
Light Travelling

It's a girl O lord in a flatbed Ford
Registered Senior Member
I came accross the term Patheism recently, but looking around I have seen it taken to mean either;

1. A belief in God but no adherence to any particluar religion.
2. Following more than one religion
3. Virtually synonymous with pantheism

Does anyone know the correct definition and where the word comes from?
Are you sure it wasn't a mistake and the person meant to say or type Pantheism?
looking at it again, you are probably both right , .. It was my first thought that it was a spelling mistake, but its amazing how many times and how consistently it is spelt wrong on the internet...

(spur of the moment question :eek: )
Pantheism, by the way, means "all God belief", or "the belief that God is everything". Essentially the universe = God, including oneself. This is a belief held by some forms of Hinduism, Taoism, and a few other beliefs, including a few Greek philosophies. It's also fairly common in ancient and modern Occultism.
i believe god is everything but i'm not a pantheist.
i believe he's nothing too.
and whatever.
Apatheist? :)

I actually saw this on wikepdia whilst looking for this. Apathiest - meaning: cant be bothered to think about it.

Could a word be created then, Patheist; someone who does like thinking about it. :D

(it being religion)
How about: Sociopantheist - one who believes that God exists in the collective consciousness of society.
How about: Sociopantheist - one who believes that God exists in the collective consciousness of society.
as opposed to Sociopatheist one who does'nt care about anybody else's believe in god his is the special one, and everybody else's belief is just rubbish, or even the psychopantheist, one who kills everybody else who believes in god, he just goes that step further than the sociopatheist.
Javatheist - god is a good cup of coffee
And there was my geeky brain thinking God was a language incomprehensible to most, but very useful to the few that have the right epistemological training. ;) :D