Pauls teachings: Look carefully, He's not the anti-christ


Registered Senior Member
Ah, here we go, this is a new thread with new hopes of seeking truth. In advance I thank you all for your replies. The only thing I ask is that everyone sticks to factual evidence or scripture. Otherwise, NO PROPAGANDA!!! If you have something to say, back it up. If you contradict yourself, you will be informed that you did. We seek the truth and we shall not let lying propaganda to get in the way. Other than that lets have a healthy debate.

I'm guessing it has something to do with considering the resurrection of Jesus to be a spiritual transformation, not a literal physical event?
spidergoat: I'm guessing it has something to do with considering the resurrection of Jesus to be a spiritual transformation, not a literal physical event?
M*W: You probably already know that I am no fan of Paul, the Liar from Tarsus. If Jesus was a real person who lived in those times, which I tend to think he was a rabbi, Paul never knew Jesus. Paul didn't live in Jesus' time. Yet, everything Paul wrote about a man he never knew was fictitious. Paul created the myth of Jesus Christ based on earlier Mithraic myths. How can a writer take one mythology and insert a new name to the old myth and have people believe it is fact? Jesus was not the first dying demigod savior of myth. I also believe that Jesus lived as a real person because of his close association with Mary Magdalene. I also believe both the OT and NT have been grossly mistranslated exponentially. Also, the Bible stories seem to be written in certain codes. For example, the story of Noah and the Flood possibly occurred before the story of the Garden of Eden. The ark of Noah I think means some kind of container, or test tube, of human DNA. Then there's the Ark of the Covenant. I tend to think that it housed some sort of battery. In the Baghdad Museum there was an ancient battery about 5,000 years old. If it's still there is anyone's guess.

I have a theory about Mary Magdalene. Of course this was not her "real" name. "Mary" is a title meaning "temple goddess or prostitute". Magdala was a place. Temple goddesses (prostitutes) were learned women of the day as well as healers. They were wise and respected women of their time. When Paul wrote about MM, he said Jesus healed her of "seven demons." I believe this to be a code. The "seven" demons could possibly mean the area of Southern France called Septimania where MM and her children by Jesus went to live. I believe that Jesus wasn't crucified as he was let go free by Pontius Pilate, who surprisingly, retired in the South of France as did Herod! I've read where PP set Jesus free because of MM's status.

Back to MM: "Mary" is a title meaning "bitter" or "rebellious" woman. This description may not be correct. Mary comes from Meri, Miriam, or Mer, meaning the sea. Of course, Magdala was on the seacoast. Magdala also means "tower." I think this is perhaps a "lighthouse" or "beakon" on the "mer" or sea. The "seven" means the coastal area of France on the Mediterranean. "Demons" means "of the world" or "de mons." So whatever MM's real name was, we don't know. So what I think MM refers to is a code meaning dangerous sea navigation needing light to mark the coast.

Then there's Jesus walking on the sea. I can only imagine what that means!

But in answer to your question, I don't believe the resurrection was a literal event. In fact, the correct meaning of "resurrection" is "resuscitation." So if he were on the cross at all, he lived through it but got the hell out of there!
Temple goddesses (prostitutes) were learned women of the day as well as healers. They were wise and respected women of their time.

The oldest profession has always been the same today as it was yesterday - paying for sex. The rest is foreplay.
Q: "The oldest profession has always been the same today as it was yesterday - paying for sex. The rest is foreplay.
M*W: Excuse me, that may be an old adage, but it's not true. The oldest profession, if you recall, was a harvester of one certain fruit thought to be a pomegranate. The second oldest profession was a midwife. Perhaps prostitution became the third oldest profession. Therefore, the midwife was the busiest of all professionals.

According to the book "Mary: The Unauthorized Biography," by Michael Jordan, The Orion Publishing Company, Longon, UK, 2001, there is a noted difference between "temple priestesses" or "qadesh" and "prostitutes" or "Zonim." The former meaning performers of the ritual marriage rite or "religious prostitution," and the latter simply meaning "whore." In fact, the very name "Mary" is a title meaning "temple priestess." "Miriam" was a job description. On temple priestesses had the power to "anoint" anyone.

"Esoteric meaning may also lie in the reference to anointing Jesus' feet because, in biblical times, 'feet' were employed as a euphemism for the male genitalia."

It was customary in those days for a bridegroom to be "anointed" by his bride on his head.

"Qdesha ia a borrowing from the Mesopotamian qadistu and it describes a temple priestess. One of the central aspects of the Mesopotamian cult was the honouring of the fertility goddess, Ishtar. Her temples were staffed by women devotees or votaries who served her daily needs and some of whom participated in her most sacred rite, the Marriage. The responsibilities undertaken by these women are detailed in the Mesopotamian Law Codes. In brief, they were called upon to represent the fertility diva in order to safeguard the prosperity and fecundity of the natural world."

