pathogen identification


Theoretical Experimentalist
Valued Senior Member
This is a question from my exam -

48. An ambitious intern discovered a 100-kb circular plasmid in a strain of Vibrio cholera that she isolated from a sick football player at the Olin Health Center. She cut the plasmid with EcoRI, mixed the pieces with an EcoRI fragment of DNA from a transposon that contains a tetracycline-resistanec gene (tetR), and added DNA ligase to the mixture. Then she used the soup of ligated DNAs to transform recomination-deficient (RecA0) E. coli cells, and plated the transformed cells on medium supplemented with tetracycline. The next day, she found about fifty TetR colonies on her plates. The appearance of the TetR E. coli colonies indicated (virtually proved) that:

A. The intern had ligated pieces of DNA containing the tetR gene into the chromosome of the recipient E. coli cells
B. Segements of the ligated DNA were homologous to segments of the bacterial DNA and had integrated into the bacterial chromosome by recombination.
C. The TetR transformants contained circular DNA constructs consisting of at lest the orV from the plasmid and the tetR gene from the transposon.
D. The Tetr transformants replicated the linear piece of transposon DNA that contained the tetr gene because they are RecA-
E. The sick student was infected by a tetracycline resistant strain of shigella.

I have 52 seconds to read and solve this problem. How long will it take you?
Why 52 seconds? That sounds a bit strange. A problem can be simple yet still require some time to consider all the options. Anyhoo.....

C must be correct.

E may be correct – need more information.

A,B,D cannot be correct. These choices can be eliminated quickly.

How long did it take me? I'm not totally sure as I launched into the problem without accurately timing myself, but I guess it took me about a minute. (8 seconds longer than I was allowed! :eek:)

Do you require further elaboration?
52 seconds probably comes from the number of questions on the exam, and the time limit imposed for completion (70 questions in an hour would be about 52 seconds per question).
52 seconds probably comes from the number of questions on the exam, and the time limit imposed for completion (70 questions in an hour would be about 52 seconds per question).

Wow! 70 questions in an hour would, far and away, be the single hardest exam I have ever taken. That's insane! :eek:
I was wrong, its actually 50 seconds. Its 60 questions in 50 minutes. :(

I see why C has to be correct. Its actually really straightforward, but the sheer amount of information that is presented in the question definitely threw me off. My professor is one sneaky science nazi :bawl: