Pele supersedes God


Registered Senior Member
In Hawaii, Princess Ruth Ke'elikolani refused to speak English, become a Christian, and leave Hawaiian islands. She was devout in her beliefs of Hawaiian gods. One such god is Pele. Pele is associated with lava flows and volcanic activity. One day in recorded history Princess Ruth Ke'elikolani stopped a lava flow from harming Hilo, Hawaii, by making a sacrifice to Pele.

There is a lighthouse in the path of a wide lava flow, a man encircled it with Hawaiian salt and ti leaves, said something to request Pele not harm the light house, and the lava flowed around the invisible wall encircling the light house.

The Painted Church was physically relocated by its members whose belief in their all powerful God was not sufficient to have them believe God could protect the church as Pele protected the lighthouse and the town.

In Hawaii, benefits from belief in Pele supersedes benefits from belief in God.