There are seven Maryams mentioned in the Bible. The number seven carries a mystical significance, both in Christian and Pagan traditions. The Jews were antagonistic toward women named Mary."The Carpocratians were said by critics, including Irenaeus, to be radicals with a penchant for licentious behaviour. They were the first Christians of the second century, for example, known to pray before cultic images of Christ. Irenaeus had conceded, in the context of an attack on the Carpovratians, that certain Christians 'practised unlawful intercourse with mothers and sisters and took part in unhallowed feasts' [Hist 7.10]. We thus find reference among Christian writings of the first and second centuries to a feast enjoyed by members of the movement but which was condemned by critics as an excuse for sexual licence. We also have Paul and Irenaeus conceding that Christians wer being branded as incestuous. The correspondence of Irenaeus links "agape" with incest."

"Sexually driven rites, including Sacred Marriages, feature strongly among complaints made by other early Christian Fathers."

"It would be difficult, however, to find one of the Christian Fathers between the second and fourth centuries who did not level accusations of sexual impropriety against some of his brothers in Christ."

"The fourth century saw Marian ideology take on a more defined shape, including both orthodox and heterodox thinking. During this period, Mary's allegedly permanent virginity remained the most strident message and it encouraged a level of extremism among the Church's misogynists."

The Roman Catholic Church teaches that Mary was bodily assumed up into heaven to be with her son. Therefore, the RCC teaches that Mary did not die a physical death.

"The fairy-tale elements that embodied the Dormition (Falling Asleep) and the Carnal Assumption began to take shape in the third century in the eastern wing of Christendom. One of the earliest fragmentary accounts, the "Obsequies of the Holy Virgin, written anonymously in Syriac some time between the beginning of the third and the middle of the fourth century and found in the mid-nineteeth century, records a conversation that allegedly took place in front of Mary's tomb. A group of disciples, including Paul, discussing the policy to be adopted for preaching the Christian message were confronted by an apparition of Jesus who summoned the archangel Michael, ordering him to carry Mary's corpse to heaven. [Syriac narrative fragment, version E.ii, (Wright, 1865, p.42]."

This next paragraph is for VERN.

"The Greek text known as the "Assumption of the Virgin," attributed to John the Evangelist, provides other details and is significant in several respects. It states that the period between Mary's funeral and the discovery of an empty tomb was three days, the same passage of time as recorded for the Resurrection of Christ. The time factor also carries strong echoes of the old pagan traditions of Inana and Ishtar who languished in the underworld for three days before bodily resurrection."

Interestingly, "...the pomegranate is one of the oldest symbols of fertility and has often been seen as a euphemism for a woman's sexual organs."

Jesus was not known as the "Immaculate Conception," Mary was.

Furthermore, the temple prostitutes were BOTH female and male! The ancient Essenic cult of mostly hermit men and a pious few women, were known to use ritual masturbation and various forms of sexual intercourse with each other, because that is what they believed would get them into heaven.

Of course, a religion whose belief is based on a dying demigod savior would require his mother to be chaste also. We don't know for sure who wrote the gospels of M,M,L & J, but we do know they were influenced by Paul and based on the earlier gospels.

Since Mary was initiated as a sacred or temple prostitute, it's only befitting that Jesus was a product of a sacred sexual rite honoring a pagan mother goddess.

The Marian cult has corrupted the founding principles of Christianity, not that I care anymore.
I want to know where exactly does Paul go against the teachings of Jesus. I've seen alot of anti Paul talk on this forum. I want to know, where in the Bible does Paul actually go against the teachings of God. I don't recall anything he said that did.
That's because every so called "Paul critic" accepts the fact that even though the other writers of the Bible were NO WHERE CLOSE TO PAUL, they ALL wrote concerning the SAME doctrines.

These so called "critics" can not even begin to explain how these documents written separately could possibly have so much in common.
§our§tar: That's because every so called "Paul critic" accepts the fact that even though the other writers of the Bible were NO WHERE CLOSE TO PAUL, they ALL wrote concerning the SAME doctrines.

These so called "critics" can not even begin to explain how these documents written separately could possibly have so much in common.
M*W: On, come on, now! You're spreading your xian lies. Paul influenced the gospel writers. All they did was copy from each other, but their writings were contradictory. There is more truth to be found in the other gospels, the ones the church fathers suppressed. Now why do you think they would do that?

