Pat Robertson: God tells me it's Bush in a blowout


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Pat Robertson said Friday that God told him President Bush will be re-elected in a landslide.

``I think George Bush is going to win in a walk,'' the religious broadcaster said on his ``700 Club'' program on the Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network, which he founded.

``I really believe I'm hearing from the Lord it's going to be like a blowout election in 2004. It's shaping up that way,'' Robertson said.

``The Lord has just blessed him,'' Robertson said of Bush. ``I mean, he could make terrible mistakes and comes out of it. It doesn't make any difference what he does, good or bad, God picks him up because he's a man of prayer and God's blessing him.''
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What's the difference between this man and Miss Cleo? So why is he taken seriously? :mad:

This is obviously an exploitation of religion to further increase his wealth and power grasp. Because, at the end of the day that's what matters, no? Money and Power. That's what God must be.
Pat Robertson is the kind of hypocrites that Jesus has warned us of...

That's all and may God help all of us...
God Loves All Of Us
Pat Robertson uses the Christian religion, a religion of love, to somehow promote bigotry against those he seem to have issues with. He preaches liberal use of the death penalty, but wanted a murderer who converted to Christian to be spared from the death penalty. He preach use of these net-nanny software to censor certain politically controverial webpages and then complains when such net-nanny started to censor his webpages...

Believe liberty for all except for gay people as well as others.

That's all and may God help all of us...
God Loves All Of Us
So much for the doctrine of seperation of church and state. :rolleyes:

The man's as big a dick as Bush is. Obviously a ploy to remind the bible belt that they must vote for Bush because Bush is blessed, prays, blah blah blah. I can't remember the last time I heard a head of a church or religious group join in on an election campaign. I just like the 'whether he's good or bad he is still blessed because he says his prayers'. What a joke. A good politician would be distancing themselves from comments like that. Tells you a lot about Bush and his camp though. They'll probably use this as a further endorsement as to why Bush should be re-elected. Very sad.

On the one hand, Bells, that's one thing Bush has in common with the terrorists. They both get their orders from God, or some-such.

The problem, however, is Robertson's influence. Pat Robertson isn't a preacher at a local church. At the church of my Lutheran confirmation, there were all manner of opinions and perspectives. In Catholic school, the same. But Robertson is a right-wing politician with a fair-sized following. At once we must both account for the fact that this might as well be a voting bloc already accounted for in the Bush base, and also realize that it is substantial enough a bloc to have some influence. Reality sadly suggests that we must, as a nation, deal with Robertson and his ilk. What's the difference between one faith and another? Bush's remarks about God telling him to attack Iraq suggests some sort of revelatory issue. To the other is the faith that God will give wisdom--the (in)famous "Serenity Prayer," for instance. We must recognize the potential influence the revelatory crowd has; their way is attractive because it appears easier.

So at the outset, that's how many votes in Bush's pocket?

My first time voting, I guarantee you that my father canceled my vote entirely with his.

How many folks under Robertson's influence will vote for Bush before they even listen to a Democrat? (P.J. O'Rourke, in Modern Manners, wrote that his grandmother would not speak the word, "Democrat," in front of children, preferring, "bastards," instead. A different day, admittedly, but still worth its weight in a cheap smile.)
I don't think the Pat Robbinson is predicting anything here.
I think George Bush is going to win in a walk,'' the religious broadcaster said on his 700 Club'' program on the Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network, which he founded.
Obviously a personal opinion. Well, I think Bush is going to win too, but I don't have any divine insight.

``I really believe I'm hearing from the Lord it's going to be like a blowout election in 2004. It's shaping up that way,'' Robertson said.
Difficult to know what Pat is basing this on. Because he said, "I really believe" he's not prophesying. Rather, presumptively he saw some sort of sign, and viewed it as possibly coming from God.

Pat Robertson uses the Christian religion, a religion of love, to somehow promote bigotry against those he seem to have issues with. He preaches liberal use of the death penalty, but wanted a murderer who converted to Christian to be spared from the death penalty. He preach use of these net-nanny software to censor certain politically controverial webpages and then complains when such net-nanny started to censor his webpages...
Well, Pat Robertson is not Bush. Besides, Abortion is much stronger issue for most Christians than the death penalty.