Paul As A Test

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Paul As A Test

Often we are presented with the metaphor which likens the struggle of Religion to a Battle – a Battle between Good and Evil in which the Religiously Minded would hope for a Total Victory so that all Souls may go to Heaven. However, this may be an undesirable goal if we were to think first of what God’s true agenda might be. God may wish to Win only that worth winning. Would God really desire for all Souls to crash into Heaven, or might God rather decide to be very selective? Looking at the Old Book of Job we can see that God can be very particular, and that God does not even reject the offices of Satan Lucifer himself if that Devil can be of assistance in uncovering flaws and imperfections in those who should be Perfect before being allowed to ascend into Heaven.

I think such is the case regarding Paul. God sent His Son, the Perfect Man, Jesus Christ, to offer the Teachings that would open the Way to the Kingdom of God on Earth. If that Teaching had been left Pure, then what could have been said for Free Will? If all of Society’s Institutions would have been entirely of Christ, certainly it would have been a Wonderful Thing for Good People, but it would have been almost a compulsion and a duress for those whose natural inclinations would predispose them to Evil. Imagine a World in which Morality is locked in and People are refused the opportunity to Sin. Would they be accepted into Heaven simply because they were never able to break free of the fetters of True Religion and Morality to do what every fiber of their body and perverted souls had ever yearned for… to sin, sin, and to sin some more, if given the chance? But what would God want or do with such reluctant purity?

So God decided to give Humanity a Choice. Free Will would be given Free Reign. God had His Son, and Satan was allowed to also have a son of his own. Christ, God’s Son, was followed by Paul the Son of Satan. The Messiah of Law and Righteousness was followed by the Apostle of Messianic Murder and Licensed Sin. We need to remember that while the Doctrines of Salvation and Forgiveness of Sins sounds appealing to Sinners, that it disregards the Victims’ demands for Justice, and that ultimately the Forgiveness of Sins is effectively nothing more than the Condoning of Sin. Is it not true that where no law is ever enforced there might as well be no law at all? A World in which all Sins are Forgiven is a World where all Sins are Allowed – a Satanic World.

And so every Christian who can come by the possession of a Bible has a Choice laid out before him… a Test, if you wish to term it so. One can choose the Narrow Way of Christ. Or one can choose the licentiousness of Paul. God will get what God wants, which is a Heaven of those who have made the Correct Moral and Religious Choice. And those who God determines to go to Hell can not raise the defense that they never committed a sin, which they might have claimed had they never been allowed to sin. But in believing they had a Religious Sanction to Sin through being offered Forgiveness, if they consciously chose to Sin, then they can be damned by their own deliberate Choice. It is not as though Christ did not offer enough Warnings. Only a fool would chose Paul as a Master after Christ told us we could not have two. Only a fool would chose the Wide Way after Christ told us to stay to the Straight and Narrow. Only a fool would bake bread of weeds and tares while rejecting the Wheat of the True Teaching. But it is typically the Fools who fail Tests, no?

Now I must wonder that I may be spoiling The Test by giving away the Answer. Yet, for all that my Angels tell me, they had never discouraged me telling you this, and I rather believe they have encouraged my disclosures. We need to remember that Christ told us that at the End of the Age, at the Time of the Harvest, the Tares would be separated from the Wheat. It is now Time that the Answer to the Test be revealed. It is Time the Grades be handed out. Those who had ever followed the Way of Christ’s Righteousness while distrusting Paul’s Salvation, congratulate your selves – you Passed. Those who had always felt appalled at the thought that Christ would need to be murdered so that Mankind could abandon all Moral Concerns as no longer Religiously binding or necessary, congratulate your selves – you Passed. But those who choose Paul over Christ… dress warm – you Failed.
Hi Leo, Interesting!

If you ask any person, "Do you what to be deceived"? What would their answer be?

"I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine-dresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the Word which I have spoken to you. --- If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin." - (John 15:1-22)

Why can't christian believe that Saul/St.Paul is the great false prophet, and his mystical Jesus that came to him on the road to Damascus is the Beast, Satan? At the time of the Second Coming the nature of the Beast and the nature of those who worship the Beast will be revealed. You shall know them by their fruits.

Saul/St.Paul has deceived the whole world by convincing whole world that his mystical Jesus is the Jesus that was born from Mary.

What would happen to ALL the christian religions and christian institutions when this is revealed to be true?

Peace be with you, Paul
leo said:
in those who should be Perfect before being allowed to ascend into Heaven.
not too many people are going to make the cut. I'm sure Leo considers himself one of those that will, but I could be wrong. He and the other two or three "perfect" people will have fun.
Leo Volont: Paul As A Test

M*W: Paul was supposed to have been a trustworthy chronicler of Jesus. However, Paul was NOT a witness to the scourging of Jesus nor was he a witness to the Crucifixion. Words alone are not worthy of witness. That's all Paul offered.

Paul claimed that Jesus was a historical personage, but that was an unproven proclamation.

Josephus was a Pharisee. He had no kind words for Jesus. The Roman Centurians were watching everything that Josephus wrote. There is nothing historically written to prove that Jesus ever existed. That's like department stores write about Santa Claus being real. It serves a purpose.

