moving it. When I try it by myself, I get nothing.
Of course you can consciously control it: move your hand in the way you find most preferable :p The trick with the pendulum is to keep your arm perfectly steady and your mind perfectly still; once you achieve that, heheh (which takes a lot of effort), then you can talk about truthfulness of such experiments. And, whatever ansewr you get, you can always talk your mind into thinking that's the right answer.
I use that all the time and it keeps saying "YES" when ever I ask it if I am I know it works.
I havent been learning about this kind of stuff for very long, but i became interested/intrigued by the pendulam very quickly. A good friend of mine has lent me one of her pendulums, and a couple of books... They're very helpful, and good tools to have... The books are: A Little Book of PENDULUM MAGIC by: DJ Conway- this is more about the history, and how to get more intouch with the pendulum and etc... Also: "Knowing Your Intuitive Mind" The PENDULUM CHARTS by: Dale Olsen- EXTREMELY HELPFUL!! (even for beginners.) Includes 44 charts, and covers MANY SUBJECTS... Has a chart for yes/no questions, to percentage and probablillity, ABC (letters) and Numbers Chart. Directional (very helpful if you're looking for a lost item.) Relationship Compatibility, Household Inventory, Automobile Diagnosis, and much more.. i strongly reccomend this book!
If you really learn how to use the pendulum, they're not only COOL, but great tools to use in everyday life...

philthemn said:
I heard somewhere that you can use a pendulum and a piece of paper to ask your subconcious questions, you draw a circle on the piece of paper with YES written above and below the circle, and NO written either side of the circle, you would ask yourself a question and your hand will (subconsciously) swing the pendulum up and down (answering YES) or side to side (answering NO).

I was wondering if it would be possible to program your subconscious in the same way: ask it a qeustion and consciously move the pendulum towards the desired answer. for example, ask yourself "Am I addicted to cigarettes" and move the pendulum to swing side to side and answer NO, telling your subconscious mind that you are not addicted to cigarettes.

Any thoughts on wether this would work or not?

Athelwulf said:
Ouija boards don't work, from my experience . . . Bummer, too. There's always someone else moving it. When I try it by myself, I get nothing.
I have only used a Ouija Borad once and it was an interesting experience.
We had four people using it and we had been asking questions (it was all pretty silly stuff).
One or two of us believed it, the others (including myself) believed that it was simply subconscious reactions and/or people pushing it for fun.
After about half an hour or so of asking questions, we asked one (something typical, like which one of us was going to die first) and it started to spell out a name.
The tile went to S-H-A...
There was a Shannon among us, and we were all assuming it was going to spell her name.
I still thought it was pretty silly, because Shannon really believed in it, so I assumed someone was steering it to fuck with her.
Our hands were following the tile and moving towards the "N" (it was moving fairly quickly at this point), but then the Tile went in the other direction.
It took us all by surpise, not only because we were expecting it to go to the "N", but because it doubled back under our fingers.
None of us were moving our hands in that direction at all, and we felt it move under our fingers in the other direction, and only stopped moving in that direction when to people's fingers fell off the Tile completely.
I wanted to keep going, but everyone else was pretty freaked out (especially Shannon) and no one would continue with me.
It took us a while to convince Shannon to even go back into the house again (by explaining that it could not have been spelling HER name, because it would have gone to the "N", like everyone was expecting) and it was HER house.
I can't say this was enough to make me a believer, but it certainly was enough for me to want to get a nice old "cursed" board and try it again.