Pastafarian takes on Austrian government.

Hmmm.....aside from the obvious waste of public time and resources, this individual has succeeded in getting himself noticed, among a world population of approx. 7 billion.

He does raise a question of what criteria qualifies as religious headgear, as well as what constitutes a belief system.

I'm uncertain as to whether this guy qualifies as an attention seeking wing-nut or whether he has a purpose in this pursuit.

Sometimes the most innocuous actions can set change in motion. :rolleyes:
Hmmm.....aside from the obvious waste of public time and resources, this individual has succeeded in getting himself noticed, among a world population of approx. 7 billion.

He does raise a question of what criteria qualifies as religious headgear, as well as what constitutes a belief system.

I'm uncertain as to whether this guy qualifies as an attention seeking wing-nut or whether he has a purpose in this pursuit.

Sometimes the most innocuous actions can set change in motion. :rolleyes:

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster


"The more you read about us, the more you're going to be persuaded that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the true creator and that FSMism is the Best. Religion. Ever. Go ahead, try us for 30 days. If you don't like us, your old religion will most likely take you back. Unless it's the Jains, whose feelings are easily hurt." - Bobby Henderson

They always dressed in pirate attire and blessed their meatballs before they chewed.
But the pirate’s mistakes were in their fates as soon as they entered the temple.
In the town of Noodliopia, the holiest utopia, where only Pastafarians roamed, was a lovely old man, his hair neatly combed, who was the meatball messiah.

In all of their greed the pirates agreed, that Noodliopia had much potential.
They schemed and gleamed as they cleaned their swords, ready to raid the temple.
Although in a rush, they came in a hush, not wanting to wake Captain Jones Eliah (the meatball messiah).

Soon they had reached, the place they would breach and started to enter the temple.
But then out of nowhere, they heard a loud screech as if there was water boiling over.
They looked up to the sky as hot water rained down and the town was covered with meatballs.

The people ran out and Eliah did shout “Alas you ass, you have woken the lord!”
The Flying Spaghetti monster came down in a whirl and banished all of the pirates.
He sent them out far on a horrible quest to find the biggest octopus (It was never found).

Then Captain Eliah, the meatball messiah pleaded to thee “You have touched me with your noodly appendage, let you do so to our dwelling. We need some protection and thou art our leader, so please save us now.”

The Lord was wise and did rise to muster his strength, and with all his great power, he lifted the tower, that was engraved with scriptures.

He lifted the temple and the homes of the followers and moved them to a safe place.
Now Captain Eliah, the meatball messiah, and all of his most loyal companions, live somewhere safe, to carry the faith, of the Flying Spaghetti Monster
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Hmmm.....aside from the obvious waste of public time and resources, this individual has succeeded in getting himself noticed, among a world population of approx. 7 billion.

He does raise a question of what criteria qualifies as religious headgear, as well as what constitutes a belief system.

I'm uncertain as to whether this guy qualifies as an attention seeking wing-nut or whether he has a purpose in this pursuit.

Sometimes the most innocuous actions can set change in motion. :rolleyes:
compared to the 100s of millions of theobots wasting resources every which way?

I say good on him!
It sounds like their driver's licensure department's credulity was a (ba-dum-ting!)