
Registered Member
When you read the other article, and then this, it is really sobering.
How much more confirmation could we want that this next phase leading towards Ascension starts June 22nd, 2000 at 00:59 a.m.?


What we are now going to reveal to all, is the sequence of EVENTS as they will unfold, commencing on the 22nd of June 2000, at 00:59 local Cairo time. This is NOT a negotiable date, what we will outline for all is the sequence of event's that will occur. THERE ARE MANY PEOPLE HERE, ALL OF WHOM VOLUNTEERED A VERY LONG TIME AGO, TO GIVE AIDE, AS WELL AS ASSISTANCE, TO ALL THAT WISH TO MAKE THEIR FREE WILL CHOICE. AND TO ENSURE THAT ONCE HAVING MADE THAT FREE WILL CHOICE, THEY BE ALLOWED TO EXERCISE IT.

We offer this information not only to the people whom will be ascending, BUT also as notice to those whom are here to PREPARE. The date and time's are set and we all have our tasks to complete, and "HE" thanks all.....

The next PHASE which (beginning on JUNE, 22nd) calls for the immediate evacuation of all who are prepared, by their right through FREE WILL CHOICE as "HE" has promised to do so, WE call this promise the "COVENANT". ALL who have lived up to their obligations under the COVENANT will have the right to ascend. THOSE WHO HAVE NOT MUST THEN ASK FOR HIS FORGIVENESS. WHICH WE ARE SURE HE WILL GRANT. For "HE" would never knowingly or unjustly, forsake any of his children.

There will be a warning prior to the event for all people who are leaving, however, those selected to go will only know minutes beforehand that this is to occur. It is believed that when they "feel" that call, (the call being a disoriented feeling) they should immediately relax as fully as possible. Others involved will carry out the remaining work necessary.

There is a welcoming committee in place to help the people re-orient themselves once aboard the large spacecraft. Those selected will be unable to bring anything with them, apart from what is on their person at the time. We have been advised that they will be made very comfortable for the duration though out the journey and will eventually see how irrelevant the physical is anyway.

June 22nd is the start of a "window of opportunity". The take-up will not happen all in one day. Those that are in isolated areas will be taken without too many problems. Others will have to be taken when other events are happening simultaneously, whether that be war, weather or earthquakes, etc. As the EARTH is now about to undergo a series of transformations, these changes will be occurring in preparation for the POLE SHIFT. During these EARTH adjustment event's, millions of people will SEEMINGLY be presumed dead. THIS however will not be the case, as this will be the time when those going will be removed and taken aboard the waiting ship's.

In other words, the process will be carried out when these people will not be missed immediately. The ones left will have ample time to make their choice at a later date..

The method of ‘transportation’ set in place would basically be described as a ‘Jacob's ladder’, which will remain in place until the battle commences. Once the battle lines are completely drawn and everyone is in place (after the birth in December) the ladder will be closed.

This process of ‘ascension’ will continue until all those who wish to go are taken, or until the window closes due to other foreseen events. The next six months will witness much travail on the earth and many changes will be occurring to the earth.

There will be some fear surrounding the events.

None of what we have now revealed should come as a total surprise to anyone, as "HE" has left many Text's in many languages, dispersed throughout the various cultures, and peoples. All foretelling of what is to come.

It is apparent that no other foreseeable major event will occur prior to the birth event in December 2000, discussed briefly in On the Eighth day, except that of the earth changes we mentioned previously.


Although there is some evidence to support the LAST EXODUS, it is as often left to the individual to make his or her own decision, to place oneself into "HIS" care. For this requires FAITH in "HIM".

One may wish to give thought to a number of cities that have been discovered, such as ANGKOR WAT, where the city remains were found intact (only the people missing or disappeared without trace). There are many more, whether Aleatian, Mayan or others, all found totally intact.

If one were to carry out a little independent research, one will come across many similar sites that have been uncovered, or ‘re-discovered’. Such as:

Or cities where battles were waged and subsequently destroyed as shown at

REMINDER to those who hear the call (disoriented feeling) just totally relax and let us do the work.....

Howard Middleton-Jones (UK)

James M Wilkie (Canada)

Julie King (Australia)

JUNE 2000

Jane Derry
I'm here. Anybody else? Did we have a mass ascension and I missed it? @#%&!!!
I find it quite amusing that people are silly enough to actually put a date on the end of the world. When that date comes and passes with nothing hapening, the idiot that came up with the prophecy ends up looking like a major jack ass. For future reference, if you are going to predict a certain prophecy, don't give an actuall date, that way you can always argue about the interpretation of the events. When you give a date, you have nothing to fall back on. I was actually very interested in the Prophecies of Nostradamus, simply because he did predict Hisler to a T. His famous quatrain regarding the 7th month of 1999, and the fire in the sky destroying the earth, came and went last year with nothing. After seeing that, I'm pretty much a major skeptic on any end of the world prophecies. Now the biggie is the last day of the Mayan calendar. Dec 20, 2012 or something like that. I don't actually think it is the end of the world, I think that it is certainly possible that that particular date signifies the date that the human conciousness becomes aware of it's place in the universe, and every living human on Planet Earth is aware that they are not alone in the universe. That's just my personal gut instinct. Anyways, good day.
I have every confidence that Tianca will give us a new date to look forward to.
Won't you dear ?

I err, therefore I exist !
hmmmh....June 25th....

Get a life a life.... and wee bit of logic.

Ps If on the off-chance this was a highly-sculpted piece of black satirical humour its still crap.

Well now, since we have mapped out the human genome, it won't matter anymore as to which way one chooses to spend their eternity, (i.e. Physical, or otherwise) for soon enough, we will all have the ability to live forever within a perfect, self rejuvinating physical body, and when the husk starts to age, we would simply shed our skin like the other reptiles. (LoL)

Then again, If I had just half the shelf life, of an ordinary human being, perhaps I would not be making this reply at all.

I'm not sure if you are making a joke...but I completely believe that genetics WILL make that possible...not too far away there will be a cure for age the reason I believe is because I have been told this stuff by people who should know i.e. genetics professors etc.. now when human life expectancy becomes several thousand years just watch how quickley they'll find hospitable plantes and technology to get colonies out there.....and the human virus spreads through the universe.