PBS documentary on atheism

I love how the conservative asserts that the Nazi Germany regime was athiest...so quick to disassociate his own religion with the horrors of human history.
CBS News said:
Conservative Christians are criticizing a plan by Public Broadcasting Service stations to begin showing later this week a three-part television documentary series on atheism, calling it "demagogic and propagandistic."
Sounds to me like the Christians need to have a nice frothy glass of STFU!
You don't hear non-Christians complaining about Christian based shows. Why do they whine about anything that they think is threatening to their faith? If they have faith, nothing is going to sway it. Why can't they get their heads out of their asses and just accept stuff like this as educational. People have different beliefs. It's too bad they can't just be as accepting as their Jesus preaches instead of feeling threatened and getting all butt-hurt about it.

"But we have to remember that the two most horrific regimes of the 20th century, which probably killed more people than any other dictatorships in history, were the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, both atheistic regimes," he said.
True, but are any of the regimes currently in the Middle East athiestic? Didn't think so.
What kind of regime started the Crusades (justified or not)? The Spanish Inquisition?
so please lets get away from this silly reference to atheism and communism being the same, the bible is basically a communist manifesto.
+eleventy billion
"Accept Jesus as your savior or burn for eternity in hell" pretty much proves that point.

Communism and socialism isn't bad on paper; it's when you try to apply it is when it gets ugly. Greed and selfishness is what keeps either of those two ideas from working. With that said, I still prefer capitalism.
Communism and socialism in the practical application form is like putting a retard behind the wheel of a WRC rally car. It just won't work. You need a competent driver (leaders) to be behind the wheel or it will just crash.
The country that has hurt the most people, committed the most brutal and viscious human rights atrocities consistently ever is the United States.

And most of it has been since the mid 20th century, a time when "Under God" was added to the allegiance and we have had a steady stream of conservative Christian Presidents.

Our current President is the closest thing to a Christian Shah I can imagine.

At least the Shah isn't a hypocrite, attacking others for attempting to build nukes when he is clearly building them himself...

He's like "yah, I'm building nukes, bug off..."
oh, and as for saddam's government, it was terrible, but do you think what's going on now in iraq is any better?

what do you think about the 1 million turks who protested on the streets recently for secularism?
pffft :rolleyes: keep calling the kettle black, no one is going to believe you.
al-qaeda secular?
those dissatisfied men still kill in the name of their religion.

they are the ones who've failed to be raised as secular individuals and have become radical and revolted against rationalism.

Not only are you a mind reader (since you ignore the research on those dissatisfied young men and presume to know their motives) but also you cannot spell SARCASM

oh, and as for saddam's government, it was terrible, but do you think what's going on now in iraq is any better?

what do you think about the 1 million turks who protested on the streets recently for secularism?

Yeah Saddam was secular remember?

And you do know the anti-theist laws that forbid scarf wearing Muslim girls from attending university in Turkey?:)

The 18 year old who was imprisoned for protesting her right to wear a scarf?
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where did I mis-spell sarcasm?

oh you mean secularism?

we'll i disagree with imprisoning her for wearing a scarf, but then it sounds like a confused society to me. Hey, in a lot of countries, women aren't really supposed to leave the house.

Care to acknowledge any honour killings? Stonings? Hanging of gay teenage boys? In the name of shariah law?
Is that the same Islam, the religion of peace, you associate yourself with? Can I guess not?

And imprisoning people for wearing a headscarf isn't my idea of a secular society either.

Let me guess, lots of people from the middle east want to go to turkey, for many reasons, including to study and benefit from its high standard of education which happen to exist because of turkey's secularism, and feature those same secular universities?

Studying often benefits from the inclusion of facts, and a scientific approach, I take it. If "god/allah/yahweh" could cure the sick, we wouldn't need hospitals or medicine right?

At this point I'd like to remind devotees to any other religions that these criticisms apply to their belief systems, too.

Western civilisation has basically made a lot of progress (despite some of it, lead by the US, continuing to act barbarically) largely due to the a secular society that is free from religion, and separation between church and state.
Look at sweden, denmark, and other countries in that region.
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