And no -- not "every so called 'Paul critic' accepts" the lies propagated by Paul. It's a pity you're so ignorant.
macabre: I want to know where exactly does Paul go against the teachings of Jesus. I've seen alot of anti Paul talk on this forum. I want to know, where in the Bible does Paul actually go against the teachings of God. I don't recall anything he said that did.
M*W: Welcome to the wonderful world of sciforums. To answer your questions, and to learn everything you've always wanted to know but were too afraid to ask about Saul of Tarsus, I recommend your reading of The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity, by Hyam Maccoby, Barnes & Noble, Inc., 1986.
Medicine Woman said:
§our§tar: That's because every so called "Paul critic" accepts the fact that even though the other writers of the Bible were NO WHERE CLOSE TO PAUL, they ALL wrote concerning the SAME doctrines.

These so called "critics" can not even begin to explain how these documents written separately could possibly have so much in common.
M*W: On, come on, now! You're spreading your xian lies. Paul influenced the gospel writers. All they did was copy from each other, but their writings were contradictory. There is more truth to be found in the other gospels, the ones the church fathers suppressed. Now why do you think they would do that?

And no -- not "every so called 'Paul critic' accepts" the lies propagated by Paul. It's a pity you're so ignorant.

I am only shocked by your accusations. :( There is NO archaeological evidence whatsoever that Paul influenced the gospel writers whatsoever. You have provided not ONE shred of proof concerning your illogical theory, that ONE man, ON FOOT, could have possibly influenced ALL New Testament writers concerning Christian doctrine. If you have any archaeological evidence whatsoever, please show it or hold your peace.
M.W. Please give me scripture that shows Paul contradicting the other writers or Jesus. I can't find one. Paul preached alot on the grace of God. However, he condemned sexual immorality, gossiping, and etc. Please give me one credible example from scripture.

§our§tar: I am only shocked by your accusations.
M*W: As I am only shocked by your ignorance!
SourStar: There is NO archaeological evidence whatsoever that Paul influenced the gospel writers whatsoever.
M*W: When you say "archeological evidence," exactly what do you want to know? Biblical scholars, some who may be archeologists, and some who may be scientists, have published their scientific findings. These data are available everywhere, including on the Internet and in bookstores. It is readily available to you, but you're too afraid to look for it. It's simply easier for you to stay addicted to your religion and remain in denial of the truth!
SourStar: You have provided not ONE shred of proof concerning your illogical theory, that ONE man, ON FOOT, could have possibly influenced ALL New Testament writers concerning Christian doctrine.
M*W: Why should I provide YOU with any PROOF when you CHOOSE to believe lies? When you say that the literature I've cited is my "illogical theory," you are decidedly wrong. I certainly believe the scientific findings, but I cannot take credit for the research. Literature citations mean that other individuals who are experts in their field have done the science and published THEIR findings that have been accepted by peer reviews.
SourStar: If you have any archaeological evidence whatsoever, please show it or hold your peace.
M*W: Since you're too lazy (i.e. afraid) to look up the evidence published on the Internet as well as other citations, I will spoon feed them to you, but don't expect me to hold my peace on this subject.

Elaine Pagels:
~The Gnostic Gospels. 1979.
~Adam, Eve and the Serpent. 1987.
~The Origin of Satan. 1995.
~Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas. 2003.

Karen Armstrong:
~A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam
~The Battle for God
~Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths
~In the Beginning: A New Interpretation of Genesis
~Holy War: The Crusades and Their Impact on Today's World
~Francis of Assisi: A Revolutionary Life
~Beginning the World
~A.D. 1000: A World on the Brink of Apocalypse

Laurence Gardner:
~Bloodline of the Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed
~Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark
~Realm of the Ring Lords: The Myth and Magic of the Grail Quest
~Genesis of the Grail Kings: The Explosive Story of Genetic Cloning and the Ancient Bloodline of Jesus

Lynn Pinknett & Clive Prince:
~The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ.
~Mary Magdalene: Christianity's Hidden Goddess

Ralph Ellis:
~Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs

Dan Burstein:
~Secrets of the Code: The Unauthorized Guide to the Mysteries Behind The DaVinci Code

John Hogue:
~The Last Pope: The Decline and Fall of the Church of Rome

Hyam Maccoby:
~The Mythmaker: Paul and the Invention of Christianity
~Revolution in Judaea: Jesus and the Jewish Resistance
~Judas Iscariot and the Myth of Jewish Evil
~The Sacred Executioner: Human Sacrifice and the Legacy of Guilt
~The Day God Laughed: Sayings, Fables, and Entertainments of the Jewish Sages
~A Pariah People: The Anthropology of Antisemitism
~Ritual and Morality: The Ritual Purity System and Its Place in Judaism
~Jesus the Pharisee
~Judaism on Trial: Jewish-Christian Disputations in the Middle Ages