Jesus never existed. He was a myth. People believed that myth, and so he seemed to be real. Just like Santa Claus, and the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny. Jesus Christ never existed. Yet, people still hold onto the concept of belief in Jesus. How sad. How sad they have to remain in a fantasy. How sad they are not in touch with reality.

But, the question is, why do people believe in the myth?
After Jesus said, "I have ovecome the world", Jesus prayed to the Father, and said, " that they may be one, as You, Father, are in Me and I in You; they may also may be one in Us, that the world may beleive that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me ; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me." - ( John 17:21-23 )

Also Jesus spoke these words, " --- Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect" - (Matt. 5:43-48),

and to John He said, "To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. - (Rev. 3:21)

After Jesus the Alpha and Omega spoke to John, he wept much because no man was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it. One the elders came to John and said, "Do not weep, one has prevailed."

Leo: > "in those who should be Perfect before being allowed to ascend into Heaven."

According to what's written in the gospels Leo is correct.

Peace be with you, Paul
what does that mean?
How are we supposed to be perfect?
The saints weren't perfect. The disciples weren't perfect. There has probably never been a perfect pope (huge understatement). What is the point of pretending? Not that striving for something good can't be ok, just being realistic would help.
cole grey said:
Have fun in heaven with all two or three other humans that make it in, Leo.

Actually, many people will finally arrive to Heaven, but only after having been purified by the fiery Divine Light of Purgatory.

Only the vicious and the predatory -- the Conservative Republican kind of Soul -- will be absolutely damned. Those with any degree of Social Consciousness and sense of Duty to God and Neighbor will not be marked for Hell. But they will not instantly be allowed into Heaven while they still persist in any disgusting habits. They will first be subjected to the cleansing influences of Purgatory.

Once an Angel came to me in a Dream and lectured me upon the two sorts of Sin (the Angel even came with a chalkboard and a pointer) -- the Sin that damns to Hell and the Sin that attaches only to the body and is left behind when the body is left behind. They are called, by the Angels, "Black Sin" and "Red Sin". Black Sin is premeditated evil. Evil done in cold blood. Evil done for profit. The intentional and deliberate schemes to victimize and exploit others is Black Sin. Whereas, crimes of passion and appetite are the Red Sins. the worst that can be said of the Red Sins is that the Souls become habituated and identified with such behaviors -- like a man making a hobby out of sex or gluttony. The soul who leaves the body and transitions to a spiritual existence will feel lost if all of its priorities had been aligned around these bodily appetites. It is in Purgatory that the Body Habits of the Red Sins are shed and dispensed with so that the Soul can be Etherealized sufficiently to allow it to rise, no longer scorched, by the Light of God in Heaven.
Interesting ideas, Leo.

I actually like all that.
I mean, how can anyone complain that they have to spend a few thousand years in purgatory if it is their path to a positive eternity? I probably have a nice little cell waiting there for me, so I can slough off all the red sin.

But, which parts of the bible discuss the idea of purgatory, or categories of sin?
Dont be seuduced by em Cole...though i see no danger of that..hehe(wicked laugh)....the caddies pinched the idea of 'purgatory' from The Celts's idea of the Land of Faerie/Land of the Dead......a very enchanting place, erotic, where noone HAs to be 'perfect'--whatever that monstrosity FACT, bet you once hitting there ye wouldna WANt to go to no goddy woody two shoes sireee, no
Leo Volont: > "God sent His Son, 'the Perfect Man', Jesus Christ, to offer the Teachings that would open the Way to the Kingdom of God on Earth. If that Teaching had been left Pure, then what could have been said for Free Will?"

battig1370: > The Perfect Man, Jesus has said,, "I have ovecome the world", Jesus prayed to the Father, and said, " that they may be one, as You, Father, are in Me and I in You; they may also may be one in Us, that the world may beleive that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me ; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me." - ( John 17:21-23 ) Here Jesus prays to His Father that we may one with Him as He is one with His Father. This is not possible if Jesus not human as you and me.

Also Jesus spoke these words, " --- Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect" - (Matt. 5:43-48),
Jesus asked us to be perfect, why would Jesus ask this of us?

To John Jesus said, "To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. - (Rev. 3:21) How is this possible, to overcome as Jesus overcame?

battig1370: > 'The Perfect Man', Jesus has said, "I am the true vine, and My Father is the vine-dresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the Word which I have spoken to you. --- If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin." - (John 15:1-22)

Jesus, 'the Perfect Man' has said, "Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit." Here Jesus says that He was not perfect. But Jesus showed mankind how to overcome sin by He Himself overcoming.

Jesus became perfect because of His Love for His Father, and because Jesus surrendered His will for His Father's will. Jesus prayed three times, "O Father, if it is possible let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will."

Leo Volont: > If that Teaching had been left Pure, then what could have been said for Free Will?"

battig1370: > If that Teaching had been left Pure, mankind would have had and would have Free Will. Christians have been taught that it was Jesus that met Saul/St.Paul on the road to Damascus and Saul/St.Paul has become the chief apostle of Jesus since the time when the christian movement began in Antioch by the disciples of Saul/St.Paul. When people are deceived how can there be Free Will? It will be very painful for christians when the identity of the Beast and the false prophet is revealed. When the identity of the Beast and the false prophet is revealed than there be Free Will.

Peace be with you, Paul