Pendulum - must see!


Registered Senior Member
So here's how you can get answers to your questions from the "thin world" useing a pendulum. From a book by A. Sviyash ( see ).

In this version you would be able only to get "YES", "NO" and "NOT SURE / WON'T SAY / DON'T KNOW / DO AS YOU WHISH, etc", if the pendulum starts moveing in circles. While later you would be able to use special charts with multiple possible answers.

First, you need to know with which creature of the thin world you want to speak.

1. Your subconscious ( not sure how it spells ).
2. Your guardian-angle , aka Egregor.
3. Sole/Spirit of a dead person.

There also are higher being, such as god or saints, but they probably won't communicate with you at first.

If you have, for example, lost your keys and want to know where you left them, you can ask your subcounscious. Or if your grandfather has passed away, not being able to tell you where he burried the treasure, you might ask him. There won't be much use if you would ask him what numbers will win in the lottery, as he doesn't know that. There are special gambling egregors for that, but you would have to feed them with energy first... About that later.

You must clean the room from all kinds of "jokers" that might want to make fun with you - light a candle, read a prayer ( if you know some ), ring a bell, etc.

Then take a sheat of paper, draw two lines/arrows, like that, and place it on the table.


Take a small, metal object ( while it could also be a crystal ) that belongs to you and you have positive emotions with it. A ring from your finger would do perfect. Tie a thread (~25cm / 9-10" ) to it and hold it so, that the ring would be about 5-10mm / 0.5" from the paper surface.

In your thought or loud say "I would like to talk to my subconscious" or "I invit my subconscious to a disscussion".

Possible dialogues:
"Is it my subconscious responding?"
"Is it really my subconscious?"
"Is it my guardion angel?"
"Is it a spirit of a dead person?"
"Is it some other being from the thin world?"
"So it is my subconscious responding?"
"Is it good for me if I eat this banana?"
"Is it good for me if I eat this sausage?"
"Thank you!"

You can also ask what has caused some certain illness, but more on this later.

Today was the first time I tried this, so I had olny asked "test question", like is it good for me if I eat this and this or is it good for me if I start smoking ( it said "No" :cool: ).

The swinging might get harder or lighter depending on the importance of the question ( maked with "!" in the dialogues above ).

Good Luck!
This belongs to the Book of the Spirits..

Those people that use pendulums and other stuff are Spiritualists, or whatever its called..

One friend of mine is part of a Spiritualist Center..

I believe their "bible" is the Alan Kardec Book of the Spirits, and others..

Its a guy that contacted the spirits about a lot of stuff and got a lot of responses (he did not use pendulums, but letters...)

Anyway, I believe its our subcouscious working,

But Im still very skeptical about this since this stuff brings a lot of religion and myths and faiths to the mix..

So we cant really have much of a scientific approach to really try to validate it or understand it somehow :p

Thats all I know... How and by the way, the pendulum is a nice trick because sometimes you can "subcousnciously" manipulate the direction it takes.. :p
I tried something like this,and the answers were what I thought of myself,my own "answers".thus,I wouldn't take it seriously