Pat Robertson is a Nutjob

America is waiting for her to apologize for the death and destruction that her sexual deviance has brought onto this great nation.
It's about time someone realized that it's all Ellen's fault.

Wait a minute, who's fault is Rita?
Aileen Wuornos?
KD Lang?

He's not a nutjob, he's a standup comedian!
christians: perpetuating mindless absurdity and base hatemongering since approximately 30 CE.
Oh my God that article is so funny.
In order to avoid further tragedy, Robertson called not only for the Television Academy to find a new heterosexual host, but to bar all homosexuals and bisexuals from taking part in the ceremony.
It's obvious he knows nothing about the entertainment industry.
this guy is not a nut job, he is dangerous because millions of people blindly follow him and thinks they like the message of hate coming out of him.