Chas S. Clifton:
~Encyclopedia of Heresies and Heretics

Jean-Yves Leloup:
~The Gospel of Maray Magdalene

Tau Malachi:
~Jesus & Mary Magdalene: The Sacred Marriage in Gnosticism

Richard Atwood:
~Mary Magdalene in the New Testament Gospels and Early Tradition (European University Studies. Series Xxiii, Theology)
Peter Lang Publishing 3261045191 Non-fiction

Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, Richard Leigh:
~Holy Blood, Holy Grail Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, Richard Leigh Dell Pub Co 0440136482 Non-fiction
~The Messianic Legacy
~The Elixir and the Stone

Doug Batchelor:
~At Jesus' Feet: The Gospel According to Mary Magdalene
Herald Publishing 0828015902 Non-fiction

Esther de Boer:
~Mary Magdalene: Beyond the Myth
Trinity Pr Intl 1563382121 Non-fiction

Ann Graham Brock:
~Mary Magdalene, The First Apostle: The Struggle for Authority
Harvard University Press 0674009665 Non-fiction

Sidney Callahan:
~A Retreat With Mary of Magdala and Augustine: Rejoicing in Human Sexuality, St Anthony Messenger Press 0867162627 Non-fiction

Susan Haskins:
~Mary Magdalene: Myth and Metaphor Susan Haskins
Riverhead Books (Reprint ed.) 015157765X Non-fiction

Katherine Ludwig Jansen:
~The Making of the Magdalen: Preaching and Popular Devotion in the Later Middle Ages, Princeton Univ Press 0691089876 Non-fiction

Karen L. King:
~The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle

Henry Lincoln:
~The Holy Place: Discovering the Eighth Wonder of the Ancient World, Arcade Publications 1559701234 Non-fiction
~Key to the Sacred Pattern: The Untold Story of Rennes-le-Chateau
~The Templar's Secret Island (with Erling Haagensen)

Antti Marjanen Brill:
~The Woman Jesus Loved: Mary Magdalene in the Nag Hammadi Library and Related Documents
Academic Publishers 9004106588 Non-fiction

Jean Markale:
~The Church of Mary Magdalene: The Sacred Feminine and the Treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau, Inner Traditions 0892811994 Non-fiction

Marvin W. Meyer:
~The Gospels of Mary: The Secret Tradition of Mary Magdalene, the Companion of Jesus, Harper San Francisco 0060727918 Non-fiction

Archbishop of Mainz, Rabanus Maurus:
~The Life of Saint Mary Magdalene and of Her Sister Saint Martha (Cistercian Studies Series, No 108, David Mycoff (Translator), Cistercian Publications 0879076089 Non-fiction

Nancy Qualls-Corbett:
~The Sacred Prostitute: Eternal Aspect of the Feminine, Inner City Books 0919123317 Non-fiction

James M. Robinson:
~The Nag Hammadi Library in English,Harper San Francisco 0060669357 Non-fiction

Sandra M. Rushing:
~The Magdalene Legacy: Exploring the Wounded Icon of Sexuality, Bergin & Garvey 0897893883 Non-fiction

Jane Schaberg:
~The Resurrection of Mary Magdalene: Legends, Apocrypha, and the Christian Testament, Continuum 0826413838 Non-fiction

Margaret Starbird:
~The Woman With the Alabaster Jar: Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail, Bear & Co 1879181037 Non-fiction
~The Goddess in the Gospels: Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine, Bear & Co 187918155X Non-fiction
~Magdalene's Lost Legacy: Symbolic Numbers and the Sacred Union in Christianity, Inner Traditions 1591430127 Non-fiction
~The Feminine Face of Christianity, Quest Books 0835608271 Non-fiction

Michael Jordan
~Mary: The Unauthorized Biography

Greg Rigby:
~On Earth as it is in Heaven

David Wood:
~Genisis - The First Book of Revelations
~Geneset (with Ian Campbell)
~Poussin's Secret (with Ian Campbell)

Lionel Fanthorpe:
~Secrets of Rennes Le Chateau

Andrews & Schellenberger:
~The Tomb of God

Elizabeth Van Buren:
~Refuge of the Apocalypse: Doorway into Other Dimensions

Guy Patton and Robin Mackness:
~Web of Gold

Tim Wallace-Murphy, Graham Simmans, Marilyn Hopkins:
~Rex Deus

Simon Miles:
~The Sacred Landscape Geometry of Rennes-le-Chateau (Australia)

Wiel Vercoulen:
~The Visitor's Guide for Rennes-le-Chateau