PCP more dangerous than KKK...

it doesn't look pretty at all, obviously.
but i think there are white people on PCP and cocaine who attack cops on daily basis and get their shit kicked out of.. and that never gets to CNN

the guy was a 400 pound monster high on drugs. he attacked the cops. if you look at the video, the 2 skinny cops are barely able to fight him off.

this whole thing is just an unfortunate accident...
i just hope they don't spin it to be what it's not...and not make a hero out of that guy.

btw, the guy did not "succum to his injuries"
he had a heart condition... combined with PCP and cocaine in his blood... THAT's what killed him.

"Each of these drugs is a central nervous system stimulant and has been associated in some cases with bizarre and violently aggressive behavior"
agreed, the fact that no riots broke out in black neighbourhoods tells me that they understand this tragic incident could not be compared with the brutal, possibly racist beating of a 19 year old black guy some time ago.

This dude got himself killed by bringing himselve inboth a dangerous physical and mental condition, at first people tried to help him and his balls-trippin female companion to the hospital, but no, helping somebody with rabis would have been easier....

He would have been a nice character to play in SEVEN, he fits at least six of the mayor sins:D

I am glad nobody else got hurt.
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This is not a particularly flagrant case given that the guy did attack the cops, but the way in which police in the US behave is outragous. However, I have trouble believing that six able-bodied people could be unable to subdue one man, no matter how big or how fucked up, without beating him with clubs.
In addition, as this article points out, the police continued to beat the man while telling him to put his hands behind his back. Now, anyone with a shred of common sense should be able to understand that by instinct anyone who is being assaulted will use their hands to block it or defend themselves, so no one, let alone someone on pcp, is going to put their hands behind their back if they are being beaten. So, even if these cops acted legally, they need to be fired at once, as common sense should be a requirement for being a police officer.

In many cases, police behavior is excused when it is found that they were acting according to training. This was the verdict in the Diallo verdict a few years ago. The police shot an unarmed man who was committing no crime 41 times. It turns out they acted according to their training and the matter was dropped.
Now, if police training is such that one can act according to it and kill innocent unarmed people, or get someone to put their hands behind their back while betaing them, then clearly needs to be done about the training they recieve.

Personally, taking a cue from Britain, I think the police in urban areas should be unarmed. Taking it a step further I think they should not carry clubs, as I can think of no acceptable use for such a device in the field of law enforcement. mace and stun guns should be more than sufficient, and if a suspect has a gun, a special armed unit could be called in. Barring this, it seems to me that the training police recieve needs to be overhauled completely.
Well, unfortunately that's just not the American way. In the states you obey the law because you know that if you don't you could be shot dead at a heart beat by a law enforcement agent high on his own authority and idea of good guys vs. bad guys.

Remember, it's violence, and the constant thread of men with guns, and the death they can bring you that holds our society together, try to be a little more respectfull of that.
Originally posted by Mystech
Well, unfortunately that's just not the American way. In the states you obey the law because you know that if you don't you could be shot dead at a heart beat by a law enforcement agent high on his own authority and idea of good guys vs. bad guys.

Remember, it's violence, and the constant thread of men with guns, and the death they can bring you that holds our society together, try to be a little more respectfull of that.
Diallo(and many other victims) didn't do anything wrong.
It may be the American way to selectively brutalize people for even the smallest crime based on their socio-economic and racial status, but that doesn't make it in any way acceptable.
Originally posted by otheadp

btw, the guy did not "succum to his injuries"
he had a heart condition... combined with PCP and cocaine in his blood... THAT's what killed him.

Yeah, if you are going to use PCP know the facts first right? Like you should never chase it with alcohol I think, and you should NEVER chase it with a savage beating, thats just asking for trouble. Darn irrisponcible of him to get savagly beat like that.
Originally posted by jps
It may be the American way to selectively brutalize people for even the smallest crime based on their socio-economic and racial status, but that doesn't make it in any way acceptable.

I believe that that was my point.
I have trouble believing that six able-bodied people could be unable to subdue one man
a) have you ever fought a 400-pound man on PCP and coke?
b) not all of them were kicking the shit out of him. when additional units arrived the ass-kicking slowed down

Like you should never chase it with alcohol I think
how do you know? lol

look, this case, imo is not a "typical police beating of a black man". the problem of racist white cops does exist (to what extent, i don't know). but in this case the man was at fault.
Originally posted by otheadp
I have trouble believing that six able-bodied people could be unable to subdue one man
a) have you ever fought a 400-pound man on PCP and coke?
b) not all of them were kicking the shit out of him. when additional units arrived the ass-kicking slowed down
a) I have not personally fought a 400 lb man on pcp and coke, now, but i have been in a situation in which a large person on drugs became violent. in this case, it took 3 people to restrain him, but it was done without beating.
Given that none of the people involved in my encounter had any training in this matter, and that the person restrained was at least 2/3 the wait of this guy, it seems reasonable to assume that 6 trained police officers would be able to handle this in the same way.

b) so what? once he was down they should have handcuffed him and been done with it.
Do you really think that if a cop came up to you knocked you down and started bludgeoning you, while yelling "put your hands behind your back" you would be able to make yourself comply? How 'bout if you were on pcp?
Fact is he didn't have any injuries from the beating other than minor bruises.
He would have died from exhausting himself struggling with them.
When I heard about it at first and saw a little of the video I was pissed off thinking it was weak as fuck. The news said he was beaten to death and I only saw the part where he's lying down and there ramming battons into his body repeatedly.
But the reality isn't really a big deal at all.
A police videotape shows a squad car arriving at the restaurant at 5:58 a.m., at which point the recording device was switched off (because the squad car was not running - saves battery life).

The tape resumes rolling at 6 a.m. An officer is heard saying to Jones, "You gotta tell me what's going on."

Jones then says, "White boy, redneck," and the tape shows him lunging at the officer and attempting to put him in a headlock.

Originally posted by otheadp

but i think there are white people on PCP and cocaine who attack cops on daily basis and get their shit kicked out of.. and that never gets to CNN

White people are statistically a small part of the PCP user population.

Statistically, African-Americans are the group with the highest rate of crime in the United States.
White people are statistically a small part of the PCP user population.
that may be the popular belief

show me a study though.
The coroner has ruled that while Jones was on his way to death, this specific incident caused his heart problem to kill him, as exacerbated by PCP and alcohol and cocaine. So while the cops are the trigger, the "cause" is more complex.

Hint: Don't shout "redneck" at a cop and then lunge at him as if you're going to kill him. He'll beat the shit out of you. Any cop, any country.