Partial S Curved Spine?


Wiki says an important distinguishing feature of the genus homo is the s curved spine, so are there any "missing links" which are partially between the s curved spine of humans and the spine of monkeys?
But Com Ham, many Darwinists say monkeys are not in the human "family tree," they say we changed from a line of creatures from the tree shrew ancestor, with the monkeys being of a different branch from our supposed common tree shrew ancestor.
Hmmm, no transitional forms, that seems to be one of the many blights on Darwinism, which is obviously a flimsy hypothesis, at best.

Not at all. This is exactly what we would expect from the theory of evolution.

We wouldn't necessarily expect to be able to find every "transitional form". Fossilisation is an exceedingly rare process. Expecting to find every intermediate step in a given evolutionary progression is being incredibly unrealistic.