Paul's Treason - Doctrine of State Supremacy / Paul's confession

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Paul's Treason: Doctrine of State Supremacy

State Supremacy: A Defeating Doctrine

It has often been my position that Paul proves himself to have been the Antichrist because every major doctrine he formulated turned to evil. In Romans 13 Paul forever surrenders ultimate authority to State, not Ecclesiastical, Authorities. Of course, he was writing to the Romans at the time, and so we can assume he was fostering an alliance with the Imperial Government against the True Messianic Jewish Church of the Apostles, whom he considered to be his rivals. So for the transient and selfish interests of a single day, he forever betrayed The Church and even put into doubt the survival of Civilization. Christ said we would know the Antichrist by the damage he would do, and this was damaging. Paul should be held responsible for every usurpation of Political Power and every assault upon the Church by civilian Authority, since Paul gave encouragement to every ambitious thief and bandit by telling them that if they were to succeed in their Conquests, it could only be with God’s Blessing. Paul’s Doctrine supposes that God crowns murderers. To Paul, the only fault in Lucifer was that his Rebellion did not succeed.

It puts me in mind of the Parable of the Nefarious Steward in Luke 16, who, when notified that he was to be terminated for sloth, incompetence, and dishonesty, immediately doctors the ledgers to cancel out debts owed to his Master in order to make friends among the benefited debtors. He purchased influence with property that was not his to give away. So it was that Paul tried to win influence by giving away the Power of the Church, which was not his to give away. Was not Christ the Messiah meant to be King of Kings? If so, the Heirs of Christ were not intended to bow before the bandits, thieves and politicians who would wrangle over each other’s dead bodies to usurp Secular Authority. As the Messiah was to have been the Supreme Authority, so it is the Rightful Destiny of His Church to finally establish itself as the Supreme Authority.

Paul’s decision to surrender ultimate authority to soldiers and bandits would haunt the Church. For instance, the man who chaired the Committee to decide upon the Contents of the Holy Bible was not a Bishop or any trained theologian, but the Emperor who was nothing more than the most successful murderer in the Empire. Some qualification that is, but Protestants have unanimously persisted in declaring his political decision to be tantamount to the Holy Spirit of God Himself. It was no accident that Paul was canonized by a Secular Politician, perhaps only because he had been the only Writer of Doctrine in all of Church History thus far to explicitly bow before Secular Authority. Paul was effectively canonized for his overt Treason.

Then there is every accusation ever made against the Catholic Church by Protestants. Upon examination it can be discovered that each abuse can be traced to the conflicting demands placed upon the Authority of the Church by Secular Authorities who used Paul’s Doctrine of State Supremacy to subvert ethical and moral considerations. If The Church had been left in Absolute Charge a far greater Purity in both action and intent would have been guaranteed, since no compromises would have been required in dealing with the Devil of Secular Authority.
Paul: A Self Confessed Ignoramus

Paul: A Self Confessed Ignoramus

Protestants insist that it is essential, in order to justify their ignoring the Teachings of Christ, that the sections of the Bible they prefer should be considered THE ABSOLUTE WORD OF GOD. They use this doctrine in order to rationalize their Choice of Paul over Christ.

But then they should have to explain the embarrassment of Paul’s confession in 1 Corinthians 13:12 in which he admits that he has no better knowledge than the next guy and that what he does know is clouded with ignorance and stupidity. What else could be meant by saying that he only sees as though “through a glass and darkly, and only in part”. What WORD OF GOD should admit to delusion, distortion and incompleteness? Paul tells us that after he’s dead he will finally have a clearer picture. Well, perhaps he should have waited to die before he wrote the 14 Books which would dominate Doctrine even more than the very Words of Christ. And before we took Paul’s word for anything, we should have carefully considered that Paul did not even believe himself. If even he does not think his words tantamount to being the Word of God, then why should we?