patafysics? What is it?

Bill Lee

Registered Member
Need a simple explanation?
What is it - I´ve been trying to read some Alfred Jarry but I just can´t seem to get a grip of it. Does anyone have a simple explanation please!
Originally posted by Bill Lee
Need a simple explanation?
What is it - I´ve been trying to read some Alfred Jarry but I just can´t seem to get a grip of it. Does anyone have a simple explanation please!
To be honest, it's probably not worth bothering about; it's couched in the sort of obfuscatory crap that generally implies a lack of any substance whatsoever. I've read some Jarry and quite a bit of Baudrillard(*), and he suffers the same sort of verbal diarrhoea that Jarry suffers from. Anyone who considers "An epiphenomenon is that which is superinduced upon a phenomenon." to be a definition has a lot of problems, or a determination to be misuderstood. Or both.
(*)It's entirely possible that Baudrillard is a fluent and lucid kind of chap, and it's only his translators who suffer from an acute case of Wankeritis. If anyone's read the man in the original language and is willing to contradict me, I'm more than willing to be shown wrong.
Ok, but I would really like to know...

Ok, thanks for your help - I think - however I would really like to know anyway - you know, I´ve never even met anyone who even had a clue of what I was gibbering all about and that makes you seem pretty wandered in the area - so couldn't you please...?